Sunday carvery at the hillside

We will start the carvery from the 11th. October until further notice , if you wish to book please call the bar on 966797673 thank you x

Colin - How about doing a *HALLOWEEN NIGHT* on Fri 30th Oct?? That used to be a great evening.........

Commented Carol in La Marina 2015-10-07 06:52:25 UTC

Cagney's B&B

i don't know if anyone can help us but we have had a Norwegian lady, by the name of Charlotte and her son Miguel staying at our B&B for the last 11 days. She was due to vacate the room by 12.00 today. The room is locked up and there is no answer. The problem is that she has both sets of keys to the room and we can not enter it. It needs to be cleaned immediately as I have the next guests sat waiting in the bar to go into the room. I have no contact number for Charlotte. Does anyone on the urb know her and is there any way i can get a message to her a we desperately need our keys back? Our contact number is 634 624 369. Would be really grateful if anyone can help us. Many thanks. Kate & Ricky

What was the outcome?

Commented Spanish Connections in Rentals in Spain 2015-10-07 06:38:38 UTC


Does anyone know of conversational Spanish classes on the urb, or nearby?

La Marina

There are lessons run by Alberto upstairs in the Angel bar, just round the corner from SupaValu near the police station.. Sorry, I have lost his number, but he just does conversation groups and charges 6 euros for an hour. You can get his details from the Angel

Commented Frizzy in La Marina 2015-10-04 08:26:31 UTC


Is there karaoke at thep osh club tonight .thanks

La Marina

Thanks to Simply Aircon & Good luck to DREAMS Bar

I just had a quick week in La Marina and am completely gutted now that I'm back home and stuck in work.
I finally had some Air Con fitted after having my place for 8 years due the sweltering summer.
I'd have to say I was very impressed with The Simply Air con Team. They were on time, fast, clean and I had a good laugh with them too. Not only that but when my neighbour came out to complain about the positioning of a unit they were only too happy to re site it to appease him so that I don't get any repocussions. I would highly reccomend them.

Also good luck to Emma and the rest of her family at DREAMS Bar. We went for opening night and had a great time. We returned another couple of times and were warmly welcomed and again had a good laugh. The bar looks really smart and modern too and I can't wait to get over for another visit. Thanks to all for making it another great week.

La Marina


Rocking good night last night at the hillside with Woody as usual for Colin & Sue last day,with plenty of food and good music, dancing, really enjoyed it.

La Marina

so what is happening with hillside
has it got new owners and is it still open ?

Commented mark in La Marina 2015-09-30 12:07:28 UTC

road in oasis

hi has anybody got a bill from the suma regarding a ESPECIALES payment for the replacment of the road they destroyed due on 5/11/15

La Marina

I received a bill yesterday for 25% of the total and it will be collected on 5/11/15. I had to sign for it.

Commented Bob Smith in La Marina 2015-09-26 09:06:05 UTC

I thought the problems with the roads on Oasis was sorted, I am sure I read that the men and machinery were ready to start and would not leave until it was finished, So I gathered by now that it was completed or as they say JOB DONE. But it sounds as if the job isn't finished and certain residents will be expected to pay for the rest to be done. Does anybody know just which areas are getting bills? Personally I thought the Council authorized the work to be done after they wrecked it, Is anybody telling the truth?

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-09-27 09:19:49 UTC

Whats Oasis got to do with you Alan have you moved or as usual just sticking your oar in thought you had taken your ball home and stopped commenting on this Forum but you just cant

Commented david in La Marina 2015-09-27 11:18:37 UTC

Pretty silly remark of yours. But hey ,that is part of what a forum is about

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-09-27 11:43:39 UTC

yes david,im afraid if alan doesnt like anything it has to be WRONG,nobody knows best except for him.

Commented exsas in La Marina 2015-09-27 15:47:06 UTC

Glad somebody else as noticed back home he would probably come under the catagory as nosy neighbour with nothing else better to do wonder what he did before computers probably wrought letters to local press

Commented david in La Marina 2015-09-27 18:04:50 UTC

yea what an exiting life he must of led,i bet hes never done a bungee jump or similar,or never scuba dived,ibet the most exiting thing hes ever done is broken the speed limit!!!

Commented exsas in La Marina 2015-09-27 21:18:37 UTC

I thought this was a Forum for Debate & Information, not a Slanging Match.....

Commented stevefox in La Marina 2015-09-29 07:24:09 UTC

you are right stevefox,i apologise to everybody including alan.

Commented exsas in La Marina 2015-09-29 11:44:03 UTC

garbage collection-councillor Paulino

We are sorry the problem we had a couple of days with the garbage collection ....this was nothing to do with the Town Hall -----a surprise by order of the judge the site where most of the municipalities --12 in total around us was closed friday ,we were moving a lot of strings with the Valencian Government to sort it out .......finally after hours of negociation in the early hours of Sutarday we could solve the solution ,the news came in the newspapers and Spanish tv -----I just send you this information as apology and clarify this was out of our hands ,anyway when you have any questions I am at your service ay the office in calle Madrid it is better to now things from the horse mouth and not just rumors ..Greetings from Councillor Paulino

An explanation of the problem, that's good enough for me,thank you.

Commented blarter222 in La Marina 2015-09-28 06:17:48 UTC

A step in the right direction Paulino, Firstly for putting the official reasons for the Garbage cock, up but most importantly I notice you did rthis on a Sunday Evening, Which is in your own time, for that I applaud you . Perhaps when problems appear in la marina concerning the Residents you could use this sort of method more often and perhaps quicker. Also I noticed the streets where I was earlier today were being swept by the appropriate vehicle, first time I have noticed it for severeal weeks. Def 10 out of 10

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-09-28 10:15:29 UTC

Debra Charity shop in Consum Square

There is a coffee and cake morning on Friday 2 Oct. 10.30 til 2.00pm at the shop. This is to acknowledge 8 yrs at the shop. Everyone is welcome. Please support this worthwhile charity.

La Marina

Man & van

Hi, I have some rubbish that needs collecting for the tip. Does anyone in La Marina know of a Man with van who does this?

Yes Del Melia tel.674 432 982 Highly recommended

Commented mrsnott in La Marina 2015-09-27 18:13:01 UTC
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