
i am noticing a serious lack of poppies this year.

La Marina

We will have to reduce the use of opium this year. But we will survive.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2015-11-06 16:25:56 UTC

reindeer keeper i seriously hope you misunderstood my comment and thought i meant live poppies instead of worn ones to show how we remember all the brave people who gave their lives for their countries.....i hope you wasnt being flippant about it no matter what nationality you are.

Commented exsas in La Marina 2015-11-06 18:33:23 UTC

celebration of memorial day


WiFi Password

Hi All ,
We're the new owners of a place on Marina del Mar 1. Came out for a few days last week, but didnt have time to get our WiFi reconnected.
Back in UK for a few weeks , but can anyone put me in touch with someone from Res & Owners Assoc for MDM1 who we can get the WiFi password sorted from , which i gather costs Euro 35.
Previous owner didnt disconnect the WiFi , but , as I'd have done , didnt pass over the Password.
Any names , email addresses , hyperlinks would be great , Thx ,
Rob Hughes

Hi Rob, welcome to Del Mar 1.
The Presidents Number is 966 790 607. His name is Peter Wooton and he should be able to help.

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2015-11-03 10:17:47 UTC

Thx for the number & the welcome ! Rob

Commented robinh123 in La Marina 2015-11-03 10:54:13 UTC

Shoe Box Appeal

Hi everyone, it's that time of year again, when we are announcing our Shoe Box Appeal for the children of the most needy families in San Fulgencio and Urb La Marina.

The shoe boxes have to be wrapped in Christmas paper and the top must be left open. They can range from the ages of 1 - 16.years.

If you want to help us, please either drop your boxes into the AAN charity shop under the laundry near to Cagneys bar or into the Urbanisation Office opposite Dialprix.

These boxes will be given out for the children with the Christmas food from,the charity. You can also give food, this can be taken also to the two collection points.
Thank you.
Pauline Prior - President AAN Charity

La Marina

The Royal British Legion - Open Day

Hello everyone,

As some of you will already be aware, I have recently taken over as manager of The Posh Club, next to the Thursday & Sunday market area, in urbanisation La Marina. I am delighted to be able to inform everyone, that we have recently entered into a collaboration with The Royal British Legion whereby we hope to help raise the profile of this fantastic charity, in our local area.

Our first combined event, to be held at the club on Tuesday 10th of November, from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm will be an Open Day, whereby members of the public can meet with existing branch members and committee members to hear about local branch membership issues and current welfare initiatives operated by The Legion. In addition, the British Vice-Council in Alicante, Mr Lloyd Milen, is also expected to be in attendance.

This event is open to everyone (existing Royal British Legion members & non-members, ex-service personnel & non-service personnel alike).

If you are interested in becoming a member, or are just interested in finding out more about the fantastic work that The Royal British Legion do in your area, why not pop along and meet up with them.

We look forward to seeing you on the 10th.


La Marina

This Sunday, November 1st At Cagney's Bar

Never been seen before on the Urb, we have the Orbison tribute followed by the Buddy Holly tribute, and finishing off with the Everlys tribute. 3 fabulous tributes in one afternoon. Our terrace is sold out but do come and join us for a drink inside the bar.


Just like to thank the selfish idiot who couldn't,be bothered to go to the tip,for filling up both bins with garden waste.Of course its a red day and the bins and area surrounding are a proper mess already.Not sure if its going to be Sunday or Monday or even Tuesday before they get emptied.Thanks a lot pal.No good blaming the council on this one.Just an I,m alright Jack,typical self centred person.Cheers!!!

Lots of these kind of people about. I live in the valley (Del Mar 1) and most of the verge going onto the verde, has been cultivated by the Council with lots of neighbours also planting off-cuts, trying to make it nice, but then you get people dumping old sofas, cupboards, building waste etc, and the tip is only a few hundred yards away !

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2015-10-09 09:03:36 UTC

Big Ed,It does make you lose faith in human nature,when the few stick two fingers up to every other person trying to keep things today.I wonder if,we and the council can come up with a way of stopping these people without getting a mouthful of abuse.Providing you see them doing it?

Commented blarter222 in La Marina 2015-10-09 09:13:06 UTC

The council should put notices on the bins saying what is allowed to be placed in them, also signs put up saying no fly-tipping.
Even though I don't live on the bottom road, if I have any cuttings that will grow, I take them down and plant them, but I think, is it worth it when people don't respect it, ie building waste dumped and dog crap everywhere.

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2015-10-10 07:54:44 UTC

Big Ed,don't mention dog crap here.According to the dog owners it doesn't exist.Clever dogs here, they all have their own toilet.

Commented blarter222 in La Marina 2015-10-15 07:11:35 UTC

We had a fantastic system for disposing of garden waste, old fridges, etc. etc. a lorry came round once a week and picked it all up. This changed to today's system, which is nowhere as good, we now have to go to a tip. The problem with this system,( not open weekends and holidays ), when most people do their gardens, a lot of people don't have transport, and those that do can't transport fridges etc, what about people who don't have any transport. I would think this also costs a lot more than paying for a lorry once a week. So lets go back to the brilliant system we had before.

Commented Marv.75 in San Fulgencio 2015-10-25 17:31:12 UTC

For some reason people think that the verde / campo areas around Oasis is a rubbish dump as well and I've seen and photographed two people dumping garden waste, one with a big trailer and the other with a wheelbarrow, I sent the photos which showed car registration numbers to Paulino who forwarded them to the police. The response from the Police was that they cannot do anything unless they catch them in the act.......crazy!.
On a positive note the huge mountain of rubbish has been cleared from the junction of Calle Kalandi & Calle Murillo and mounds have been created to hopefully prevent a new mountain being created. One can hope I suppose.


Commented Bob Smith in La Marina 2015-10-26 09:15:49 UTC

The Police Local can not investigate crimes, they can only act on crimes they see with their own eyes. The Gaurdia are the ones you need to contact

Commented johnmckernanjnr in La Marina 2015-10-26 10:55:19 UTC

Send the photos to free newspapers and shame them

Commented sisters in La Marina 2015-10-26 18:37:05 UTC

Further to the original post.
There's a house near me that's been empty for yrs, I think the owners did a 'runner' and ever since, it's started to look shabby and overgrown.
A few days ago there was some action, 2 guys appeared and started knocking the place about. Good news, finally someone might be about to smarten the place up..........unfortunately.. they dumped everything next to the bin. There were panes of glass, an old mattress, pieces of chipboard, cupboard doors, drawers, bags of rubbish that's been opened up and scattered, everything but the kitchen sink ! What a mess ! I didn't see them do it, but it has to be them, there's no other work going on round here.
The blokes haven't been seen for a couple of days, they just seem to turn up willy nilly, but when they do, i'm gonna keep my eye on proceedings, and if poss, video them.

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2015-10-29 11:14:06 UTC

Wedding photos

Can you please give me a price for photography for our wedding in December

Telefonica OR Telecable........................

We are having a lot of problems with Telefonica. We are thinking of changing over to Telecable.
Could we please have feedback from anybody that is on the Telecable system - good and bad comments please?
In particular it is the Internet speed that we are interested in knowing about. On Telefonica our speed is 4Mbps
but we see that Telecable are offering 8Mbps.

What does worry us is that with the Telecable system we would be on a Wireless system but with Telefonica, who we are
with at the moment, we are, of course, on a landline system. Is there much difference in reception when on the phone and using Internet? Thanks

La Marina

I am with Telecable only on the 4mbps and have no problems on the odd occasion the Internet as gone off have telephoned them and they have responded immediatly and its never been off for more than 1 hour.Did you know that they in the process of installing Fibre Optic Cabling and when this is in they will be able to provide faster speeds do not kniw what the pricing will be.

Commented david in La Marina 2015-10-27 08:38:11 UTC

I have Telecable 8mb and I agree with David, very good service, reliable, no noticeable difference than a landline service.
I am based near La Marina so I am assuming you will get the same strength signal.
Ask where the transmitter is if there are no large objects in the line of sight you should be ok.

Commented Miguel in La Marina 2015-10-28 06:10:00 UTC

stolen plants

To the greedy, heartless get who stole plants from my dads little patch in front of the house. We only lost my dad at the end of July and made a small plot for him so I could scatter some of his ashes.....i wouldn't mind but the plants weren't expensive, so why not buy your own? I know the scumbag who nicked them probably wont even read this but someone might know who it was.

La Marina

so sorry.........i feel for you.

Commented exsas in La Marina 2015-10-26 06:02:57 UTC
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