Fast & reliable internet connection in La Marina

Hi all,

We're coming out permanently later this year but we will still be running an internet business from our house there, we'll need a fast, stable and reliable internet connection to do so. Any recommendations? 8MB is probably a minimum, no download limits or throttling as I intend to use streaming TV also.


I use Telecable and have had no problem for 4 years. They are now offering cable internet which is a lot faster and not that expensive.

Commented Paul Roach in La Marina 2016-03-21 22:28:21 UTC

Luis de Gongora 1

Hi, we are in the process of buying a property on this complex. Can anyone advise me of the following:
- How much the community charges are?
- Who the charges are paid to?
- How are they paid...monthly quarterly or annually?
- contact details of the President?
Many thanks
Rob and Maria Hughes

La Marina

Hi we live on Luis De Gongora 1 Fase 4 if this is the same as you. Our community fees are decided at the AGM every August. They have been 270E per house for some years now, payable by 31 October by cash into the community bank account or by direct debit. Our president is Graham who does a great job. Hope this is of some help to you.

Commented rickyandkate in La Marina 2016-03-19 10:47:51 UTC

Hi Ricky and Kate, thanks for info; about the community charges. Are you the same Ricky that has the Cagney and Lacey bar?

Commented hughes9249 in Quesada 2016-03-19 10:52:36 UTC

Hi Rob, Kate here and yes we have Cagney's bar!!

Commented rickyandkate in La Marina 2016-03-19 10:59:06 UTC

Hi Kate, I thought so. We are friends of Lee and Lynsey. They told us you had a place in the same calle. Look forward to meeting you.

Commented hughes9249 in Quesada 2016-03-19 11:02:30 UTC

Ah, that's lovely. Will be nice to meet you too.

Commented rickyandkate in La Marina 2016-03-19 11:05:31 UTC

Luis de Gongora 1

Hi, we are in the process of buying a property on this complex. Can anyone advise me of the following:
- How much the community charges are?
- Who the charges are paid to?
- How are they paid...monthly quarterly or annually?
- contact details of the President?
Many thanks
Rob and Maria Hughes

about 2 hours ago by hughes9249 in Quesada Commenty

You could try a posting on here

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2016-03-19 11:20:04 UTC


At Bar Plazita behind Ramones. Bring a guitar, come and have a sing along or just to listen. Everybody welcome.

La Marina

I will be there will bring a guitar all levels of player welcome.

Commented bluesboytoby in La Marina 2013-10-09 05:22:04 UTC


Commented bluesboytoby in La Marina 2013-10-09 09:14:55 UTC

They say singing makes you feel happier come along & join in.

Commented bluesboytoby in La Marina 2013-10-09 09:22:53 UTC

Tim what night is this on then? Perhaps you should put it up into the Events section as well?

Commented Ian in La Marina 2013-10-09 10:57:04 UTC

ian its on tonight starts approx 9.00

Commented bluesboytoby in La Marina 2013-10-09 11:05:35 UTC

A third guitarist joined us tonight and we all had an enjoyable evening. We will be back there next Wednesday at the earlier time of 8:00 pm. Everybody welcome.

Commented Tim in La Marina 2013-10-09 22:28:10 UTC

I will second that come long give it a try.

Commented bluesboytoby in La Marina 2013-10-10 05:48:37 UTC

Hi Tim my name is Gary if you get to read this can you give me a call mate, I'm looking for guitar lessons.
695 787 787

Commented garyb39 in Rojales 2016-03-18 10:57:49 UTC

School in San Fulengcio

Hi I am moving over to the La Marina Urb next year and is the School in San Fulengcio the best choice for my Son who will be 9 years old, as I have heard that he will have to go to this School, and also its not that good? :(

Fitness fantastic.....

Hi guys
My husband and I are hoping to move to La Marina in the near future and was wondering if you could give me some feedback.
Danny (hubby) is a master personal trainer specialising in rehab therapy, and deals with lots of medical conditions while liaising with G.Ps.
He wants to take advantage of the beautiful parks, beaches and cycling routes and introduce some fitness camps/groups.
Is this something people would be interested in or do you do it already?

Thanks in advance,
Emma xxx

La Marina

Gas safe Plumber

Can anybody recommend a Gas Safe plumber or similar please?

La Marina

The Dog House

The Dog House, situated at the side of Dial Prix Supermarket, is owned by the lovely Jenny.
Unfortunately, she has decided to close the bar at the end of this month (March)
If anyone is interested in making an offer for the bar, or in buying kitchen equipment or other items associated with the bar, please call in for a chat.

A nice little buisness for Sue & yourself Stockport.?.... Mind you, anyone taking over a Bar on the Urb must be Barking Mad....

Commented stevefox in La Marina 2016-03-08 00:09:37 UTC

Very good Steve, I saw what you did there.
Yep, a nice bar, but I prefer to be in front, not behind.

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2016-03-08 08:35:46 UTC

Z Bed (foldable)

I have for sale a single foldable Z bed in excellent condition.Full tubular metal frame and sprung mattress covered in brown and white checked cloth.The mattress is unmarked and the frame has only light cosmetic marks on the legs.I live on the urb and can deliver locally.£40 Ono ,Thank you

Irresponsible Dog Owners

Why oh why do we all have to listen to barking dogs at all hours of the day???? Totally irresponsible owners who must be deaf stupid or both ???? The four that we have to listen to are in the garden all day while the owners are at home ,surely they have a duty to other residents to keep them under control . But then again it shows the illiteracy of the owners

why are you complaining on here,if the owners are at home why arent you knocking on their door?

Commented exsas in La Marina 2016-01-13 06:43:15 UTC

Will the people concerned know that it is them that you are referring to?

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2016-01-13 13:00:56 UTC

How come some owners feel the need to have multiple dogs? They tend to start each other off barking.

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2016-01-13 21:01:51 UTC

Send Sue round to sort them out.....

Commented stevefox in La Marina 2016-01-14 00:40:26 UTC

Hi Steve, it's Su's post, she's hijacked my site !

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2016-01-14 10:11:56 UTC

people can have as many dogs as they like
its nothing to do with you.
most owners are very considerate

Commented mark in La Marina 2016-01-14 12:55:57 UTC

I dont think that is correct Mark I was under vthe impression that over five animals in one premises requires a zoological Licence, or was that info. Pub Banter

Commented Alan in La Marina 2016-01-14 13:23:54 UTC

Mark, quite correct, people are at liberty to do and have what they want, but when it affects other people's lifestyle, that' s when it becomes a problem.

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2016-01-14 14:43:35 UTC

biged,since my post on this subject you have posted twice but not answered my question to you why is that?!!

Commented exsas in La Marina 2016-01-14 15:24:10 UTC

Hi exsas, first of all, my site was hijacked by my partner, then I joined in halfway through.
In the past at my other house, i' ve approached irresponsible owners only to be met with abuse and bad language. I now live in what I consider to be a nice, select area, and if the people living there ( with dogs) can not respect other peoples lifestyles, my comments to them personally are not gonna change by me having words. It seems most of my new neighbours are sick of the noise, so the next step will be a denuncia.

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2016-01-14 15:35:44 UTC

ok fair comment i suppose.........but i do think a nice approach to these people first is the right way,then if its no joy go denuncia way.
myself personally i would be more upset at a denuncia out of the blue than a neighbour voicing his opinion to me in a friendly way.

Commented exsas in La Marina 2016-01-14 17:03:44 UTC

I think I am allowed to ask a question and have an opinion Mark.

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2016-01-14 17:27:12 UTC

of course you quesada...
i think you are jumping on the bandwagon and have
a total dislike of all dog lovers

Commented mark in La Marina 2016-01-15 12:36:39 UTC

Mark the problem is with the owners and may i say with these dog re homing charities that keep letting the same people take more dogs than they need. We have a couple near us that now have taken in six yes six dogs that are just left in the garden to bark and bark all day when they decide to go to work and then stay away till 11 or 12 pm these so called dog lovers are not thinking of there neigbours and the impact it has on peoples lives, this couple don't even walk these dogs is this the sort of people the dog charities really want to look after the dogs and why are these people not checked out or is it give these dogs a home at any cost ???? When a denunciation goes in against these people and they have to move the dogs on do the dog charities just dump them onto the next miss led person and so the noise continues. People need to use common sense and think of there neighbours as well as the dogs

Commented britannia in La Marina 2016-01-15 15:18:11 UTC

Why do people put comment to indicate that people can have as many dogs as they like, its totally rubbish or do they hope by saying it often enough it will be true. Facts like this are so easily checked.

Commented johnmckernanjnr in La Marina 2016-01-15 15:24:36 UTC

Mark, I have nothing against dog owners and realise they give companionship to many. It's just that I find it confusing when just one is not enough. Your waste bags must get awfully full and smelly when you take them for a walk. Congratulations on your power of observation that I come from Quesada, the tag line is always a give-away.

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2016-01-15 19:40:30 UTC

Done that,hence have you read my text properly

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2016-01-24 17:38:57 UTC

Constant barking dogs is a pet hate of mine (pun intended) - not the odd bark when someone is knocking the door, the barking of a dog put in the yard and continuously barks - which everyone can hear apart from the damn owners.

I'll certainly be engaging the owners for some friendly dialogue.

Commented Rod in La Marina 2016-03-06 14:54:56 UTC

guitar lessons

anyone know a guitar teacher or someone that can help me learn how to play???

La Marina

I am over in la marina on sat for two week, I could show you a few bits to help get you started a hour or 2 a week
I am on manzanares if you are near there

Commented Sam in La Marina 2013-08-19 12:31:53 UTC

hi Sam, that would be great, where is your place near?? Im right by the hillside pub

Commented andeeroo in La Marina 2013-08-19 13:08:29 UTC

Yes I know the hillside i am near the sports comlpex about 20 mins away on foot. Meet up early next week if you want. is it bank holiday on mon like hear in England if so can meet on Monday. Can you play anything already or chords and what sort of music are you wanting to learn only asking to have some idear on what to do.

Commented Sam in La Marina 2013-08-19 14:30:11 UTC

Hi, I teach guitar and can give you lessons if you wish. I live near La Tiendecita next to the computer shop in Calle Dublin and feel free to come and see me for an informal chat. If you ask at La Tiendacita for Tim the guitar player they will tell you where I live.

Commented Tim in La Marina 2013-08-19 21:13:14 UTC

ye i can do that monday day time, i play electric, know the chords and can play them just not very fluently, i think it would be best if you treated me as an absolute beginner, music : anything and everything!! what do you play?

Commented andeeroo in La Marina 2013-08-19 21:43:59 UTC

hi Tim, thanks for replying, yes i would like lessons, thanks for the directions, will pop down possibly friday day time. thanks again Tim

Commented andeeroo in La Marina 2013-08-19 21:46:23 UTC

Hi Anderoo. Not sure if your answering me or or Sam but for the record I play anything from classical to rock. The normal method I use is teaching classical to learn the correct techniques and adding extra bits depending on what style you would like to learn. Feel free to come and see me anyway, no obligation.

Commented Tim in La Marina 2013-08-19 21:49:02 UTC

OK Anderoo I will be here on Friday, See you then.

Commented Tim in La Marina 2013-08-19 23:32:57 UTC

Hi Anderoo just a quick reply, glad your getting sorted with lessons from Tim. soon we will be meeting up for a jam on guitars. I am over 4 times a year and love having strum on guitar I play like Tim a bit of everything from rock to classical but jack of all trades good at none I just enjoy playing so look forward to a jam some time soon. i am facing electric box down from sports centre if you see me in garden with guitar pop in for a sangria

Commented Sam in La Marina 2013-08-21 11:29:07 UTC

Hi Tim,

Are you still in Chiclana teaching guitar? If you do, could you inform me about timing and prices?
I leave you my email address ([email protected]) as I dont know how to contact you privately through this website

Un saludo and thanks :)


Commented nejwe in Chiclana de la Frontera 2014-02-11 18:23:52 UTC

I actually live in La Marina which is just south of Alicante on the costa blanca. I have never been to Chiclana and certainly not lived there and it would therefore be impossible to consider guitar lessons for you although thanks for enquiring and I wish you well in finding a teacher in your locality.

Commented Tim in La Marina 2014-02-12 12:49:57 UTC

haha, oh dear!...I dont know why I was so sure you were here!

Well, thanks a lot anyway! :)


Commented nejwe in Chiclana de la Frontera 2014-02-12 19:08:36 UTC

This guy can play so id recommend him.

Commented [email protected] in La Marina 2014-02-13 09:54:37 UTC

Anderoo if you read this can you get back to me mate I'm looing for some guitar lessons.


Commented garyb39 in Rojales 2016-03-06 10:30:52 UTC

Tim I'm looking for guitar lessons can you email me mate
[email protected]

Commented garyb39 in Rojales 2016-03-06 10:53:17 UTC
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