Selling a House

I hope to sell my house this year (a quad) and like most quads, I put a conservatory on the solarium.
Does anyone know the procedure involved before selling ?
I've heard the Town Hall makes you take the conservatory off, in order to obtain the Habitacion Certificate, then it can be, daft as it sounds, put back on.
Does the buyer or seller need to pay for the Habitacion Certificate ?
I've heard that some tricky Estate Agents charge both buyer and seller.

Yes it has too come down and you need to get the habitation cert.

Commented luvmylife in La Marina 2016-03-31 10:32:36 UTC

Latest.....had agents round and they told me the conservatories have to come off...the Habitacion man comes round and gives you the nod, then it can all go back again, cost, about 1000 Euros, how stupid is that.
Oh by the way, I was quoted 550 euros for the Certificate, I called in at the Town Hall and was told it would be 50 Euros! Nice profit there.

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2016-04-08 12:50:55 UTC

Its not stickily legal to put it back up again.

Commented johnmckernanjnr in La Marina 2016-04-08 19:16:18 UTC

The €50 is only the town hall tax. You still need to pay for an architect report cost @ €150.00, that has to go to town hall then they send there man out to check your home, then you will get your certificate.

Commented luvmylife in La Marina 2016-04-12 06:49:29 UTC

TV techno wizard

Is there a TV techno out there who knows how to tune in a 'magic box'. I had it sent over from England, but unfortunately my 'skills' have not been good enough to get it working.


What I should have added in my last post was does anyone know if there is a Fiesta in Consumer square on Tuesday 12th.April.and if so,what time.?

Yes there is 1pm start at The Final Whistle and Aloha

Commented jackieb57 in La Marina 2016-04-11 07:49:40 UTC


Can anyone tell me the times for the Fiesta next Tuesday please??

MURA La Marina Residents Association

I attended the Meeting at the Sports Centre earlier this week to lend my support & pay the membership fee for the Residents Association.
The 'Members Only' Facebook page to keep up with recent events does not appear to exist. Has anyone else had a problem accessing this page, or am I having a 'senior moment'?
Apparently there were elected officers speaking to the Council this week, along with another meeting of the Presidents of the Communities with the Mayor.
It would be nice to know what the outcome of these meetings were. I'm sure all those residents that attended, paid their membership fee feel the same.
Poor communication is not a good impression, certainly when you are looking to develop the Association.
Anyone's thoughts?

La Marina

Just checked my Facebook page and MURA appears loud and clear with numerous posts concerning recent events Maybe a "challenge" at your end
Sorry but disagree with your comments re lack of communication In my opinion quite the reverse !!

Commented dfash in La Marina 2016-02-29 07:01:10 UTC

Sorry Steve have to disagree, Facebook page is there search for MURA and make sure you select members page . The result of the meeting with the mayor and much more on there, have you asked to join the Facebook page if not you won't be able to enter it if you are having problems nip in the office at 107 Calle Madrid next to Woodstock bar in the grey area .

Commented Weejohnten in La Marina 2016-02-29 07:20:28 UTC

Ha Ha Foxy, yer too old mate for this new fangled technology, get your grand-daughter to help you.

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2016-02-29 12:35:50 UTC

Well,..I must be going senile......I noticed the Facebook page has been altered today, however there is no link to a 'Members Only' Page or the ability to request being added to the group.
The replies to my original comment states the latest information has been updated? A Facebook search only brings up 'MURA Information only' Public Group, is there another link to the Closed Members Group? Only asking as I like to keep up with the local news & I am interested in the Urbanisation improving & developing in to an area we all are proud to live in.

Commented stevefox in La Marina 2016-02-29 15:07:28 UTC

Have a look at Facebook group "La Marina gossip", what's going on, bit of chat could be what you are looking for

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2016-02-29 21:48:08 UTC

Actually 2nd casa I think that's what he has been looking at,thinking it's the mura page. Judging by a comment he left on there yesterday!

Commented Jodies Groom Room in La Marina 2016-03-01 06:57:33 UTC appears other 'Members' are having problems accessing the Closed Group. I'm still unable to do so as well. I'm starting to think it would be easier to join the 'Masonic Lodge' but would probably get black balled from

Commented stevefox in La Marina 2016-03-02 13:51:58 UTC

It may be the web browser you are using. If you are using a kindle (silk browser) then you will be denied access to certain websites.

Commented harrykarry0 in La Marina 2016-03-02 14:52:07 UTC

Steve why don't you do as I suggested a few days ago , go up to 107 Calle Madrid and ask the. Much better idea than sitting at your keyboard getting nothing .

Commented Weejohnten in La Marina 2016-03-02 15:11:17 UTC

Unfortunatly I'm back in UK. Not full time resident at the moment, but will call in to the Office when I get back.

Commented stevefox in La Marina 2016-03-03 10:33:01 UTC

You can only get into the Members Only page if you have paid your subscrption as a member. If you type in your search bar MURA(Marina Residents Association)-Members Only that should take you to the page. If as I did you get page not found scroll down to the words more & click on that this should bring you to the page to join. Click on that & they will check your a member then accept you. If not contact Rachel Davis, or Elly Scammell on facebook or call into the office in Calle Madrid.

Commented Geo in La Marina 2016-04-09 10:48:31 UTC

Lost Residents

Local papers are saying San Fulgencio has lost 5500 Residents over the last 8 yrs, and in the last year alone, 2000 have left.
Some excuses are that people have died, some have gone home and some people only live here part-time.
The Council receives a grant for each Resident but are now complaining that we lost nearly a Million Euros in Grants.

Another excuse which they didn't bother to mention, could have been the harrassing of bars with entertainment on, either Karaoke, Bingo, Quizzes and live music.
A bar I used to frequent was hit with large fines and told not to even have the TV on !
I've got to admit, it's been a lot better lately but perhaps the damage was done.
Sorry, San Fulgencio Council/Police/Mayor or whoever stopped the music, it has now come back and bitten your arse, people want some entertainment, so maybe that's why they don't want to live here.
I could be wrong of course.......

Spot on Big Ed. The only thing you missed out, was that the Council, didnt lose anything, I seem to remember they enforced a big hike in our SUMA Payment, which seems to of wiped out the losses they incurred from the Government payment.The annoying bit is that you can almost guarantee that they will run a publicity in the next year to get those who live in San Fulgencio and are not on the Padron,to get on the padron, this will cau8se many to get on the Padron and the Council will gain in cash terms.Only thing wrong will be the Council will not lower the SUMA, hence they will be quids in.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2016-04-06 10:58:44 UTC

Not on the Padron is one thing. Much more serious is that some people do not bother to be registered as resident fiscals. They just live here and let the neighbours pay for everything!

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2016-04-06 11:58:50 UTC

Hi Reindeer,
Cannot argue with your thinking, But it is a case of who if anyone is telling the truth, Or is that a dirty thing to ask a Spanish Council Mayor, I have just read a local paper and on the 4th April, it printed a piece by your beloved Mayor that apparentley the loss of the money that the Council lost in the recent SUMA was due to the inept Council of 2007, notice how many years ago that was, (about 8)Notice not the last 6 years since when Carlos became chief of the Council, and it appears since then 5000 people d,ebunked but as a typical Councillor, everybody was to blame except him, Come on Mr Mayor put up or shut up and resign

to ask

Commented Alan in La Marina 2016-04-06 12:24:19 UTC

Reindeer, Surely the Suma still has to be paid on any property. If anything, don't non residents have an extra tax assuming the property is rented out sometimes.

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2016-04-06 21:32:05 UTC

Yes Chalkie non residents pay tax on their property on the assumption that it's rented out, the amount of tax is worked out from the Cadastral Value so we all pay a different amount. I don't rent mine out as it happens!

Commented YorkshireLass in La Marina 2016-04-07 05:32:02 UTC

yes you are right. Property tax and the non resident tax has to be paid. But that is not the problem I tried to point at. Maybe my bad English. The problem I am trying to point at is the people who in fact are living here but officially still live in their home countries and pay their taxes there and not in Spain.
A foreign language is not always easy to use. Take Spanish as an example.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2016-04-07 09:40:14 UTC

Villorians Restaurant

Can anyone throw any light on the Villorians restaurant that has been closed for a couple of years now. I know that it has been repossessed by the bank. I have tried to enquire about which bank with no success? I have also tried the local town hall who seem to have their heads in the clouds? Regards.

La Marina

I believe they had to get out because the roof needed extensive repair. The chef now works at La Cosecha, Benijofar.

Commented Paul Roach in La Marina 2016-04-03 20:49:18 UTC


Does anyone know Beryl O,donahoes address in england please ,Had a letter from her but got lost somehow Thanks

La Marina


Does anyone know where to buy ladies REEBOK ? trainers please (local) Thanks .

La Marina

Decathlon in Elche stock Reebok trainers.

Commented harrykarry0 in La Marina 2016-03-28 17:59:32 UTC


Commented Don A in La Marina 2016-04-01 13:21:13 UTC

Re: self drive van from uk

Has anyone ever rented a self drive van from UK one way if you have or know of someone who has can please let me have details.

Thank you in advance.

La Marina
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