Fund raiser

We are planning a fund raising mini fiesta outside the Aloha bar to raise money for TASH, She is 22 and needs to go home to her family, she desperately needs mobility and equipment to support her at home and enable her to be with her family. She has been in hospital for months. We know there are other events on the Urb and urge you to give them your full support. We have artists who will perform and donate their fee and the girls in the bar have offered to donate their wages for the day. Her family also want to buy extra equipment for Torri hospital to help other people with her illness. I will post a date etc as soon as I know so please (as usual) support it, we need to raise 8000 total, we know how the Urb pulls together so PLEASE support all events, Thank you.

can you please state what bar the girls will donate their wages from for those like me that dont know,and tell them they are angels.

Commented exsas in La Marina 2016-01-16 16:49:45 UTC

From Aloha bar on Consum, don't forget the artists who will donate their fees

Commented [email protected] in La Marina 2016-01-16 16:59:25 UTC

i know nothing about this and i know it must be very sad,but its so nice to see something worthwhile on here,rather than the usual s**t.

Commented exsas in La Marina 2016-01-17 09:16:40 UTC

Camera/telescope shop help

Hi can anyone recommend a good telescope - camera shop please. ie in Torrevieja or Alicante

La Marina

Nail technician

I am looking for a recommended nail technician. I don't want acrylic, I just want tips which will last.
Can anybody help.
Many thanks.

La Marina

Hi Mariposa Belleza, her name is Louise she is English, and comes highly recommended. It is next door to the Hair Salon, "Doin your head in" Avenida Europa, just across from the International Supermarket. :)

Commented Izzy in La Marina 2016-01-12 18:16:14 UTC


Commented Maz in La Marina 2016-01-12 18:37:25 UTC


I have been told that if you move to Spain there is a company where you can hire a box van with tail lift from uk and then you can drop it off at the nearest train station. Has anyone any idea who this company is? We would be leaving from the Manchester area.

Thank you in advance

La Marina

David Bowie

RIP David Bowie a true rock icon

La Marina

Lost Cat...........found

Good news, for me anyway, my cat found his way back to his old address, just how do they do that ?

Good,they really are resilient animals!!

Commented blarter222 in La Marina 2016-01-06 14:26:25 UTC

Fantastic!!!! :)

Commented Izzy in La Marina 2016-01-07 07:39:17 UTC

Thanks, but I'm thinking the same thing will happen again when I bring him to the new house. I' ve heard about butter on the feet etc, not sure it will work though.

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2016-01-07 10:34:45 UTC

Is that so it will land the right way up?

Commented harrykarry0 in La Marina 2016-01-07 22:23:51 UTC

Keeping a cat inside for 3 weeks works everytime. :)

Commented Izzy in La Marina 2016-01-08 07:30:07 UTC

Re connecting

Anyone out there who can come and sort cables out on my TV and CD music centre, can't play CDs think it's hooked up wrong, thanx

La Marina

Tuesday Ladies Club

Due to the closure of the Hillside, the Tuesday Ladies Club will be having their meetings at the Sports Club, satellite Island, as from this coming Tuesday 12 January.
If anyone requires any further information, please contact Sue Rogers on 644132800

La Marina


Does anyone have the phone number for T,.V Fresh, got two No,s but no reply ,Thanks

La Marina

Attention ALL Residents of La Marina Urbanisations

We have arranged an open meeting at the POSH Club on Monday 18th January at 730pm to discuss the forming of a Residence Association for the area.
The Association will not be affiliated to any political party but will use all available contacts to get our points and views across to the Local Council.
If you feel anything for your environment and the facilities we have or don't have, come along and support this venture.

La Marina
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