
Just like to thank the selfish idiot who couldn't,be bothered to go to the tip,for filling up both bins with garden waste.Of course its a red day and the bins and area surrounding are a proper mess already.Not sure if its going to be Sunday or Monday or even Tuesday before they get emptied.Thanks a lot pal.No good blaming the council on this one.Just an I,m alright Jack,typical self centred person.Cheers!!!

Lots of these kind of people about. I live in the valley (Del Mar 1) and most of the verge going onto the verde, has been cultivated by the Council with lots of neighbours also planting off-cuts, trying to make it nice, but then you get people dumping old sofas, cupboards, building waste etc, and the tip is only a few hundred yards away !

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2015-10-09 09:03:36 UTC

Big Ed,It does make you lose faith in human nature,when the few stick two fingers up to every other person trying to keep things today.I wonder if,we and the council can come up with a way of stopping these people without getting a mouthful of abuse.Providing you see them doing it?

Commented blarter222 in La Marina 2015-10-09 09:13:06 UTC

The council should put notices on the bins saying what is allowed to be placed in them, also signs put up saying no fly-tipping.
Even though I don't live on the bottom road, if I have any cuttings that will grow, I take them down and plant them, but I think, is it worth it when people don't respect it, ie building waste dumped and dog crap everywhere.

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2015-10-10 07:54:44 UTC

Big Ed,don't mention dog crap here.According to the dog owners it doesn't exist.Clever dogs here, they all have their own toilet.

Commented blarter222 in La Marina 2015-10-15 07:11:35 UTC

We had a fantastic system for disposing of garden waste, old fridges, etc. etc. a lorry came round once a week and picked it all up. This changed to today's system, which is nowhere as good, we now have to go to a tip. The problem with this system,( not open weekends and holidays ), when most people do their gardens, a lot of people don't have transport, and those that do can't transport fridges etc, what about people who don't have any transport. I would think this also costs a lot more than paying for a lorry once a week. So lets go back to the brilliant system we had before.

Commented Marv.75 in San Fulgencio 2015-10-25 17:31:12 UTC

For some reason people think that the verde / campo areas around Oasis is a rubbish dump as well and I've seen and photographed two people dumping garden waste, one with a big trailer and the other with a wheelbarrow, I sent the photos which showed car registration numbers to Paulino who forwarded them to the police. The response from the Police was that they cannot do anything unless they catch them in the act.......crazy!.
On a positive note the huge mountain of rubbish has been cleared from the junction of Calle Kalandi & Calle Murillo and mounds have been created to hopefully prevent a new mountain being created. One can hope I suppose.


Commented Bob Smith in La Marina 2015-10-26 09:15:49 UTC

The Police Local can not investigate crimes, they can only act on crimes they see with their own eyes. The Gaurdia are the ones you need to contact

Commented johnmckernanjnr in La Marina 2015-10-26 10:55:19 UTC

Send the photos to free newspapers and shame them

Commented sisters in La Marina 2015-10-26 18:37:05 UTC

Further to the original post.
There's a house near me that's been empty for yrs, I think the owners did a 'runner' and ever since, it's started to look shabby and overgrown.
A few days ago there was some action, 2 guys appeared and started knocking the place about. Good news, finally someone might be about to smarten the place up..........unfortunately.. they dumped everything next to the bin. There were panes of glass, an old mattress, pieces of chipboard, cupboard doors, drawers, bags of rubbish that's been opened up and scattered, everything but the kitchen sink ! What a mess ! I didn't see them do it, but it has to be them, there's no other work going on round here.
The blokes haven't been seen for a couple of days, they just seem to turn up willy nilly, but when they do, i'm gonna keep my eye on proceedings, and if poss, video them.

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2015-10-29 11:14:06 UTC

Wedding photos

Can you please give me a price for photography for our wedding in December

Telefonica OR Telecable........................

We are having a lot of problems with Telefonica. We are thinking of changing over to Telecable.
Could we please have feedback from anybody that is on the Telecable system - good and bad comments please?
In particular it is the Internet speed that we are interested in knowing about. On Telefonica our speed is 4Mbps
but we see that Telecable are offering 8Mbps.

What does worry us is that with the Telecable system we would be on a Wireless system but with Telefonica, who we are
with at the moment, we are, of course, on a landline system. Is there much difference in reception when on the phone and using Internet? Thanks

La Marina

I am with Telecable only on the 4mbps and have no problems on the odd occasion the Internet as gone off have telephoned them and they have responded immediatly and its never been off for more than 1 hour.Did you know that they in the process of installing Fibre Optic Cabling and when this is in they will be able to provide faster speeds do not kniw what the pricing will be.

Commented david in La Marina 2015-10-27 08:38:11 UTC

I have Telecable 8mb and I agree with David, very good service, reliable, no noticeable difference than a landline service.
I am based near La Marina so I am assuming you will get the same strength signal.
Ask where the transmitter is if there are no large objects in the line of sight you should be ok.

Commented Miguel in La Marina 2015-10-28 06:10:00 UTC

stolen plants

To the greedy, heartless get who stole plants from my dads little patch in front of the house. We only lost my dad at the end of July and made a small plot for him so I could scatter some of his ashes.....i wouldn't mind but the plants weren't expensive, so why not buy your own? I know the scumbag who nicked them probably wont even read this but someone might know who it was.

La Marina

so sorry.........i feel for you.

Commented exsas in La Marina 2015-10-26 06:02:57 UTC

Dining chair

Wanted by me one honey pine dining chair with no cushion attached,

La Marina

Found a single chair now thanks

Commented sisters in La Marina 2015-10-24 17:20:17 UTC

October Fest

Does anyone know if there's an October fest this year ? last years was bril outside the george and the hogs head, just would like to know if there´s one this year, as we have friends over from the UK coming over soon.

La Marina

Found out last night at Em´s Dreams the October Fest is on 23rd & 24th October, Calle Alfredo Kraus will be closed between Bar Em´s Dreams and La Estacion, not sure as to the line up of live music as yet, If anyone else knows who´s playing please let us know.
Thank you to Emma from bar Dreams for providing the information.

Commented Dell in La Marina 2015-10-10 10:51:08 UTC

What do they provide at this Ems Dreams?.Can you get food ?Is it an A La Carte menu or a snack place??I understand its relatively new?

Commented blarter222 in La Marina 2015-10-19 13:05:31 UTC

Any more info on fest tonight and Saturday or, music time etc thanks

Commented sisters in La Marina 2015-10-23 14:22:42 UTC

Oasis Roads Meeting Sunday 25 Nov 15

I heard from a neighbour that a meeting in the community hall behind the police station was to take place at 11:00

Does anyone know the content being discussed or who from authority is attending?

I have a couple of issues regarding the rubbish one way system (still havent worked out how to get into my road without breaking the law!) and the way that the pavements have stranded car owners from entering their property! (Yes me too!)

Hope someone can help.

try oasis roads web site on face book

Commented micann in Elche 2015-10-21 10:24:01 UTC

Maybe it's about them trying to charge us for the roads again,after the court in valencia told them 4 years ago it was illegal and they gave the people who had paid the money back

Commented robo18 in La Marina 2015-10-22 07:19:05 UTC

High cost of Banking in Spain

Wow was I surprised when I went into a Spanish bank this morning, and asked how much it would cost me to put a cheque valued at around 100,000 Euros into my account. I was told the cost would be, 0.7% value of the cheque, A quick go at my maths,and that works out at 700 Euros the bank would charge me to allow me to loan them money, which even if they only loan it out to someone else for a few days, would add to that total, Got to admit banking seems like money for old rope.

La Marina

I transfer in euro's directly from my bank and it costs me around 35 at my bank and nothing here.

Commented bob.buckley1 in L'Ampolla 2015-10-19 16:48:58 UTC

Lovely to have so much money any you don't want, I will look after it for nothing

Commented sisters in La Marina 2015-10-19 17:57:31 UTC

Sorry to disappoint you sisters,but it was a rhetorical questioned I asked at the bank.I didn't have a cheque to put into the bank, but I sometimes lke to see the difference in charges, At the moment I have found a way where the cheque gets transferred into my account free of all charges, now will look for somewhere where they will actually pay me for borrowing money off me.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-10-19 19:35:08 UTC

are you telling us that you went into a bank and asked theoretically how much it would cost in interest to deposit 100.000€?!!!!

Commented exsas in La Marina 2015-10-20 06:17:38 UTC

Exsas, No I didnot go into a bank and ask how much it would cost me in interest If I deposited a cheque for 100,000 Euros. I asked how much they would charge me to take a piece of paper and when they had produced to the bank of the person authorizing payment ,and it then being cleared by the bank and eventually it would be put into an account in my name. Before you write and try to make it look like I am not all there. The actual amount I asked for was not exactly 100,000 Euros, but the per centage charge was for an amount of that size .7%. Just to clear up the fact of you being interested in my life story, I actually did not go into the bank with that specific question, I went in to draw out some money.(not I may add for bungee jumping. sorry to other readers, but that is a private joke but I am sure exsas will have a little titter )

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-10-20 10:31:20 UTC

im a little bit confused alan,i wasnt very good at school,i was much better at other things.......but to guote you "wow was i surprised when i went into a bank this morning and asked how much it would it cost me to put a cheque valued at 100.000 euros into my account"....surely thats what i asked you if you did!!
no i didnt have a titter,i thought it was quite funny (in a nice way i hasten to add)

Commented exsas in La Marina 2015-10-20 11:00:36 UTC

Don't quite see what you was on about, still don't, But I will try to explain myself. In the U.K. if I put a cheque to go into my account, the bank would credit my account adding the value on the cheque, on to my account , but that amount wouldn't show until my bank had received the clearance, from the clearing banks, I would then be allowed to spend the money. For the work involved there was no charge regardless the size of cheque involved. In Spain the same treatment would of cost me .7% or to make it more real, If I put a cheque into my account for 100,000 Euros the Spanish bank would of given my bank account a credit of 99.300 Euros and kept 700 euros for the work that U.K. banks gave me free of charge. Surely I was entitled to a WOW.
exsas, I have just re read your last comment ,Can I ask you a question or two. Firstly are you questioning if I write things just for the hell of it. what reason in your mind would get you to think that what I wrote was not the truth, If you think it is a lie have the guts to say so then we can have a little bet (not payable by cheque) We can then arrange to go to both the establishments and ask the relevant people involved how much do they charge to handle cheques and I will at least make a profit (from our bet. Then we could ask them, Do they remember talking to me Monday late morning and did I ask the question that you appear to be so interested in knowing the answer to, If I am proved wrong I would willingly apologise to you and any body else who feels upset, mind you that apology dosent come into my equation, as at a rough guess you will not take up my offer. But if you think that you have p***** me off . you are so F****** right

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-10-20 11:45:15 UTC

alan you willnever know how much your last sentence pleased me,you have made me so happy.
i havent a clue what your ranting on about....theres just 3 things i want to say,then i wont respond to this thread again.
(1) i never thought for one minute you was lying.
(2) you wouldnt ever want to meet me even for a bet.cos you would be surprised at what a nice bloke i was,and i wouldnt be surprised at what a sad git you really are.
(3) i probally have more guts in one of my little fingers than you have in your whole being.

Commented exsas in La Marina 2015-10-20 14:50:12 UTC

Alan, can it be that cheques are unusual now and therefore the bank takes 0,7 % to handle them?
I found that In Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Scandinavia, cheques have almost completely vanished in favour of direct bank transfers and electronic payments.
This is just a question/thought and not an attack on your credibility.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2015-10-20 22:28:43 UTC

All I can add is that I recently sold a property received a cheque in excess of €100.000. I paid it into my account Deutsche Bank, had to wait I think it was 5 days and I could then use the money. No charges for paying it in.

They do charge for issuing a bankers draft anything from .01% to .07%. Santander bank offer this free if you have a certain type of bank account. I think you have to have a regular payment coming into your account each month

Commented Miguel in La Marina 2015-10-21 09:02:20 UTC

Thank you Miguel, How weird two banks a few metres a part a German bank takes cheque no charge. A Spanish bank (Which is the one I went to would of charged me 0.7 %, although it is the bank I use and make a regular monthly payment into (My Wifes U.K.State Pension) which apparently gave the account holders allegedly free banking. Guess who wont be on my Christmas Card list this year.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-10-21 10:38:54 UTC


I need an English speaking dentist, can anyone help

La Marina

there is an English Dentist next door to Woodstock Bar on Calle Madrid.

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2013-06-22 17:54:50 UTC

Best dentist around is Sonia in Rojales.
Right in the town centre on the short traffic free street next door to Spirit bar.
Speaks perfect English as does her assistant, who are both Spanish.
Very friendly & often don't even need appointment.
Once took friend there at 5.30pm and she was seen to, tooth filled, etc. and out within 20 minutes.
Check ups free & only does work that needs doing.
My last visit - one filling, but had thought I needed more - was 45€
10 times better than the dentist I had in UK

Commented Martin the artist in Rojales 2013-06-23 16:35:55 UTC

I agree , we have used her for 17 years , when we first arrived she didnt speak English but now very good, always smiling and very reasonable prices..

Commented hazel in La Marina 2013-06-24 16:38:45 UTC

I agree....changed to Sonia a few years ago after being recommended followed an unsatisfactory visit to one on the Urb. She even fitted in an emergency appointment for a visiting friend from the UK on the same day and and replaced a lost filling for 45€

Commented christine18wild in La Marina 2013-06-24 16:57:30 UTC

Does anyone know anything about the new dentist. Apparently his surgery is called the Dental House or something like that. And where about he is situated.

Commented SMUDGE in La Marina 2013-06-25 21:07:06 UTC

Hi, thanks to everyone who responded to my post. I think I'm going to go to Sonia in Rojales as she had the most recommendations. I have a problem that I'm dental phobic. Oh Lord, even thinking about ringing for an appointment gives me goose pimples and raises my terror. I know I'm stupid and will insist that the dentist puts me to sleep for which I obviously have to pay, but I'm terrified. I can't even ring for an appointment, but I know I have to. Thanks to you all. I have to say I had 3 kids at home with very little pain relief,, and none with the last, but dentistry terrifies me. I know I have to do it, but it's so hard. Thanks to you all and when I've had the bottle to do it I'll tell you all. Oh bugger, I'm frightend to death xxx

Commented mazza in La Marina 2013-06-26 15:49:21 UTC

I know it's easy to say but I've had two implants at Sonjas and never felt a thing...honest! They squirt something in your mouth nowadays so you don't feel injections or anything that you may be scared of. I don't know anyone who likes dental visits but things are much better nowadays. Good luck .....pick up the phone

Commented christine18wild in La Marina 2013-06-26 15:58:24 UTC

I used to be frightened of dentists - the only time I seemed to have a problem with my teeth was after I'd visited one in UK.
When I first went to Sonia I knew I had to have a lot of work done, but agree that I never felt a thing - even to the point of almost looking forward to going!
Had a filling last week - popped in and made appointment for next day - and when she looked, said "it's only a small one, don't think you'll need an injection!?"
So I OK'd it and still didn't feel it :)
So You WILL be OK - honest...

Commented Martin the artist in Rojales 2013-06-26 16:14:09 UTC

thanks, I know where my fear stems from. but it doesn't help. You're making me feel a bit stronger. I'll go and see her, shit, I'm shaking thinking about it, but but I'm going to try. can you give me a phone number or better, directions. I'm so frightened, I have to get over this and maybe this is my chance. I have 3 kids and they never knew my fear. Daddy always did the dental run, but my son is worse than me. I know I have to get over this and thanks for your kind words. Incidentally, I'm, 73, and the only thing that makes me go is an even stronger fear of false teeth xxxxx

Commented mazza in La Marina 2013-06-26 17:38:55 UTC

Sonia's phone number is: 966713051
Do you know Rojales town centre?
There are traffic lights - which are rarely in use - and the archeological musem.
One road from the lights goes over the old bridge.
But there was a road from town centre opposite the road over the bridge.
This is now a small traffic free pedestrian area.
In this area there are 2 or 3 bars on one side and 'Furniture First' second hand shop on other,
One bar is called 'Spirit" & the building beside it has Sonia on the first floor - you'll see the Clinica Dental sign - with entry phone buzzer, then take stairs or lift to 1st floor.

Commented Martin the artist in Rojales 2013-06-26 17:50:48 UTC

Hi if its any help u can go on to U Tube & search for Hypnotherapy for fear of dentists & its free of charge & it does work but to give u some help hypnotherapy is like going to the doctors & he prescribes pills to take if u take them u get better if u don't u don't get better with hypnotherapy its the same if u keep taking whats advised u lose the fear if u stop watching or listening to it it loses its effect.

Commented dufay010 in Quesada 2013-06-27 07:29:54 UTC

Thanks Martin, hubby is now nagging me to get on with it. I tried hypnotherapy for something else but it had no effect. I'll do the usual and pay for the injection to go into twilight sleep. I think I need my teeth really sorted, some crowns I've had for donkey's years probably need replacing. I really am going to tackle it very soon.

Commented mazza in La Marina 2013-06-27 13:33:58 UTC

Thanks, building up to it xx

Commented mazza in La Marina 2013-06-27 13:35:18 UTC

I have been to Sonia and also the dental house both are very good. I prefer the dental house simply because it is on the urb

Commented rose in La Marina 2013-06-27 15:23:09 UTC

Just a warning. Sonia is a good dentist, but fond of pulling teeth rather than tackle more difficult repairs!

Commented Maz in La Marina 2013-06-27 16:27:49 UTC

I went and tried Sonia about 3 or more years ago - she invented a couple of fillings and talked across me to the dental nurse constantly (in Spanish about inconsequential rubbish). I felt as though I didn't exist (you can't do much with your mouth wide open). Had just a clean & polish - thought I was being murdered! Would never go back. Certainly didn't book for the fillings. Was kept waiting in the freezing cold waiting room for an hour (it was January). Would never go back! It may be cheap but................ can't knock the British Dentist on the urb. You get what you pay for and he doesn't invent extras! P.S. I am not a nervous patient!

Commented Lol in La Marina 2013-06-27 18:07:07 UTC

I was very pleased with the stranded of care at the dental house and he is no were near as expensive as the English dentist. I got what I paid for and was very happy about the price.

Commented rose in La Marina 2013-06-27 19:10:03 UTC

Hola Rose, can you let me know where this is please and do you have a telephone number?


Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2013-06-28 09:15:22 UTC

Yes Rose , I have also heard a few good reports about the Dental House. Where about is it situated, and have you got a contact number.

Commented SMUDGE in La Marina 2013-06-28 09:33:13 UTC

Thank you for your mention of Dental House. Please do you have a phone number or address for Dental House ?

Commented garthibiza in Ibiza 2013-10-23 14:57:14 UTC

The dentist is 'The Dental Home' tel 966 796 987. Situated on Calle Belgrado. Beats all the other dentists to pieces on prices and treatment. He is extremely sympathetic and caring. My wife does not have to have the 'going to sleep' needle now!

Commented Peter Horsfield in La Marina 2013-10-23 15:29:07 UTC

I have used The Dental Home for 6 years now. they knock spots off the other local ones on both price and service. I know people who have paid double what they charged me for a crown at other la marina dentists. Yes. They are German but speak perfect English and have loads of English clients. They are also fully qualified Orthodontists.

Commented nikkimunday in La Marina 2015-10-15 20:50:51 UTC

de par en par

Commented goonerpeter in La Marina 2015-10-20 14:22:14 UTC

car grill and number plate

Has enyone lost a front grill and number plate in consum square today thursday if so give paulino a call .i think it is off a ford fiesta Cheers Bob

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