La Marina Xmas Decorations

Merry Xmas One and All!
Just back from my traditional Xmas morning run and noticed the pathetic decorations in La Marina compared to San Fulgencio... what a disgrace! Talk about second class citizens...and we put most money in the pot. Who thinks we should bombard San Fulgencio Ayuntamiento with complaints?

La Marina

Just click the link above

Commented Hope in La Marina 2015-12-26 17:20:02 UTC

Just seen pictures of the floods in my home town in the UK. Their decorations were last seen floating down the overflowing river. I think we should all thank our good fortune to live in a climate that gives us blue skies most of the time.

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2015-12-26 23:22:42 UTC

Yeah... and?

Commented Tania in La Marina 2015-12-27 09:33:12 UTC

Muchas gracias, Ian x

Commented Tania in La Marina 2015-12-27 09:34:33 UTC

It's not the end of the world to not have Christmas decorations. There's plenty of other things going on that some consider a bit more important. I'm sure it's ruined your Christmas but try and put your chin up for 2016.

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2015-12-27 10:36:34 UTC

Chalkie, you've missed the point, entirely! Durrhh!

Commented Tania in La Marina 2015-12-27 15:18:40 UTC

I think the point is that you appear to like to complain.

Just a point, 'durrghh' can be shortened to 'doh' and 'yeah' reduced to yes.

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2015-12-27 16:31:32 UTC

Ha ha... if you try to focus on the actual meaning of the words, the threads will make more sense, rather than just be a ramble from one subject to another! My point is the bias of the Council... ha ha, Do try to keep up, Chalkie! X

Commented Tania in La Marina 2015-12-27 17:09:58 UTC

Hopefully I do not know you, I hope it stays that way, You appear to be one nasty little troll who seems intent on doing what trolls do best, and that is to try and ruin a forum by writing inane silly comments as replies to sensible remarks put on this forum, by sensible people. I hope that apart from the ludicrous remark you will make regarding my comment, You and your childish remarks vanish and annoy someone else. Whatever you think to print about me, will be a waste of time, Professional Trolls have tried, and most have gone away with their troll tails between their legs

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-12-27 18:16:00 UTC

Oh dear, Alan.... I didn't think what I've heard about you was true! Your interjection proves me wrong! Let's hope that Chalkie, at least, can be salvaged! Ha, ha!

Commented Tania in La Marina 2015-12-28 00:25:38 UTC

Please don't trouble yourself trying to salvage me. I have no desire to be turned into a Spanish version of Victor Meldrew.

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2015-12-28 12:22:23 UTC

You've missed the point again, Chalkie... I DON'T BeLieve it! Ha ha... Happy New Year, everyone! Byeee!

Commented Tania in La Marina 2015-12-28 13:07:44 UTC

Does 'Byeee' mean you have now gone back into your cave?

Commented harrykarry0 in La Marina 2015-12-29 05:43:12 UTC

oh i do hope so...a tiresome troll lol

Commented mark in La Marina 2015-12-30 13:01:45 UTC

Ehic cards

If the referendrum vote ,when it happens,goes for leaving Europe what would be the situation regarding EHIC cards and their use in Europe for travel and holidays etc.This and many other issues are very concerning to everybody,more so Expats living abroad in Europe.Any commemts???

If I was in England, i'd deffo be voting to get out, but being very selfish, living here in Spain, i'd deffo vote to stay in. Being a Pensioner, I get free health care, which i'm sure i' d lose, so i'd urge all Pensioners to vote to stay IN.

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2015-12-21 15:36:38 UTC

I think that regarding the EHIC and your health insurance whilst abroad, Is mainly to understand that the EHIC is a card that covers your emergency treatment whilst travelling abroard,It is not a cover for you regardless of what happens. Another point to remember about the EHIC is that if you make a claim using it, the Country who issued the card is responsible for paying for your treatment and that Country should be your Country of Birth and not necessarily the Country you are resident in. If we do pull out of Europe a bigger problem would be things like double taxation,So if you are in Spain but not Spanish and have beome a fiscal resident, As things stand and if you are allowed a vote,It would . at the moment be better for you to keep the status quo.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-12-21 19:12:11 UTC

I was born in Britain, however, I have lived in Sweden for most of my life!
Who do you think issued my EHIC card?
It was Sweden, that is where my pension comes from, not Britain where I was born!

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2015-12-22 08:15:50 UTC

I think most agree that the UK is better off within Europe. It will be a shame to come out and it would swamp the UK NHS.

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2015-12-22 13:32:22 UTC

I have no reason to dispute what you say friendly Viking, I guess it could of been worded that The U.K. pay for British Nationals and the Swedish government pay for Swedish nationals. Or to be even plainer the Country that issues your EHIC will pay any bills

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-12-22 19:38:38 UTC

I have never been a Swedish National!
I am British, have been a British National all of my life, however, I have earned my living in Sweden, earned my pension in Sweden!
You do not need to guess, I have a Swedish EHIC card!

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2015-12-22 20:08:14 UTC

Friendly Viking,
I am getting a bit confused, If you were born in the U.K. prior to 1983 , and regerdless of the nationality of your parents, You can automatically claim british nationality, After that date it is not automatic I took it that your parents were not British, i realise now, I could of been 100% wrong in my assumption. I gather you are British, the fact that tyou receive your pension from a third party Country is irrelevent to to your Nationality,Many people regardless of Nationality receive a pension from a third party Country, due to the fact that they paid tax and National Insurance in that Country for a minimum number of years. (in U.K. until recently you received a full pension after paying Nat Insur. for upto 44years for men, and percentages of the full pension for lesser years). So I am still confused as to why sweden should pay for your EHIC, but it really shouldnt matter as long as you can use the card in an emergency and be covered. Have an enjoyable and safe Christmas and i hope you never have to use your EHIC (stay safe and healthy).

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-12-23 12:58:08 UTC

You seem to make a lot of assumptions?
I am British, both of my parents are British, I was born in Britain in the 40's I have lived in Sweden for many years and I have a Swedish EHIC because I have a pension in Sweden, not because I am British.
How can that be confusing you?

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2015-12-23 14:13:39 UTC

Who cares who issues your EHIC card. Ex Pats here shouldn't rely on it for medical cover, it's intended temporary use was for visitors from other EU countries to share. If the UK pulls out of the EU then possibly some reciprocal health care could be negotiated.

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2015-12-23 22:18:46 UTC

You got it one Chalkie,thats.the big concern on leaving Europe.Health Care

Commented kamajakspain in La Marina 2015-12-24 10:05:51 UTC

Deffo? What sort of word is that? Is it a Spanish hearing problem?

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2015-12-27 08:12:00 UTC

Pardon, could you print that again.

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2015-12-27 14:13:30 UTC

OK you win, got me good and proper that time!

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2015-12-28 08:21:13 UTC

You wrote:
Who cares who issues your EHIC card. Ex Pats here shouldn't rely on it for medical cover, it's intended temporary use was for visitors from other EU countries to share.


But maybe you would like to visit some other EU countries. What will happen then if you need a EHIC card?

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2015-12-28 18:01:39 UTC

may I suggest that you read this? It may help you to understand. It is from

If you do not receive a pension or any other income from the country where you live, 2 situations are possible:

if you receive a pension from another EU country, you belong to that country’s health insurance system
if you receive a pension from several other EU countries, you belong to the healthcare insurance system of the country where you were insured for the longest period of time.
In either case you need to request a certificate of entitlement to healthcare - the S1 form (formerly known as an E 121) — from the health insurance authority in the country whose healthcare insurance system you belong to.

This document establishes your right to full healthcare coverage in your country of residence. You must submit it to the health insurance authority there.In principle, you and your family are only fully entitled to medical treatment in the country where you live. However, some countries (see list below) offer pensioners who live abroad — but belong to their social security system — complete healthcare coverage on their territory too.

Healthcare coverage in the country where you used to work

If the country which pays your pension is one of the following, you and your family members are entitled to complete healthcare coverage in both the country which pays your pension and the country where you now live (if these are different):













Czech Republic



Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2015-12-28 18:29:59 UTC

Reindeer, I'm sorry but I don't understand your question. If you possess an EHIC card, no matter who issued it, then you are entitled to emergency cover in any other EU country. If the UK comes out of Europe then that will disappear and we'll have to resort to some cover similar to when visiting America. In which case then don't get ill.

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2015-12-28 19:41:44 UTC

That Chalkie is what all the holiday makers in UK who go on holiday in Europe need reminding of when the vote comes

Commented kamajakspain in La Marina 2015-12-28 20:19:27 UTC

That and the fact a lot of British will have to return to the UK to be cared for. It's going to be an interesting few months.

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2015-12-28 21:59:00 UTC

I can see that at least Denmark and Finland are missing from your list?
Surely there should be 27 or is it 28 Countries, that is the number in E.U.

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2015-12-30 08:13:47 UTC

You listed 15 Countries and I added Denmark and Finland.
To complete the full list you need to add Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and of course UK.
That makes 28 in total.

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2015-12-30 08:28:53 UTC

Dear Friendlyviking,
I know that not all EU-countries are listed. But please don´t shoot the messenger! I have only copied from
and if you had taken some minutes to read the information from that site you would have noticed the following text just below the list of countries:
"If you paid contributions in a country which is not in the list above, you will only be entitled to complete healthcare coverage in the country where you live."

So your added EU-countries must be something for the EU to add. Or if the text is wrong it is something for the webmaster of

I wish you a Happy New Year!
Gott Nytt År!

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2015-12-30 09:34:00 UTC

Peace and Goodwill.Not a lot being show by the selfish dog owners who go out to work and leave their crazed mutts barking and terrorising passers by.They then go to the boozer for a couple of hours after work,get back home and wonder what the fuss is about as the dogs shut up.Still on the case though!!!Just hit a brick wall,police informed.Any ideas on shutting them up anybody,they are barking all day long.LEGALLY !!!!!

So you know these dog owners, do you drink with them while they are spending time in the pub?
Why do you not try to make a citizens arrest?

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2015-12-30 08:10:22 UTC

Very constructive.

Commented blarter222 in La Marina 2015-12-30 08:32:20 UTC

Printer ink

I've just taken delivery of my first order from Ink 4 Spain and it certainly won't be my last. Excellent service and good prices. Recommended.

La Marina

VW Transporter To Portsmouth & Devon UK

Im not sure if this is the right place for this but.....We've recently purchased a small townhouse on La marina urb that need lots of work. I will be coming out in my VW transporter from the UK early Feb 2016 till the end of feb to update it. Wont have much room on outward journey but quite a bit of space on the return journey should anyone have the need? if you are interested in moving things back to the UK please email me on [email protected].

Thanks Steve

Paulino and colleague, Joe

My fiancee had spent a week back in the UK and I picked her up yesterday (18 Dec) early morning.
We decided to go for a coffee and toast at Jennies Dog House whereupon, she noticed her purse was missing.
Thinking back, she had bought a drink on the plane,and must have somehow misplaced it then.
You can imagine the panic, because her purse contained all the usual stuff, credit cards, driving license plus nearly £700 Sterling !
After a few pointless phone calls, we were drawing blanks, and this is when the lovely Jennie stepped in. She took us next door to talk to Paulino, who along with his colleague, (we forgot to get his name but now know it is Joe) took control, and after many more phone calls, finally found out, that the purse was safe, and in the hands of a Ryanair operative.
Many thanks go out to Paulino and his colleague, also to the trusting staff of Ryanair, and after our dash back to the Airport, we picked up the purse to find the contents in tact.

good for you.....and well done everyone involved.

Commented exsas in La Marina 2015-12-20 06:46:37 UTC

Brilliant....Paulino has been very helpful to me over the last year as well. Happy Christmas and New Year.

Commented Bob Smith in La Marina 2015-12-20 11:44:23 UTC

Paulino also helped me with a problem on my Padron.
He was not politician for the Urb at that time but he nevertheless got my problem sorted.

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2015-12-22 08:19:08 UTC

Xmas Carols

Sorry to have missed it! Love carols! Merry Crimble to everyone connected to you and/or this site!

La Marina

For Sale

Pine oval extending dining table with 6 matching chairs extends up to max of 136cm 120€
2 pine sideboards both 3 doors with 3 drawers 60€ each
All items in good condition
Contact 634347788 if interested

La Marina


Hi ,is there any chemists open on urb or guadamar today, thanks

La Marina

Dog injections.

Do you as resident have your dogs vaccinated against sandfly, with the
Leishmaniasis jab.
Only asking as bringing my dog out next year, he's had the obvious rabbis jab, but does he need the sandfly jab?

Many thanks

i am pretty sure the good mossie/flea collars protect dogs from the dreaded sandfly aswell as ticks we use the more expensive grey chunky ones, for six years my dog runs loose in the sand dunes and he hasnt had any trouble.......but sods law i shouldnt have said that!!!

Commented exsas in La Marina 2015-11-28 12:28:48 UTC

Thank you, a collars better then an injection I'll get one

Commented foordfoordy in La Marina 2015-12-08 14:22:58 UTC

beware the sticky sweet possession caterpillars in the pine trees, several dogs have choked over the years around La Marina/beaches , you will see them in cobwebs in the trees wintertime , good luck

Commented goonerpeter in La Marina 2015-12-11 21:57:00 UTC

Well you never know, if you get caught as a landlord its a big fine, you wont be smoking in our bar, just the fact I think its a disgusting habit and why should other people have to breath your smoke?

Commented [email protected] in La Marina 2015-12-17 08:40:45 UTC
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