Friendship Group - Sports Complex, Satellite Island


A few friends of Paul Cunningham Nurses (PCN) have formed a social group in La Marina which has been named New Horizons. Open to all (not just ladies, or Contacts of PCN), New Horizons meet for coffee and a chat every Friday morning from 11am at The Sports Complex, Satellite Island and will be pleased to welcome anyone who wishes to pop along. As well as enabling people to make new friends at the coffee morning the group also hope to arrange other social activities in the future.
Although members of the group may wish to volunteer or attend fundraising events for PCN there is absolutely no obligation to do so. The main aim of New Horizons is to provide a support network for local expats – particularly those living on their own and for clients of Paul Cunningham Nurses who may be in need of a friendly face following bereavement or moral support if caring for a relative.
There are also groups in Quesada and Playa Flamenca.

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I hope that those who read this will pass this onto persons not on the internet. Hope it does well.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-09-27 17:39:59 UTC