clarification of Councillor Paulino to Sam Hull

Sam , I am surprised with your comments,I have to clarify as you know ,that besides councillor of parks and gardens ,I am councillor of maintenance and delegate of the Mayor.
As you know most of the people that visits the Urbanization Office with a problem ,you send me a message and my personal and myself are the organ grinders and sort out the problem .
In reference to the trips .I have to tell you thet is a satisfation for my wife and Myself , to offer the people of this community a leisure time and the opportunity to know different places in Spain ,and this has nothing to do with the TownHall ,it is orgnized by my many English friends and myself.
Apart from this ,I have to say that my wife and myself we have being at the disposal od this community 24 hours a day ,and for us is a satisfation .this is what a councillor must do.....cheers Councillor Paulino

I noticed your comment with great interest.Four years ago all Councillors were given positions , I remember reading yours as Counsellor for Parks and Gardens, Jeffs was for the Urbs and Fiestas

About halfway through your tenure you threw a wobbly and resigned (at the time I applauded you, for your strength of character) I then read that your reasons included Jeff had an office and you didn't,Jeff had staff and you didn't,Jeff had more responsibility than you etc. etc. It was at this point I realized you didn't have strength of character, more like you were jealous of Jeff.
All of a sudden you withdrew your resignation, no compelling reason for this, Except all of a sudden you were Councillor for Parks and Gardens, also you had suddenly been found an office in the Police Station you had been found staff, You became the Mayors Delegate (still not found out what that entails) and you were in charge of maintainence of the Urbs. Now you seem to be saying that you sort out the problems that people go to Samantha and Jeff to sort out.
Know I see why you retracted your resignation, You got instant promotion plus all the other bits you wanted, Good for you , you took a chance and it paid off. But you should of stopped there, but now you seem to hint that you are also sorting out Sams and Jeffs problems. That I find is insulting to them and to the residents of the Urbs, You have possibly made a mistake, in fact it may well be a big mistake

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-03-27 10:07:28 UTC

Alan, your support for Sam & Jeff is admirable, but why are you having a go at Paulino. By Sam's own admission, she said that 'A huge percentage of the work done here has been done through the Offices for the Urbanisations,' The main word here is 'Through'. I would read that as people go and see Sam or Jeff about a problem, then they (Sam or Jeff) have to go to the Town Hall to get the matter sorted, which would involve other people doing the work rather than themselves. If Sam had written 'BY the Offices...etc' that would have been different. It would have implied that Sam and Jeff had done all the work.
You also stated that Paulino has staff. I have never seen any. Whenever I have been to see him, he is always on his own and I have never known him to refer to anyone else to do something that he would not do himself.
You see, this is the trouble when people get political, it turns into a slanging match. I have said this before, but, I don't care which political party is in, as long as they work for the Urbanisation, and I will support them.
As I said in a previous post, lets get Jeff ( as the leader of his party)and Paulino (the Mayors representative who speaks English) on the radio for a debate, either together or seperate. Then we can all make our minds up.

Commented Tommy in La Marina 2015-03-27 11:51:42 UTC

You are right about me, Yes my support at this moment in time is with Jeff and Samantha, Mostly because I believe Samantha, would be an ideal Councillor and someone I could trust, (of course I could be wrong) At one time Jeff was a person that I could not stand, but over the years, I seemed to of understood the problems he had with the Mayor and some other Counsellers, that I tended to understand where he was coming from.
Where as you get along fine with the Mayor and Paulino, Mainly through your Presidents meetings and the Bar problem, my meetings with them have been far different. In fact they have been a complete waste of time.
As for the bit about Paulino, When I went to see him at the police station with a minor complaint a guy in the foyer waved me through to see Paulino, also another person had something to give Paulino he explained to the guy in the foyer who then let him through to see Paulino. That guy in the foyer I took to be Paulinos assistant. Then in Paulinos reply to Sam earlier today he mentioned most of the problems given in at Jeffs office were later given to him and his "personal"(which I take to mean assistant) and then they have to sort out the problems. I cannot see that your idea of the use of "By this Office" or "through this office" is anything but a difference in style of writing. Much the same as when Paulino said he has to act as the Organ Grinder, where as he could of said that" he takes over" which sounds nicer to me,But you have to realize that different people have different ways of saying the same thing.
Other than that you say you want people on the Council who support La Marina Urbs, and you seem happy with the present crowd, ,But I for one think the job they have been doing is rubbish, and that is why I am hoping that people on the Urbs. don't become complacent, and get out and vote in May otherwise we could end up with the same lot in power again and an even worse next four years.
One last thing you mention the Mayors representative Paulino, could you say I was wrong as to when he got that title.
Why not Have the leader of the PIPN and the leader of the PP on the radio you could then have a choice of translators either Paulino or Samantha.Yes I will settle for Jeff verses the Mayor

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-03-27 13:22:18 UTC

This is from Tommy.-
You also stated that Paulino has staff. I have never seen any. Whenever I have been to see him, he is always on his own and I have never known him to refer to anyone else to do something that he would not do himself.

Tommy this is from Paulinho 2 days ago.-
As you know most of the people that visits the Urbanization Office with a problem ,you send me a message and my personal and myself are the organ grinders and sort out the problem .

Something wrong somewhere?

We were promised that the 'Mensshed would be up and running' but Hey Guess what...... Nothing, Nada! Not a mention of it since we were promised an answer months ago despite going to see all concerned at least once a week! All bets are now off. Barry and I have spent a lot of time fulfilling all that we were asked to do, costing us quite an amount of money which we accept we paid up for. We expect nothing back just the agreement we were told we would get nearly two years ago.

Commented Peter Horsfield in La Marina 2015-03-29 12:12:18 UTC

Peter, if you read Paulino's response just a bit further down, his response to Alan says that he does not have any staff working for him.
Don't forget, he is doing his comments in English, and obviously there will be a mispronounciation or meaning in some words. I would like to see us writing in Spanish and getting it spot on.
You have obviously got a bee in your bonnet about the Mens shed. Go and see Paulino and ask him for the reason why nothing has happened. Don't just sit back and wait for a response, get onto them. There must be a reason why there has been no response, and if you have been making weekly visits, what has been said? You also said this has been going on for 2 years. I can't believe you have let it go on for so long. Go and see the Mayor, although you have said that you have seen 'all concerned'
All I can say is that whenever I have had problems, be it personal or community based, the matter has been resolved quickly by Paulino, or, the Mayor. If I can be of any help let me know.

Commented Tommy in La Marina 2015-03-29 13:37:33 UTC

Tommy this is from Paulinho 2 days ago.-

'As you know most of the people that visits the Urbanization Office with a problem ,you send me a message and my personal and myself are the organ grinders and sort out the problem .'
A lot of the problems on the urb come under the remit of Paulinho which is why those problems are passed to Paulinho.

We have had numerous meeting with the Mayor as well as the other councillors including Paulinho, who we see EVERY week, and Paco. The response is 'We will let you know in a week as it has to go to the technical dept' or 'the architect is in court this week' or 'You need to go to Elx to the Hacienda for another piece of paper'! Every week we are fobbed off with another excuse!

As you seem to Paulinho well maybe you could ask him. I somehow don't think that mentioning your name will do anything to get them to wake up.

There are numerous people contacting Paulinho each week to ask the progress. We did not wish to advertise the fact about the start up of the Mensshed before we had permission but as we will not be getting permission before the election we feel it is time to bring this out in to the open.

This 'Mensshed is for all the communities' unemployed and retired men who wish to come to meet others and either learn new skills, teach their skills, have a talk, garden in one of the planned allotments or just come for a coffee.

As the election is now too near there are no more meeting available with the council.

Commented Peter Horsfield in La Marina 2015-03-31 08:50:25 UTC