I hope to read on this forum very shortly, of the disgust the general public, and most of all the workers and those involved in the running of the Legal Charity that runs a charity shop and collects to give food to the needy of san Fulgencio.
I read this trash La Marina Info (not to be mixed up with the very upright and proper La Marina Forum) and at the moment I cannot give my true feelings, without venting my anger at such an atrocious attack on a completely innocent charity, Just how nasty some people can be never ceases to amaze me. Hopefully lots of the general public will agree with me and voice their anger at the person running La Marina Info.

La Marina

Very Nasty by the looks of it.
Had made my mind up not to post on here again but I couldn't resist
Why the need to tell all and sundry that one of the hardest working people on the council has had a 14% pay rise first in nearly 4 years I assume?
Why the need to have a go at other charities especially the food for the poor another despicable act
In fact the same person runs a site where he spouts his bile and no one has a right of reply.
I like you are so angry that there is a whole story to write here but likewise temper has the better of me at the moment, I note Sam has joined this forum I feel for her I really do knowing the type of bilge that goes on here.

Commented Weejohnten in La Marina 2014-10-14 10:58:28 UTC