The Strip Wednesday Night

Went out last night for what was going to be a nice quiet Chinese meal. Arrived on the strip to find that a fiesta was on. Managed to park OK had our meal and it was very pleasant to listen to and see the Spanish dancers. Must of been about 300 people there in all. Well laid out in the road plenty of seats.
What I would really like to find out is why was it not given any publicity around the Urb or come to that not mentioned on the forum?
Or do I go around with blinkers on and miss the posters.

La Marina

The answer is so clear, If you put on some loud music and some people find out accidentily, then the moaners and groaners don't hear the music, they only complain when they are told in advance, so the secret is don't tell the few moaners and we can all enjoy ourselves , and they wont know anything different, thereby they think they have succeded in ruining everybodies fun and then they are happy and so is everybody else

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-07-31 16:53:13 UTC

I think that as it was organised by Dos Mas, a Spanish bar, they don't find the need to advertise on an English forum.

Commented Miguel in La Marina 2014-07-31 17:37:36 UTC

Would of thought that Dos Mas would of been interested in as much trade as they could get. Such a shame as the floor show was really good and in good taste, even had the lighting down to a fine art. Was room for at least another 200 or so. Perhaps if someone gets to hear about another at a later date they would pass the info on to us other mortals.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2014-08-02 15:56:10 UTC