Last week 14 members travelled to Cataluña to fish the River Ebro.

Although there were no monsters caught, Ray Donovan managed to net a Carp of almost 30lbs and our lady angler Ann Fowles caught 3 Cat fish of differing weights. Most anglers managed to catch something during their stay.

This weeks match, on May 8th, was our first visit of the year to Blanca in Murcia. This venue has a reputation for not fishing well.

First on the day was Pete Kerr with 3.96kg, in second place was Derek King with 2.40kilos, third was Dave Hoare with 2.38kg and in fourth place

Doug Hornblow with 3.60kg. All caught on the feeder.

Next weeks match should have been held in Murcia Town Centre, but due to the situation in the river this match has been cancelled and re- scheduled to Nancys.

Pegs at 8.00, fishing from 9.00 till 3.00.

The next Quiz night is on Tuesday May 13th, commencing at 7.30pm. Cost of entry is 1€ per person, and teams of 6 or less can take part. Anyone is welcome to come along.

The next meeting is on Sunday May 18th with the Committee meeting at 10.30 followed by the General meeting at 11.00.

The Clubs home is the Bar El Alto La Dolores, which is situated just off the N332 between Guardamar and La Mata, near the Repsol garage.

For further information visit the website or telephone 966 717 923.

La Marina