Is Jeff in bother again ?

So if you are getting tired of the bar adverts that keep appearing,Then things may be about to change.
I have just read Jeffs latest blog, and he reports, that according to La Informacion he has been accused of sexual harassment by a former female member of staff.
Where this is going, I do not know, But it may make interesting reading for those people who don't like loads of bar adverts, or possibly never see the light of day as most interesting things in the Spanish press do

La Marina


With reference to an article in today’s, Información newspaper, where an ex female member of staff has accused me of sexual harassment towards her over a period of 18 months.
First, let me say that I vehemently deny these allegations.
It is my understanding that prior to these allegations being put to the Guardia Civil, she spoke with the Alcalde, Carlos Ramirez and stated that she intended to report the matter to the Police, but stated that if I was persuaded to resign from office, the complaint would go away and he would avoid being involved in a Scandal. As I completely deny the allegations, I saw this as a form of Blackmail. I informed the Alcalde that I was not going to resign.
I find it strange that up until June of last year, she shared a house and her life with a member of the Policia Nacional and for all that time she apparently said absolutely nothing to him.
Secondly while her brother and her son worked in the same office since day one and neither of them were apparently informed and if they were, they never said anything to me.
Thirdly: I find it strange that when the time came to execute the government cuts, which would have seen her brother and her son being released from their posts, this allegation should come to the fore.
Fourthly: In September of last year, I had serious thoughts about stepping back from the number one position in favour of this woman, for the next election. I informed her of my plans and suggested that she take a more active role in local fiestas and organisations.
It was about this time that she decided to organise a Dog Show on the Urbanisation. She started to organise this event, without prior consultation with me. She only mentioned this once the wheels had been put in motion. After the conclusion of this event, she took three days off as she stated that she was completely stressed out by the Dog Show. This made me rethink my prior thoughts for the next election. I informed her that I would take the Party into the next election in the Number 1 position. She seemed taken aback and annoyed by this news.
Over the last few years, on numerous occasions, when she has overstepped her authority and spoke out against fellow Councillors, Council officials and Lawyers. I had to censure her on many of these occasions. I only raised my voice but never shouted at her or spoke to her with contempt. Despite these reprimands and the reminder that she was there to explain the nuances of the Spanish language to me, at that time or later, she continued to express her opinions and cause unnecessary annoyance in Council meetings. Because she had on many occasions done excellent work, I would always allow her a great deal of leeway. However, I was by this time having doubts about her abilities and seriously losing confidence in her.
Returning to the allegations. She reports that she submitted her complaint to the Guardia Civil in Guardamar on the 29th of January. A few days later Samantha Hull, my asesora, was invited to make a declaration to the investigating officer , although she has neither heard nor seen any form of sexual harassment towards this woman. She was informed that I would be contacted later that day to give a declaration to the Guardia Civil. Three weeks have passed by since then and to date I have never been interviewed. I have been informed through another Police source that the papers have been sent to the courts. Should this case go ahead, I will answer fully in front of the judge, with proper legal representation and an official interpreter.

I am currently seeking legal advice for the purposes of raising a Denuncia against this person and any other person who attempts to defame my name or character.

Commented Team ASL "A Spanish Life" in La Marina 2014-02-21 20:28:55 UTC