6 or 7 moaners

In response to Eve: We have no idea of these persons' identity as the counsel will not reveal their names. Sorry..Al

why should thousands suffer because of just 6/7 people.

Commented andy in La Marina 2012-05-17 16:34:01 UTC

Well the people who have kept quite on the issue might indicate an idea lol

Commented itsmemw in La Marina 2012-05-18 07:32:08 UTC

mikeyboy. I think we all know the forum names of the regular complainers regarding noise,But I did notice one ot two names that cropped up were actually having a pop at the council members,and were using the bar noise debate
as a way of getting there political thoughts known,Sort of subliminal thinking.
But the only way to stop this anti bar nonsense is to sign one of the petitions so that no member of local or national council is in doubt that it would be foolish to bow down to the dwindling few who want a ghost town

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-05-18 08:18:47 UTC

If the petition is signed is there anything that it can do, or is it just a show of support to show these 6 / 7 people that no matter what we will go ahead with this fiesta. Id be very surprised of this guy gets his stupid wish and the fiesta cancelled.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-05-18 08:47:35 UTC

Is it the residents who are trying to stop the Fiesta on the Consum car park or is it bar owners from other areas ???

And yes, I moan about the bu**er who sings his way home past my house at 2 and 3 am in the morning.

Commented Golfer in La Marina 2012-05-18 11:56:01 UTC

Lighthearted comment to all people who want quiet around the Consume2 area.
I remember reading a story perhaps about 15 years ago.
It was reported in most English national papers.
China was suffering an influx of birds(the feathered kind).they were damaging crops and were making a mess everywhere,they also were very noisy,so the Chinese decided to sort them out,what they supposedly did was ,whenever a bird or birds landed they ran outside banging pots and pans,the birds flew away and landed further along,then people there banged pots and pans,the birds flew away in time the birds got so tired of flying they collasped into the streets and then died or were killed.I dont know if this worked or not.But think if all the bar noise moaners got together with pots and pans and everytime a sound could be heard coming from the bars,they then ran and started banging pots and pans outside the ¨so called noisy bars,the customers inside the bars would insist the owner closed the doors and windows to keep the noise out,the people sitting outside would then rush into the bar as they wouldnt be able to hear anything that was going on inside then the pot bangers could stop and go home until the next lot of bars dared to make a noise,and then they could start all over again.
Result everybody body wins,bar noise becomes a thing of the past,and best of all Shops would open to sell pots and pans to replace the ones damaged in the melee.
Just a last word on the subject,If I was a noise hater,I wouldnt like to try this idea at the fiesta,I dread to think how far a pot handle could go when shoved up your a***.

Only meant to be lighthearted.........but if only we could all just get on with our lives,I wouldnt of had to write this drivel.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-05-18 13:57:35 UTC

Great post Alan! A little light-heartedness is what we need. A little disturbing update though. On Monday night at J's cafe regular quiz, Their Petition signature sign sheet was stolen! It was passed around to the customers that were in for the quiz on a clip-board but the clip-board was returned without the petition sheet. I'm left wondering how much lower can a person be than to steal a support sheet when we are trying to accomplish a positive result for the residents of La Marina. If you are the thief & are reading this, I wish you more misery in your sad existence. Chris & Bev hope that everyone who had signed it please sign the petition again as they have another signature sheet or sign at any other location in the Squre if you wish. Roughly looking so far, we have over 100 signatures so far. If you did not have or remember your N.I.E. please note it & enter it with your signature. Thanks everyone for your support so far!!
Al, from Temptations.

Commented Alan Anders in La Marina 2012-05-18 14:38:58 UTC

i thought we lived in a democrecy if the council bow down to the wishes of 6 or 7 people against the majority then it is a mokery not a democracy,i have had a sneaky feeling for a little while that it could be bar owners from other areas behind this move,but there i dont suppose the gutless wonders will make there selves known.

Commented bluesboytoby in La Marina 2012-05-18 19:17:10 UTC

Hi anonymous, when you think of the volume of business that the 3 day fiesta must bring to the bars closest to the action, providing much needed income that will help them survive during the economic crisis, it may well be that bar owners from other areas, calle Amsterdam, Sierra de Castilla, or the grey area near Soterin Fereteria, have asked for the council to place the fiesta near to one of these locations. I remember a couple of years ago the 3 day fiesta was 2 days at Consum and 1 day at Sierra Castilla. This way more local bars and restaurants got a slice of the fiesta cake!

Commented Sandra in La Marina 2012-05-19 08:00:05 UTC