Thanks to two comments

Thank you for your comments Nikki,also the comments from hogs head , Alan needs to read them And no I only use this name I have not posted In any other name.

Thanks Skywalker,I probably read them before you,and if you had read jeffs comment that I mentioned,at the beginning of our little debate,you would of seen almost the same comments,but you was too busy trying to close everything bar down to notice.
Perhaps now you will let the bar owners try and make a living,without having you on their backs.
Personally I never thought of you as being multi named,but if you look at comments made by people before Andi and Steve wrote on here and just how many names have suddenly stopped appearing,it does seem odd.The same thing happened last year when this same sort of debate was going on.
On the other hand I hope that if you have something you wish to debate in the future I will ,if possible join in,and we could even be on the same side,who knows?

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-04-10 08:33:17 UTC

I have more than one name, just ask the wife.....and my mother.

Commented Golfer in La Marina 2012-04-10 08:44:10 UTC

As it happens golfer,I used to have another name,I can remember as the youngest of nine boys,my Dad always called all of us ....SON...

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-04-10 09:10:59 UTC

not quite the same for me, only child, however when in the S**t I always had my full title, Christian name, Surname name etc.

Commented Golfer in La Marina 2012-04-10 09:36:37 UTC