To Alan what you could not find

(The bar cafe owner who said about only 3 bars cafes would be legal is Nikki 3 weeks ago post 9). I think you are getting me mixed up with somebody else I have never said anything about only 4 am licences I have only ever said 3.30.Jeff should reply it has been about a month since his last statement on here as a lot of people read this site and not his it is important he does make a statement.I see you said you lived by an airport was the airport there before you if so I think you had a choice (WE BOUGHT OUR HOUSES BEFORE THE BARS CAFES) as I have said before some of us need to make a living and need our sleep, this noise goes on every night during the summer months. If this could be kept behind soundproofing double doors e.c.t it would be better for everybody.Or are the bars cafes to small for this kind of use as they were not built for loud music e.t.c.putting a plastic tent on each end is not sound proofing.


I'd like to meet you. Discuss this face to face.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-04-08 20:22:26 UTC

You still do not understand skywalker.I think Nikki is a great ambassador not only for bars,but also for charities,and personally we have never met,but she is one of the people that i admire for the way that she is willing to argue her corner.I havnt re-read that comment yet but will tomorrow.I would like to see what information she has to that effect because the police have checked a sight more than two music playing bars in the last week and those bars are still playing music,I believe now everyone must know the names of two bars who have a late night music license,if in fact such a thing If that info is correct why are the same bars still playing music.
as for me saying 4am license and you saying something about 3.30am.truly you are nit picking.
Also my living near Heathrow the point is yes i chose to live near Heathrow but many people around heathrow were there before London Airport was built,i further mentioned the noise of Concorde,i lived at Heathrow before that beautiful but noisy aircraft was

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-04-08 20:37:43 UTC

I have read the comment by Nikki,about how many bars would be left open if the police closed all bars without a license.Again you missed a few words out,I believe what she said was "in my opinion"meaning that was a thought of hers and not inside knowledge,as I keep saying read the comments properly.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-04-09 07:01:39 UTC

Just before the summer of 2007 the council at that time and local police called a meeting at the community center for bar owners.
It was to inform us that we were able to stay open for the extra hour until 2.30am.
Some of the bar owners asked about having music/karaoke. The reply at that time was that the police "had to be seen to be doing thier job" if a resident called and complained about noise they would have to go to that bar and if they felt it was to loud they may ask for it to be turned down or possible off. Again this would be dependent on if they resident was happy with it being turned down or not. They said that there was only 3 bars on the urb with a music licence I believ it was Poppy's, The Venue and I cant remember the 3rd one. No one mentioned there being any "late licence". There was a lot of arguing at the meeting about this, but in my opinion the policewere saying if you were sensible about noise and there were no complaints they wouldnt bother you. I maybe wrong, but that was my opion at the time. I have to say that from that day to this we have done just that. We only make "noise" one night a week and we ensure our doors and windows are closed. We are lucky that we dont have many nieghbours as the houses near us are mostly empty. We have had the police call at the bar on a couple of occasions but they have never asked us to turn the music down, or off. They did one ask us to close our was only open because people were leaving! On another occasion we were there beyond hours. Although we were just chatting with some friends and cleaning up to leave ( no one was drinking and no music or tv on)we just closed up as they said and went. I dont think they can be any fairer than that.
This is why I said if they closed everyone down who didnt have a music licence there would only be 2 or three bars left.

Commented Nikki in La Marina 2012-04-09 14:43:51 UTC

Thanks for the constructive info Nikki.

i just wonder how this has been possible to spiral out of control, and whom is to be held responsible.

Also opens another can of worms for those bars that are trading legally and those whom are not
has the fight for business becomes harder through the years to come.

Commented FOX160 in La Marina 2012-04-09 16:59:17 UTC

I cant remember all this moaning going on years ago when there was the likes of la bodega/hillside/ big Ben/the sports center bowls club and bars in the grey area having late night music etc it sounds like a shit stirrer is in our midst trying to cause a lot if grief GIVE IT A REST after all everyone new what was being built? did you not also the area carry's noise for along way just wait till the fiestas start many HAPPY DAYS and NIGHTS ahead !!!!

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2012-04-09 17:20:24 UTC

I am only guessing,but a lot of the people who were moaning and wanted the bars closed etc.have not been on here since Andi asked Steve to look at the ip addresses of some of the comment makers,is it possible that Andi was correct and the same person was writing comments in different names.If not it may be perhaps they have nothing to add to what they have already said.In any case it is quite possible this debate on Bars may of come to a sudden halt.
Whichever this may be,perhaps we can all get down to a sensible Forum and may even be able to talk La Marina up,instead of trying to bury it

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-04-09 17:34:44 UTC

Further to Nikki's point, I attended a meeting at the town hall last October with the mayor & most of the bar owners around the consum 2 area. The first point raised was, we got told the 2.30am licence had ended, second point was music was permitted providing all windows & doors where shut. All music after 12am needs to be at a lower level unless the premises had a 3.30am licence. Third point was all terrace furniture and customers had to be cleared from the front terraces in accordance with your licence closing times. This was intended to stop people sitting around chatting etc after the bar had closed. We have adhered to those conditions set down by the town hall.

Commented Dell in La Marina 2012-04-09 17:52:08 UTC