Why I joined this site

The reason I joined this site a week or so ago, not being a resident of La Marina, is that I have family living in the area and I feel a kind of affinity to it... I visit fairly often and I always enjoy my time there... I came across this site quite by chance and I thought I would join in the hope that I could be of some assistance to people... not on issues related to La Marina, on that subject I defer to my more learned colleagues (i.e. La Marina residents, for those that don't get the humour there :), but on issues about Spain in general, such as travelling around the country, gastronomy, Spanish culture, etc... even those learning Spanish who simply want a little help here and there, as I am completely bilingual (if that concept exists :) I don't profess to be an expert on the country, but I certainly know a lot about it!

It seems however, like almost any other interactive forum, that some people enjoy partaking of backstabbing and bitching... that kind of behaviour doesn't get to me one little bit... in fact, while others take it to heart and give themselves an ulcer over it, I just tend to sit back and enjoy the craic :))) Unjustified criticism of my anger at people working the system here in Spain, or ridiculous claims that I cannot spell (hilarious, that one) from someone whose own spelling (and, indeed, grammar) certainly leaves a lot to be desired, simply add to my day's entertainment quota :)))

However, I shall remain on the site as there are people here who are genuinely interested in Spain and the Spanish language and may want certain information or advice at some point, which I shall be more than happy to provide if I can :)

You sound like an interesting person. Why don't you call into our office on Calle Madrid and introduce yourself. Many of the other subscribers have done so. Its always good to meet people face to face.

Commented Jeff Wiszniewski in La Marina 2011-09-13 11:13:53 UTC

I think she may decline your kind offer Jeff !!

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-09-13 11:18:24 UTC

My grand-daughter has just come to live with us for a year here in La Marina. She is here to improve her Spanish and I would like to improve mine also, so we are both interested in joining any organisation where we can be amongst Spanish people who are prepared to help in our efforts to learn. Do you know if such an organisation exists?

Commented Mary in La Marina 2011-10-02 06:08:39 UTC

Good for you girl, and if you're thinking about writing another novel please make it a bit lighter as Franenstein really isn't my cup of tea xx
Can you mind a little dog for a week in the name of charity (Free) xx

Commented mazza in La Marina 2011-10-03 17:20:53 UTC