Change of street lighting

In reply to Tommy,s note.
My son-in-law does energy saving projects for a well known English supermarket.
He says. That the saving on their car park lighting using LED,s
Is 50%.
So there is something wrong with the saving mentioned, or they have installed the wrong type of fitting.

Can't beat actual power usage used. There always seems to be percentage savings bandied about. In a previous job I used to do return on investment reports and sometimes projects are difficult to justify.

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2015-04-23 11:03:50 UTC

Well I am back again, will my info be correct or is it a dream.
When the LED's were put in place in La Marina Urb. Some one stated that the Electricity would be 10% cheaper, AND that the Company who was supplying the electricity would supply the bulbs and fit them free of charge. In my mind that is the reason for the smaller discounjt, I don't know how long the contract between company and council exists for, But I would gather anyone dealing with a new contract would insist on a bigger Discount next time round.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-04-23 11:57:53 UTC

Probably typical of councils all over. Cost doesn't matter when its someone else's money. It's always a vote winner to be seen to go green. When we had a earth day my local council in the uk duly switched off all the lights for a few mins before re-lighting every office in the block.

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2015-04-23 13:34:47 UTC