music in bars

I usually dont get very often in this blog ,but after Reading some commentarias ,I would like to clarify that at least 95 per cent of the complaints come from ex-pats ,the fiestas is some thing tradicional from at least one hundred years ago that all the municipalities celebrate
This council is trying to help everybody in the municipality regardless of the nationality we look for the welfare of our citizens ,but there are some regulations from the Valencian Community that we have to comply with ,they are on top of the Townhall,s decissions.............,siesta time is an old saying that mainly is carried out in the south of Spain

I presume you work for the Council? So your idea of helping is standing by and watching bars like Cagneys get fined whilst at the same time allowing bars in the Consum area to get away with whatever they want in terms of nuisance noise. Exactly what hold do these bars have over the local council? Consum bars have been the main source bad feeling with regard to noise over many years and the council have done nothing effective to curb their activity. The Urb is now caught up in the national clamp down on nuisance noise that could have been avoided if the council had been more assertive. Do me a favour, go and stand outside Consum shops on Saturday night and then tell me these bars owners care about what anybody thinks. Then go back to work on Monday AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! You could start by insisting on the compulsory installation of noise limiters for all bars having music. Bars can't afford it? - I don't care.

Commented flagkilo in La Marina 2014-08-26 07:32:36 UTC

Ear plugs .

Commented desnaandmick in La Marina 2014-08-26 18:35:02 UTC

Yep, well done. Earplugs for me or 30 grand fine for them. Careful you don't back the wrong horse!

Commented flagkilo in La Marina 2014-08-26 19:04:00 UTC