From Senior Citizen trying to set his Windows password . . .

A friend of mine has just sent this to me and I thought it was oh so very true - SO thought I would liven this Forum up a bit - ENJOY EVERYONE.........

From Senior Citizen trying to set his Windows password . . .

WINDOWS: Please enter your new password:

USER: “cabbage”

WINDOWS: Sorry, the password must be more than 8 characters.

USER: “boiled cabbage”

WINDOWS: Sorry, the password must contain 1 numerical character.

USER: “1 boiled cabbage”

WINDOWS: Sorry, the password cannot have blank spaces.

USER: “50bloodyboiledcabbages”

WINDOWS: Sorry, the password must contain at least one upper case character.

USER: “50BLOODYboiledcabbages”

WINDOWS: Sorry, the password cannot use more than one upper case character consecutively.

USER: “50BloodyBoiledCabbagesShovedUpYourAssIfYouDon'tGiveMeAccessNow!”

WINDOWS: Sorry, the password cannot contain punctuation.

USER: “ReallyPissedOff50BloodyBoiledCabbagesShovedUpYourAssIfYouDontGiveMeAccessNow”

WINDOWS: Sorry, that password is already in use.

La Marina