And We Think We Have It Tough

In last weeks Euro weekly, there was a piece on page 11 about a Noise Plan for Elche. It reads:

'Elche's new municipal acoustic plan, currrently being discussed and expected to be approved at a plenary meeting this week, includes new controls for entertainment to prevent noise disturbance. Among the new features included in the plan, is the requirement of local venues to install a device connected to their stereo equipment which will provide real time information to the local police on how the establishment is operating. Premises must also be sound proofed to get an opening licence. The municipal regulations will also require some sort of doorman to avoid congestion and noise at the entrance to the venue. If passed, establishments would be given a transition period to adjust to the new situation and obtain the necessary equipment.'

I would not like to see this in La Marina, and I am sure a lot of bars would not be able to afford soundproofing etc. Doormen ??? not a good idea.
The Townhall have done a lot of work trying to get La Marina back up and running and the guidelines that were set last year would have been perfect for us, but unfortunately, it was abused.
I have asked if we can get a meeting with the people who have complained, but I don't think this will be forthcoming, which is a shame because what happens on La Marina affects ALL of us.
It will be interesting to see if there is any outcome to the Elche plan.

La Marina

Hi Tommy,
When you get a chance, could you either pop in or call me on 966 796 038.


Commented Dell in La Marina 2014-07-08 14:30:07 UTC