I have spent a lot of time supporting people or charities or businesses that I consider get a raw deal in La Marina and surrounding areas, I may not always be right, and you may not always agree with me, but on the whole you respect my right to say what I say, as I respect yours.
But I have heard that ASL have banned Marko from contributing to this site, and his crime was that he wanted his company name and particulars removed from the services section of ASL, as it was out of date and incorrect, I remember on several occasions he asked for it to be removed, He tried putting an advert on the comments page but this was immediately removed by ASL, He deemed as I do it is advantageous for ASL to keep this services section going even with false info. as they sell the calls from people requesting telephone numbers of companies in this section.
If he has been banned I must say that ASL have a weird sense of right and wrong, considering some of the vitriolic rubbish that has been left on this site in the past.

La Marina

If you can still see ASL, You will be ever so pleased (not) to see that although they have banned you writing on ASL they still havnt taken your Services advert off, I had a quick look and noticed quite a few others they havnt taken off either. Stay well Marko, I don't think you are missing much at the moment.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-06-10 12:31:39 UTC