As anyone been to Carmen del Campillo

Looking to some how get to this place and wondering if its worth the drive
Any help would be useful

La Marina

Been there today (4th visit). Absolute oasis of calm & tranquility, with beautiful gardens and a big old Moroccan style house with loads of nooks and crannies to look round. Then sit down in one of many secluded alcoves, indoors or out, and choose from many different types of tea, smoothies etc, plus a plate of little cakes if you want them. Altogether an excellent place to visit. Yes, well worth the trip. Rather difficult to find though.

Commented Geoff in La Marina 2014-04-23 19:17:05 UTC

Thanks Geoff

Finding it is my worry too.
What Town is it near and what is the best way to go of finding it
Thank you

Commented FOX160 in La Marina 2014-04-24 11:28:00 UTC

You need to be on the N340 out of the town of Albatera. To get to Albatera, go to Dolores, then Catral, turn left at the traffic lights in the centre of Catral town (you have to). Then a straight road with a mini roundabout and straight on until you come to a big roundabout. First exit right off the big roundabout, towards San Isidro. Follow the road and after a while it goes over a new railway construction and along the other side of the tracks. At the roundabout go left through San Isidro town and on over the motorway. As you come into Albatera, go right at the traffic lights then left (signposted Alicante) and up to the traffic lights on the N340. Go right towards Crevillente/Elche and about a mile out of Albatera look for a filling station on both sides of the road with some rubbish bins on your left. Take the left turn. As you turn in left, look for a little white arrow on the ground, pointing up the lane (this is Carmen's sign, so you will know what to look for further up!). Go up this lane for a mile or so and then in front of you look carefully for some sluice valves, partially hidden by weeds. Turn right along a dirt track with big potholes and go along with a concrete aqueduct on your left. After a while, turn right at the little white arrow, follow the track round and (I think) turn right again at another little white arrow and you're there. Don't at any time think "This can't be right" because it's such a rough old track, it IS right, trust me! One point, when you order your pot of tea, be sure to say "sin azucar" for any of your party that don't take sugar. If you like little cakes, ask for "dulces". Everybody we have taken there has loved the place. Good luck!

Commented Geoff in La Marina 2014-04-24 14:19:48 UTC

Thank you Geoff
Really appreciate that
Mrs is really looking forward to going

thanks again

Commented FOX160 in La Marina 2014-04-25 17:36:46 UTC