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San Fulgencio Council In Limbo

So it now seems that the local council are on the verge of falling apart after Councillor Paulino Herrera resigned.
This means that Jeff W is now sweating it out along with the Mayor Carlos R. So if Paulino sticks to his guns then we could possibly have a new council.
Fact is, Jeff W time is up, most people rely on Paulino or at least speak to him about there problems on the Urb. The office JW is in now was meant for Paulino.
Well good luck Jeff and Carlos because I really hope Paulino stu la to his guns and ousts you from power.

La Marina

I hope this is true Andi, and that Paulino does join, the eight opposition members, and ousts the PP and jeff from power. Before too much damage is done. I have spoken to Paulino on a couple of occasions, and have believed his replies, Don't quite know how the politics in Spain work, But Paulino was a PP member, and it was under that banner,t hat he received a place on the Council, By resigning has he given up that position and if he has ,will he be allowed to become an independent and still maintain a seat on the new Council,or will he have to be voted in again. If anyone Knows the way things work in Spain this is the time to let everybody in, on what occurs next.
I have on many occasions, mentioned that perhaps Jeff should do just the thing that Paulino has done, but now that opportunity has been taken away from him. I wish Paulinho the best of luck, if what is said is true, I do know this actions takes guts to do,

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-08-14 10:27:05 UTC

Alan it takes guts to criticise his own party in public and his done this. I know Paulino has had his own problems with the dump and stuff but he is genuine this guy, he is here for the residents and will help as much as he can. Him resigning from the PP shows his not happy with what the PP are doing or PiPn

New article. Copy and translate Alan.

Paulino Herrero, concejal díscolo del PP, que amenaza con dejar en minoría al gobierno local, quiere más competencias y más medios para realizar su función como edil de Parques y Jardines. El lunes presentó su dimisión por registro pero, visto lo visto en la jornada de ayer, no parece que sea irrevocable. Está «negociando» con sus compañeros de gobierno, aclaró ayer y en especial con el alcalde Carlos Ramírez. Y tiene más de 20 días para pensárselo y poner contra las cuerdas al equipo de gobierno porque el pleno ordinario para hacer efectivo su gesto, que no conlleva renunciar a su acta de concejal, porque el pleno no se celebra hasta el 3 de septiembre.
Herrero exige que reestructure la situación en las urbanizaciones y critica al alcalde Carlos Ramírez por conceder cinco asesores a su socio de gobierno, el concejal Jeffrey Witold, del Partido Independiente Por las Nacionalidades (PIPN). Estos cinco cargos de confianza le suponen a las arcas 200.000 euros anual, mientras que el PP no cuenta con ningún asesor. Entre los contratados a dedo figuran los tres miembros de la misma familia de quien era la segunda en la lista de esta formación independiente «dándose el caso que alguno de ellos no acuden a su puesto de trabajo», según denunciaron ayer desde las filas socialistas en la oposición.
El edil del PIPN es el que le da la mayoría al PP. Herrero dice que su socio de Corporación «me salta por encima cada vez que se hace una actividad en las urbanizaciones» y asegura que tiene el apoyo del colectivo europeo (el 70% de los 12.000 vecinos son extranjeros) «estos están enfadados y además quieren que les represente. Es un trabajo que podríamos desempeñar el resto de concejales sin costarle dinero al ayuntamiento». Rafael Candela, coordinador comarcal del PP en el Bajo Vinalopó-Vega Baja, afirma que en caso de que se confirme la dimisión el partido tomará las acciones pertinentes, todas ellas disciplinarias y que el concejal pasaría a las filas de los no adscritos por lo que no podría validar una moción de censura.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2013-08-14 10:43:22 UTC

Hi Andi,
Just used Bing to translate,and it states that Paulinho, resigned on Monday,although it was not made known until yesterday.
The bing translation is not word perfect,but it seems that Paulinho,was not given the power or resources to fulfill his roll as Councillor for Parks and Gardens,he also stated that the Councillor for the Urbs had five assistants,where as the other councilors on the council had none,he seemed to infer (I may have this wrong)that the five assistants were given to Jeff,to get him onside.
At present nothing seems to be able to move as he officially has 21 days to change his mind, and I believe that perhaps the Mayor may offer him a sweetener to get him back into the fold.
A problem could occur if anything important crops up in those 21 days,as Paulino would have to not vote, if he is to be taken seriously in the future, in which case it will be stalemate
If he does remain true to his word and stays resigned until the official date,The PP Mayor would have to try and coax one of the remaining minority councilors,to go under the PP umbrella, to regain the majority vote back. From the way the Mayor seems to of treated the opposition in the past, that seems unlikely

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-08-14 11:30:15 UTC

I think Paulino will stick to it unless his given what he needs. If he don't I tho k he will try an make a pact with the opposition. You have to give the man credit for coming out like he has an telling residents how it is. No doubt it will hit the local English press next week.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2013-08-14 12:03:34 UTC

The way I read this Paulino Herrero has confirmed exactly what the opposition councillors have been saying for more than two years. The Mayors priority has been to maintain the coalition with the PIPN councillor Jeff Wiszniewski at any cost. I hope too that Paulino sticks to his principles.

Commented Roger in La Marina 2013-08-14 14:12:19 UTC

Couldn't agree more Roger. Jeffs vote was bought at the beginning, although it seems the Mayor bought him, but seemed to forget him as soon as his vote was safe in PPs hand, More than once it was seen that Jeff was forgotten when decisions were made or changed.
It is with this in mind, that it worries me if Paulino will be given a sweetener (Not a backhander)like more money from the San Fulgencio account to improve the lot that Paulino has to burden to get his job as Councillor of Parks and Gardens fulfilled.
On saying that,The Local small park at the lower end of Calle Alfredo Kraus has been improved beyond recognician in the past few months, and if Paulino can achieve this on a tight budget, I think I would back him whatever the final outcome is, I just hope he can find a way to do something with the redundant water feature in that same park

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-08-14 14:47:23 UTC

The way I understand it is that the party gets a set amount of seats linked to the amount of votes and that the party name who they want to be on the council, so if one of the people that you nominate steps down you fill that place with another member of your party. Could be wrong.

Commented johnmckernanjnr in La Marina 2013-08-14 18:48:32 UTC

Politics are politics!
We must wait and see what happens!

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2013-08-14 19:13:04 UTC

What credence can you give to a councillor who resigns in writing one minute, then withdraws it a few days later. Presumably he has been bought off with promises from the Mayor. I wonder where that leaves our Councillor for Urbanizations, his own office and entourage of helpers.

Commented Ispy in La Marina 2013-08-14 20:50:56 UTC

So which Councillor resigned and then rescinded it?

Commented Peter Horsfield in La Marina 2013-08-15 11:34:46 UTC

As far as I know Peter
Paulinho has resigned, I havnt read anywhere of him re-aligning himself with the PP Council, I have only read that he has over 20 days to make a final decision.
Perhaps Ispy has more information than I had, or perhaps they misread my Bing Translation,of the information that I had put on in a comment, after being given this info from another comment

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-08-15 15:12:21 UTC

According to the ' Informacion' Spanish newspaper. Paulino registered his intention to resign last week. It seems that he is at odds with the arrangements made for Jeff W to have the use of an Urbanization Office with five 'assessors' (advisers), several of whom are related to each other and at a considerable cost to us every year, when he has no such help. After meetings with the mayor he has taken a step back from resignation, as he has been promised some concessions ( not made clear at this stage). However he has to make a final decision early next month. Most of these local 'goings on' are usually well reported in the Informacion Diario, and La Verdad, newspapers which you can view on line.

Commented Ispy in La Marina 2013-08-15 17:15:41 UTC

I was not aware until now that some of Jeff's "merry helpers" are related, however, it cannot be any coincidence that his entire team, despite a wealth of well qualified residents, are all from PIPN, his own party?

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2013-08-15 18:43:25 UTC

It appears to me that 'he's got an office and so I want want one'. Always ask, why do you need it and what benefit can you give. Jeff and his team must have to deal with loads of moaners.

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-08-15 20:59:05 UTC

Marko, moaners, they come with the territory. The previous English councillor Mark Lewis worked alongside the Spanish councillors and the Policia local every day. Most people know that he did great work as the councillor for animal welfare, by organising volunteers, but he still had people moaning at him. He was also the councillor for the environment, and for press and public relations. At least then we did see regular reports on council business in the English press, and correct grammar on fiesta programs etc. The English on the fiesta programs etc this year has been shocking.

Commented Roger in La Marina 2013-08-16 07:31:51 UTC

"The English on the fiesta programs etc this year has been shocking."
Why complain? Be glad that someone is trying to write in English for immigrants who do not understand the language of the country they live in.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2013-08-16 09:30:46 UTC

When it is a British person translating - there is no excuse for the bad grammar. I can read Spanish and I would change the translation so it makes sense to us expats.

Commented Peter Horsfield in La Marina 2013-08-16 09:35:00 UTC

I think you are missing the point here?
There was NO information whatsoever in English!
Our councillor Jeff has suddenly realised after 2 years in office that our press chief in the Town Hall only speaks Spanish!

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2013-08-16 10:26:35 UTC

There is absolutely no excuse for the lack of translation qualities in Jeff's office!
Sam, one of Jeff's staff, is absolutely fluent in both English and Spanish, indeed she has taught many of our residents Spanish.
If Jeff wanted us to know what he is up to or what is happening/going on in the Urb then he has all of the tools at his disposal, does he not?

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2013-08-16 10:29:51 UTC

What a surprise Friendlyviking that our press chief in the Town Hall only speaks Spanish! Isn´t that the language you speak in Spain?

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2013-08-16 20:53:39 UTC