I have just had the figures sent to me by Google for last month, to show how many people have been reading your post and comments on La Marina, and it make for very interesting reading.

On average 488 people per day turned to the forum pages to read about what is going on in La Marina and follow the events on your Urb. The most popular topics being about the new local government and the pet rescue. And on average each person spent 8 minutes reading what you had put.

Its great to be informed as to what is going on in the area so please keep us updated. Not every one likes to add to the debate but most like to keep an eye on things.

Those are rather good figures Thanks for the update Steve.
When you think we only started the Forum just over 8 weeks ago. Plus up to now 112 persons in La Marina have registered as members of this our Free Speech Forum. But far more are using it as a way of getting Local Information.
Well done all of you but we have only just started - just keep posting.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-07-05 14:31:07 UTC

I personally would say these are Excellent figures for postings and viewings on this relatively new Forum. I saw that somebody had posted, yesterday I believe it was, that this forum was small and that the counsellor's would not be bothered to post. I strongly disagree with you - for a start as the figures state, this is not a small Forum and it is growing constantly and from what I can gather Jeff Wiszniewski was answering questions and doing postings before he went away for his wedding ! I would like to say *Very Well Done* to A Spanish Life Forum - Keep up the good work. This is the sort of Forum that we need with no trivial restrictions on anything you post.

Commented QueenBee in La Marina 2011-07-05 15:52:53 UTC

Can I please make a plea, if you are out somewhere and you see an event advertised would you please jot the details down and put the details up here on or rather in the EVENTS section.
To earn two brownie points possible explain to the owner of the Venue that they could list it up here for FREE thats the hard part explaining that it is free.
Keep in mind to tell them that we have nearly 500 visitors per day.
Plus people really do want to know whats on and where to go for a change.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-07-07 21:32:10 UTC