Putting your Photo or Image up onto the Site

Firstly, you need to know where on your computer the photo or image is that you wish to put up. Once on the forum go right down to the bottom and click SETTINGS. Then you will see the Avatar (photo or image) Box - Click Browse. This is where you go to the photo or image that you wish to put in. Click Save Changes and if you did everything correctly - it will now be up for everybody to see. This will make such a difference to the forum if everybody could do this.
***Happy Posting Everyone***

La Marina

It's nice to see more of you have now put your photo/logo up in your postings. There's no excuse now for anyone to say they do not know how to do this as instructions above. Thank's Everyone !!

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-06-23 20:57:06 UTC

Tried to change my photo Carol as some person (no names mentioned) complained they did not like my photo. I will put one up of the dog on his own. That should get you going.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-06-24 17:18:42 UTC

Who ME - are you talking about me Eve ha ha. All I said was that it wasn't a very good photo of you and that you have much better ones, so please don't just put Prince up there x

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-06-24 17:21:26 UTC