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Local Elections

Who to vote for... that is the question! Well, as in all political elections, the manifestos are an important starting point... and this link sets out an over-view of PIPN's (Partido Independiente Por las Nationalidades) Manifesto, the full version of which is now available in PIPN's office in Calle Madrid 107 (near The Grill House) and from various other locations around the Urbs. I declare an interest insomuch as I made the film - and did so solely because I am impressed with Jeff Wisniewski's heartfelt motivation to make our local government honest and fair to all communities in our municipality.
Tom Whitmore

La Marina

are there 2 Jeff,s on the urb only know of one the one who is being investigated with regards to the fiesta contract

Commented david in La Marina 2015-05-09 13:39:33 UTC

and this link will take you to a version in Spanish:

Commented tomjo3 in La Marina 2015-05-09 13:46:21 UTC

Being investigated means simply that. I think even in Spain a person is innocent until proven guilty. I am sure there are manny Jeffs, Jeffrey's and Geoffs on the Urb.

Commented Scotty in La Marina 2015-05-09 13:49:35 UTC