Paulino, Sam and especially Mr Wiszniewski -- 4am & 5am Bars -- Sort it.

I had a look this morning at Chief O'Neills Irish Pub, the woodwork on the front is rotten, the place looks really run down, almost ghetto looking from the front.
Well it's closed now, this must be very good news for anyone who lives close by, also the BarBar is up for sale, again good news, do we need this type of bar on the urb, 5AM, nearly 6 am by the time this bar closed up in the summer.
Now would be the perfect time for the Council to step in and pass a by-law and put a stop to these 3 am bars on the urbanisation.
Paulino, Sam and especially Mr Wiszniewski as you are the man who has the say on the urb, this is one you should be taking back to your San Fulgencio mates. For once, just for once, lets see someone step in and help sort this Consum crap out.
Look back at the opening documents, they exist some place down in San Fulgencio, What was it the Town Hall told us when they read out the details from these documents back around 2004, only Shops on the bottom level that would close up by 8:30, not even deliveries after that time and shops and a few cafes on the upper level all facing inwards.

La Marina

It will not happen, wait for the excuses, it was not this council, can not find any paperwork, can not find the opening licence, etc etc. or better still, it's not us who issue the licence.

Commented Golfer in La Marina 2014-10-26 08:59:43 UTC

This is getting boring, The latest any bar can stay open on La Marina Urb, is a bar with a music license,(La Marina Urb. has vey few of these bars) In summer months these bars must close at 4am.(in winter it is 3am) the bar owner must clear his terrace at closing time, so if you you are sure bars are open until 5am or 6am,or in fact patrons are noisy on the terraces then as far as I can see, you pick up a phone and call the police, you will eventually get action, the Police may not be over the moon but will eventually sort it.
If you doubt any of what I have just written, then do us all a favour read the comments on La marina forum, the comments are made by a guy who tags himself Highlander, and guess what, you are then reading what Jeff the Councillor is telling you. Then surely if you are not satisfied with the results, go and see him at his office just off the strip, or see the councillor with an office at the local police station. If you are still not satisfied, the Mayor used to have a room at the council offices a couple of times a week to answer peoples questions,

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-10-26 10:21:35 UTC

I think the original post was for Paulino, Jeff and Sam etc.
However phone the Police, I have myself have done, still waiting for them to sort it out, they just drove by and left the bar and its customers on the terrace at turned 4am.
The Local Police do NOTHING, they do what the council tells them.

Commented Golfer in La Marina 2014-10-26 13:09:55 UTC

The original post was for Jeff (who has stated he doesn't read this forum, Sam who has an office position at the moment, and paulino.
As I clearly stated the police will sort it eventually, Just let Benjamin make up his mind, if he doesn't want to do anything except write on this forum, so be it, but if he wants a way to try to sort it (not forgetting, as Benjamin he has only ever complained on one subject) he may not be aware of the alternatives open to him. My way if he doesn't get anywhere or achieve anything, he has names and incidents, which to report to other enforcement departments or agencies, But at least he can see what the Council say are closing times and not what, other people say, some of which is not correct.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-10-26 14:18:06 UTC

Just spoke to an old ex squaddie mate of mine who lives opposite chief o, neils appears he went over to have a word with the final whistle bar who was blasting out music and the guy said he knew nothing of the ongoing noise issue.Where has this guy been for the last year.Still now that the Policia Autonomica are involved things should change.These boys love their big fines don,t you know.At least the local police wo,nt have to worry about the paperwork and the residents can be assured the new boys will turn out when they call.Pity the offenders can,t be like most of the others on the top level and keep the noise level down.

Commented Reg in San Fulgencio 2014-10-27 14:54:40 UTC

Although I fully understand not wanting noise and music up to 4 am in the morning (i wouldn't want it) We had someone moan when they came for Mothers day and we put on a saxophonist who was just background music just to make it a special day for people. The person moaned straight away and said he wouldn't have booked if he had known, guess what he lives across the road) well don't worry because you wont get served in here again, Interestingly his very lovely wife enjoyed it and said how lovely the music was but he insisted they had their desert straight away as he wanted to go. As for the Final whistle, we are next door and the music was Not loud, we sat outside and could hardly hear it. Stop bloody moaning its daytime a stops at 5 pm/ Quite easy, go and do some good in the world when the music is on in the day, do some charity work and stop trying to control everyones Lives/

Commented [email protected] in La Marina 2014-10-27 16:50:48 UTC