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Rock concert

Although I have no problem with the rock concert as I think all age groups need entertainment in La Marina. I struggle to see how we can have the police on our door at half three in the afternoon when we have a small amount of live music that hardly anyone can hear. But the rock concert must have been heard by everyone on the urb until 3am in the morning. Is it one rule for one and one rule for another (I think so).

Jescapes. I live in the valley (Marina Del Mar) and I could hear the music til 3am. Ok, I don't mind, it's only once a year, but I agree with you, why do the police harass the local bars in the afternoon or evenings. They are only trying to make a living, providing entertainment which in turn helps the local economy. Double standards here, explanation off someone would be nice.

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2013-07-13 12:01:31 UTC

I put in the other Rock Concert Commetns, I am in favour of having a few days of rocking for the younger people of our society.I am also in favour of the the police and council not hounding the bars of La Marina. In my opinion,The bias being shown by the police and council,is unbelieveable,and arrogant.Yes I could hear the music until halfway through the night,the pity was I couldn't understand it.
What does rile me is that the Rock Concert costs us a fair whack of dough, Last year for a one night show I think the cost was 28000 Euros,some of this was meant to be recouped,from Alicante and Valencia,but according to reports it never was.This year is a much bigger gig.,so I gather the cost will be more than double that,admittedly you could deduct perhaps 20000 Euros,for the receipts of the entrance fee,but who pays the rest,are we again going to be told Alicante and Valencia,because if they don't pick up the tab, we as SUIMA payers will.Where as the Bars having something going on for all of us 52 weeks a year,and the cost to us is Zilch,not one Euro comes out of the SUMA for the Bars to have music,So Mr Police Chief,Mr Mayor,and your gang of councilors,just where is the fairness,
All we want is music for all at realistic levels at realistic times,jescapes bar had to stop music mid afternoon,other bars have had to stop at all sorts of ridiculous times of day,so come on Mr Mayor where is the equality in that

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-07-13 12:54:41 UTC

spot on Alan,....I should imagine most of the crowd last night came from far and wide, I could count the "rockers" in La Marina on one hand, so all this money spent on this event, doesn't benefit the locals, those of us that frequent the bars, that get penalised by the Policia Locale for having music on. This needs to be sorted out, like I said, double standards. The bars trade all year, pay their taxes but get crapped on.

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2013-07-13 13:19:20 UTC

My hubby & I live near the quarry. The early hours of this morning our puppy wake everyone up as he heard a noise that he was not use too. on further investigations we found out that he could heard the rock concert as we went on the terrace. the music must have been very loud as we could hear it. We think that it is so unfair that bars as told to stop the music at all hours of the day, but this is beggars believe. Also I was informed this morning by a friend that he report the noise to the local police and they did nothing, all he asked for was to turn the music down.

Commented susan in La Marina 2013-07-13 15:47:41 UTC

I live on calls Dublin last night up untill approx 7.30 was at the corner shop having a drink with friends & you could hear it later in the evening around 10.10.30 I could not hear a thing then I woke up around 2.30 & could hear it as clear as a bell very strange,& before any remarks I was only drinking water.

Commented bluesboytoby in La Marina 2013-07-13 16:15:05 UTC

You!d Be surprised how many "rockers" there are in La Marina ..we arnt all into Buddy Holly ya know.....

Commented Mandy in La Marina 2013-07-13 17:10:58 UTC

Agnes, I don't really care how many rockers there are in La Marina ,(I used to like rock, but moved on) and the music doesn't bother me for one weekend, but the point of the argument is that this LOUD music is on 'til 3 am, at the same time the Police are cruising round telling bars to stop their music ! DOUBLE STANDARDS !

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2013-07-13 18:20:30 UTC

Alan, I don't think anything will be recouped from the ticket money of this concert. Last night we estimate there were about 150 in the audience, at 8 tonight about the same, and right now 1.19am I suppose there may be 200 - 300. Not exactly the 1000 tickets they claimed to have sold.

Commented Maz in La Marina 2013-07-13 23:20:55 UTC

Thanks for letting us know you findings on the crowd totals,its a shame they were so small,seems like it may cost us more than expected,although the figures the Council give out will be re-jigged,I dare make them look successful.What I cant fathom out is Friday night was boom boom night,it seemed the groups were playing in my lounge,yet last night I couldn't hear anything.Does anyone have a logical answer for the vast difference in noise levels.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-07-14 07:20:40 UTC

Dave it isnt DOUBLE STANDARDS the Rock Concert and the Fiesta have a licence the BARS do not, an agreement was made so the Bars could have Live music Illegaly as long as the noise level was kept low and what happens the Prima Donna Entertainers come and turn the sound up and the bar owners have all the windows and doors open and someone complains.
The last complaint about music in the afternoon I asked Paulino about after hearing that it was other bars that had complained He sent the Police to ask the bar to turn down the noise and close the doors Why? because 2 house rang him and he could hear the singing clearly on his mobile and the 2 houses live quite a long way from the bar.

Commented david in La Marina 2013-07-14 07:36:25 UTC

What a wonderful constructive comment that was!
If our councillors, police, guardia and national police were as quick to get licences for our bars and restaurants as they are to get licences for a bunch of out of town didi coys then surely we would not have a problem here on the urb, would we?

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2013-07-14 08:37:31 UTC

David, Talking to various bar owners, a music licence does not exist, so how can they have one ?

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2013-07-14 08:59:14 UTC

david,,what you have to realize,is that Paulinho and the rest of the Council,say what they are told to say,All of this bar v bar crap is getting monotonous,the Council never name a person or a bar who allegedly complains,They say because those people fear retaliation,absolute rubbish,they wont give names,because they raraly exist,it is time we stood up to these accusations and insist on them being named,this anonymous crap is getting sillier by the moment.As for the people complaining on the phone and Palinho saying he could here the music,and paulinho saying these people living a fair way away,why not try this idea,Firstly turn your radio onto a music station,turn it up loud,go into the next room ,phone Paulinho about the noise (name any bar you like)shout down the phone to Paulinho about the music being so loud you cant concentrate.Yep it would be that easy,the person really making the noise would be you,but as I say,dont let the truth get in the way of a lie,Lies are much more fun.Strange that these Two people appear to of phoned Paulinho and not the police,in the first place.Some one somewhere is not telling the truth.When people have to lie it is because they don't want to believe the truth.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-07-14 09:23:47 UTC

Seems to have started in Quesada now. Band shut down by Guardia at 23:00 even though the bar had a music licence and just by one complaint.

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-07-14 10:00:45 UTC

Well I was there in the crowd and i can tell you now Maz there was more than 1000 people there your life so sad that all you have to do at 1.19am is do a head count .....lifes too short....Roll on 2014.......

Commented Mandy in La Marina 2013-07-14 10:39:50 UTC

Stockport Dave ....Its gonna be LOUD Its a Rock Concert lol.......

Commented Mandy in La Marina 2013-07-14 10:43:54 UTC

Moron music, couldn't call it rock - not the last hour or two anyway - more like screaming banshees.. If that's the best group in Spain, enough said.. And I'd like to know who the moron councillor is that permitted it to happen in the first place, and how much his palm was greased..... We have to live here.. Why cant they relegate such crap to the market area down at Mercadona instead, where there is plenty of parking and no houses! Residents should not be subjected to that kind of breach of peace without so much as a by your leave.. We residents spend more money here all year round than the people who come here on budget holidays. We keep the bars and restaurants going through the winter and our voice should be heard. If this goes ahead next year I will personally invite the responsible people to spend two nights on my front balcony so they too can be terrorised by this moronic noise until 5 in the morning as it was last night.

Commented casabiza in La Marina 2013-07-14 11:27:18 UTC

And before anyone jumps to their defence, I do like music very much in fact and listen to all sorts, but that screaming was senseless...

Commented casabiza in La Marina 2013-07-14 11:31:20 UTC

I agree Casabiza.
Councillor responsible......Borja Alonso.
And really aren't worth replying to!

Commented Maz in La Marina 2013-07-14 11:59:23 UTC

Dead right Alan but it's not only this area. There was a letter in I think RTN a few weeks ago complaining about the same thing in their area. Being ancient I, of course, can't remember where the lady was talking about. It's so hard for small businesses to make a living these days I have a lot of sympathy for the bar owners.

Commented mazza in La Marina 2013-07-14 12:05:02 UTC

You are obviously into heavy metal.I have no problem with what ever music people like or listen to.I have a query with the Rock Concert in La Marina.Of the 17 groups who played over the two days,which to you were the headliners,and do you now if they played on Friday and roughly what time they were on.Also who did you think was the best performing group and when did they play.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-07-14 12:42:39 UTC

I agree with casabiza and made the same comment last year Why cant they relegate such crap to the market area down at Mercadona instead,
We live here none of those who are inflicting us with this live here. They have a Blasted cheek to my mind. But of course they do have one supporter do they not Agnes.
I will say it again They have a Blasted cheek. They would not have it in their back gardens would they?

Commented Douglas in La Marina 2013-07-14 13:55:09 UTC

I think your council should distribute 'chill pills' to all residents. Would you complain about the noise from the Rolling Stones in Hyde Park? (actually, I think most of you would).

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-07-14 14:21:41 UTC

Marco They put this here concert bang in the middle of a residential area. Is that correct? Full of people who work or are retired to this area. Not something to my mind that is in anyone's book acceptable.

Commented Douglas in La Marina 2013-07-14 14:40:22 UTC

Oh Alan, you do make me laugh. You're a bit cheeky in your postings some time but I'm sure that often you're being sardonic and other times you tongue is stuck firmly in your cheek. You're actually also very informative at times, but I love best the way you make me chuckle. Keep it up boy, sometimes people take life too seriously xxxx

Commented mazza in La Marina 2013-07-14 15:49:20 UTC

Its Spain for goodness sake. Before you bought your property, did you not read up on how the Spanish only like starting to go out at 22:00. Do you think your council puts these things on just to annoy the residents? I live and work in Spain and my business requires people to want to come and stay. This forum is starting to sound like a Working Mens Club committee, were they don't mind the younger ones paying their subs but want entertainment on their terms.

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-07-14 16:00:39 UTC

Hyde Park? 350 acres of green land!

Commented Maz in La Marina 2013-07-14 16:06:37 UTC

Hi Alan ......Im not really into Heavy Metal as such but it wasnt just about the music for me it was about the performance some of those bands put on ...the energy they have was great to my head line band that would have to be a Band Called Magnum 44 we have been following for the last 3 years who all come from ....San Fulgencio and have performed together for 21 years so im all for supporting the locals....

Commented Mandy in La Marina 2013-07-14 16:10:48 UTC

Hi Marko good comment and we all know whats happening to most working mens club ...there closing down...

Commented Mandy in La Marina 2013-07-14 16:13:46 UTC

Agree on supporting locals, but not in the middle of a residential area.. And not all night long. The bars have to shut their music down at 12... - which is by any standards better than the crap they served up at 12 at night down there at the market place...Lets make sure they go down Mercadona way next year or better still the Gobi dessert or somewhere....Other places have had the guts to do it so why can't the residents of La Ma? I mean - even Glastonbury is out in the sticks..."The night of the living dead" they called it this year there...Last night here sounded like they were all in their dying throes... wailing like tortured souls...

Commented casabiza in La Marina 2013-07-14 16:24:22 UTC

If the Rolling Stones played at Hyde Park I would be complaining that I couldn't hear them.I used to travel to the Railway Hotel in Richmond on a Sunday to hear them and only a few people had heard of them,I have been a fan of rubber lips ever since,So please don't compare them to what people were forced to listen to at the weekend (which was not rock and roll it was heavy metal at the least,I had no complaint except the sound was distorted by having the amps turned up full,causing a vibration in the mics. and the instruments,I would of quite easily of sat on my terrace and listened until the end, except it was impossible to hear clearly what was sung and what was played. Other than that If you have any influence in any club in Quesada could you get them to pay the Stones to come over,would love to do my Mick impressions.I am told that my hips move the same as his,but they should we are about the same age.Other than that I havnt had a chill pill since my teenage days,so wouldn't want to start AGAIN.
Have a nice day
Have a good day

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-07-14 16:34:12 UTC

Unfortunately Alan I have no Influence in Quesada and my era was Punk bands and the louder the better because they were all shite singers.

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-07-14 18:02:38 UTC

This is becoming very confusing as we're having the same problem in Doña Pepa as our local which isbtheblargest pub in the area & can hold 2/300 when full has been visited by the local police because a neighbour has complained the music is too noisy , yet it has a licence tiln12 midnight for music. Yet at the Rojales Fiesta very loud music was on licensed by the local council untiln7am & La Marina had Music on til 3am yet our locals that we all visit get loads of hassle come on Jeff & friends sort this out if the council can grant a licence til 3 or 7 am how can a local bar be hounded for having live music til 12pm or do the Council want tomseevall the bars shut down & we all go back to blighty

Commented dufay010 in Quesada 2013-07-14 20:11:30 UTC

It is good to get a bit of feedback from Quesada and a few other places regarding Local Bars being hounded. Mainly because the San Fulgencio Council, Reported last year that they had been ordered to meet with some of the Valencian Government due to the high amount of complaints,t hat had been received by Valencia over the noise from bars in La Marina Urb. Which had totaled over 70 complaints.
I believe some or a lot of of people in local and regional government are feeding us a pack of lies.I also believe they have an agenda which is not beneficial to the area or its residents, but none of them have the guts to come out and be truthful.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-07-15 07:46:04 UTC

Your right, there isn't really a music licence unless you soundproof etc which no way can most bar either do or afford. The new regulations in my opinion don't really exist, a bar has still been pulled up in the afternoon with no warning and we for one wont have music now as we really cant afford the fines. It would be lovely to have some music in the odd afternoon.(Not loud). But we cant. Its just the odd few people spoiling it for the rest and the police should use some sense and stop it all. The council do little or nothing in my opinion to help the bars, all this rubbish could be stopped overnight. The problem is we are told one thing,,,,,but it just doesn't happen in reality.

Commented [email protected] in La Marina 2013-07-15 08:36:45 UTC

if you lived in Almoradi you would have about two weeks of Fiesta starting the end of July, with disco's in every available corner going on until 7.00 a.m. So surely you can put up with 2 nights. Still you have to have something to moan about otherwise some of you would lead very dull lives.

Commented violet in San Fulgencio 2013-07-15 16:21:39 UTC

Driving thru Elche today I think I know why the Rock concert was much better supported on Friday and not Saturday, Micheal Schenker was playing Elche on sat just gone, so faced with the choice of raw upcoming Spanish thrash metal or a Rock Hall of famer (Scorpians Ufo, Msg etc) I know which I would have preferred, indeed would probably have gone to see MS if I had known!

Commented zenophant in La Marina 2013-07-15 17:23:42 UTC

I do believe it was funded by alonso and dos mas.. Correct me if I am wrong ..

Commented winterbottomandsophie in La Marina 2013-07-15 22:22:02 UTC

if that's is in fact the case, what right have either of those to inflict such a noise on the residents without asking....And they should have put the same noise criteria on the concert as they do on the pubs. PS They lost a lot of ticket sales through half of La marina to be able to hear it anyway! Whoever actually paid to hear that last band both nights needs their head looked at. And next year Alonso will be chained to my balcony for 2 nights, forced to listen to both the noise and the neighbourhood dogs howling in fear! I suggest next election no Alonso, and if Dos Mas is indeed behind it boycott them too! Got to get it moved somewhere else where it wont be a problem. The very lie of the land contributes as the market place is low lying with houses built around it on a slope so it functions as an amphitheatre... But then you couldn't expect the responsible, inconsiderate people to take that into consideration- if they even had the intelligence to work that out - yet again an example of "line my own pockets and damn everyone else.." syndrome that is rife. But God forbid a pub that makes a noise - at least they stop at 12! They don't have the amplifiers this lot had.. I will have official noise controllers there to measure the decibels next time - if there is one!

Commented casabiza in La Marina 2013-07-16 07:32:50 UTC