La Marina Fiesta

With the temperature soaring to stupid-hot, this years' fiesta was set to break all records for attendance & fun for all. Well Jeff, you succeeded on both counts. From finally locating the stage in a proper position that could be viewed much easier by most bars' patrons (sorry to ROJO'S & LOS AMIGOS), the quality of the entertainment chosen & the sound system, I think this will be hard to beat. Unfortunately, the Saturday power failures put a big damper on the festivities (and takings) but the explanation given from Jeff was that IBREDOLA has one of their 4 power lines into La Marina fail due to the heat & demand. Strange it had to happen exactly during the fiesta though? The fireworks planned were very much promoted & anticipated by all.Started out GREAT! Apparently, the company contracted for them had their main computer board fail but that they had forgotten to bring the manual over-ride with them. Guess who's NOT going to get paid??!!
All in all, what a weekend. Lots of work for all the business owners in the square & I think La Marina should give all of them a pat on the back for all the effort put in by them. It is a heck of a lot of extra work, planning with extra inventory, extra staff & a lot of extra hours. I'm sure the extra takings make it all worthwhile. Susan & myself, Al,& all of our staff at TEMPTATIONS, Rose, Shelly, Rosie, Jill, Katie & Dean thank all of our customers for your support over this fiesta. We hope you enjoyed our hospitality.
See you next year!!! Al Anders

Well I thought the Fiesta was fantastic, me and my family had great fun. Our family has owned a property here for over 25 years, and have seen many many changes, we laughed at the power cut and made the most of it...its the norm to get one in Spain isn't it, at least they don't last for days anymore....all I can say is stop moaning La Marina is a great friendly place...u cld be in a lot worse places, and remember u are a long time dead so enjoy life!!!!

Commented Wendy in La Marina 2012-08-06 15:19:55 UTC