illegal bars etc

Why cant the police/council etc just shut down and fine all the illegal bars business etc, that would raise much needed revenue and stop all the noise etc, also all the bleeding moaning on here its getting very very very boring like infants school he did that,she did that,they are doing this so I will do that etc.
PS if you bought an illegal bar/house in the wrong place etc tough should have done your home work one of life's learning curve's, have a nice day/evening everyone the suns out and the weekends on its way looking forward to a nice meal and some entertainment!!!!!

La Marina

Make sure you don't go for a meal and entertainment in an illegal bar!

Commented itsmemw in La Marina 2012-04-27 11:39:55 UTC

When some people bought their houses there were no bars in Consum sqr. How do you propose they did their homework?

Commented Peter Horsfield in La Marina 2012-04-27 12:04:29 UTC

If the bar owners did their home work prior to opening a bar they would know this is a residential area.
It is obvious you will get complants from your neighbours if you make to much noise, well unfortunately the bars are neighbours, and they should learn to treat people living near them with respect.

Commented Syd in Rentals in Spain 2012-04-27 12:25:47 UTC

If the few do gooders keep going on about illegal bars and noise and get then all shut down then all the owners sell up go back to were they came from and other folk sell up and move on because there is no entertainment and no bars the place will become a ghost town.We will need less Police there will be no money going into the Council coffers to pay for services and the value of your properties decrease and you cannot sell then will you all be satisfied.

Commented david in La Marina 2012-04-27 14:01:40 UTC

O.k lets get down to the nitty gritty ,a few of you talk about closing down the "illegal bars"so come on put your money where your mouth is and name them,if you are right you have no problem,if you are wrong,perhaps you may be sued,or at least have a Denouncia made against you.But at least we will know who knows what and who is just mouthing off,then we can listen to the ones who know and ignore the ones who thinkv they know,

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-04-27 14:19:08 UTC


i dont know if this is true or not but i hear through a few people that chief oniels is owned by the ex mayor lady or that Mariano the guy who ran in the elections owns it and that they have a late licence. If this is true why cant the local council revoke this late late licence

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-04-27 15:27:53 UTC

Make sure you don't go for a meal and entertainment in an illegal bar!

Are there any ?

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2012-04-27 16:06:44 UTC

When some people bought their houses there were no bars in Consum sqr. How do you propose they did their homework?
Commented Peter Horsfield about 4 hours ago Comment

They must have known what was being proposed/built and then was the time to act/object or did they just bury there heads down the beach

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2012-04-27 16:13:37 UTC

I have an idea........Why not get a gun and shoot all the bar owners?
That way you'll all be happy. I can go to heaven ( as it seems I am living in hell) Ahhh hold on, I might not make it to heaven due to the fact Im a karaoke SINNER!!
I thought at one time if all the bar owners and unhappy residents got together, we might be able to reach some sort of comprimise, but I have to say I dont think that will happen. If they said we could have music until 12 someone will want it stopped at 11. If they said we could have music till 11 someone would want it stopped at 10.
There will always be someone who is not happy. Its not that long ago that outside Bonnies resturant and the grill house area the bars and resturants used to get entertainment playing in the middle there, so all of them could reap the benifits. Did they have to have a licence for this, I've never heard anyone mention having to get one.

Commented Nikki in La Marina 2012-04-27 16:14:21 UTC

If the bar owners did their home work prior to opening a bar they would know this is a residential area. Commented Syd about 3 hours ago

And if they can put on entertainment they will make money that is the name of the game especially if the council/law allow it what a good investment

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2012-04-27 16:21:35 UTC

O.k lets get down to the nitty gritty ,a few of you talk about closing down the "illegal bars"so come on put your money where your mouth is and name them,if you are right you have no problem,if you are wrong,perhaps you may be sued,or at least have a Denouncia made against you.But at least we will know who knows what and who is just mouthing off,then we can listen to the ones who know and ignore the ones who thinkv they know,
Commented Alan about 2 hours ago Comment

What a good idea at least that would put an end to this once and for all

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2012-04-27 16:27:52 UTC

Please dont go to Hell or even Heaven,I want you on Earth with me.Many of us are on the side of Bars and entertainment.I came to Spain as a retired person with the expectation of enjoying a relaxed and happy life,but I cannot sit by and watch Bar owners getting pilloried,because they are trying to make a living,I suspect very few Bars are actually annoying people,but every Bar owner is taking the rap,while this goes on I will do my bit by answering as many of the doubters as possible,I need you on board as you have been the face of bar Owners along with a couple of others.But from how i read it the majority of commenteers are siding with Bars in general

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-04-27 16:31:20 UTC

Following on from the comment made by 2nd Casa and the list of bars that are the trouble makers.

If anyone would like to send me the list I will post it and am happy to wait for my Denouncia

[email protected]

Commented Team ASL "A Spanish Life" in La Marina 2012-04-27 17:27:41 UTC

Thank you Alan I will being doing everything I can to stay put...

Steve for someone in your position I think your comment about posting the list of bars is rather flipant.
You have stated before that as you live in England you can not recieve a denouncia, or that it would be worthless over there. If people want to make accusations and complaintes about individuals they need to do so themselves not stand behind you.
We as bar owners are having to account for our actions so why do the complainants not have to????????
While I appreciate that this forum allows people freedom to express thier opinion, slander is not acceptable here in Spain as you well know from Ian and Carol and the reasons behind thier resignation. I think a responsible person running this forum would make sure that that was well know and not offer to publish things on here for people so they dont get in trouble. If you were even more responsible you might have asked some time ago to let this subject now drop!

Commented Nikki in La Marina 2012-04-27 18:56:12 UTC

Thank you for your comment Nikki as you say its an open forum so you and I are both allowed to say what we feel is correct.
I have decided to offer to post the names of the bars if sent to me as there seems to be the idea in Spain that it is illegal to print such things on a forum, this as you rightly say was the reason behind the two people who spent a year building this forum for the people of La Marina to leave. I have my own ideas as to why they were hounded out.
I as you point out do not live in Spain and more so know the law far better than most where the internet is concerned, so to help sort out the situation with bars I will print the list should I have it.

Commented Team ASL "A Spanish Life" in La Marina 2012-04-27 19:14:36 UTC

Well Steve it is your forum and so you do as you please.
I would just like to say that if my bar were to appear on the list I may seek legal advise on this matter, weather you be in the UK or not. As you say you are familiar with the law regarding the internet, so if you think legally you are safe to go ahead then so be it.
I wonder how many people you will have left on this forum. Seems a strange way to conduct a business if you ask me. I thought it was all about trying to keep as many people as possible happy!
Ah well.

Commented Nikki in La Marina 2012-04-27 20:03:02 UTC

Firstly this forum is for the people who want to use it and the idea is to offer a platform for them to speak. This is not a business I do not see you putting you hands in your pockets to place your adverts every day and any money that is made goes to charity.
I find your comments very interesting you say that the idea is to try to keep as many people happy, well from what I have been reading a lot of people are not happy and its bar owners that are the reason.
You then threaten me, that if your name is printed on a list of bars that are making a noise you will seek me out regardless of where I live.
I do not need to seek legal advise on the use of the internet as I worked for Google for 2 years and had to deal with aspect of the law on the internet every day.
I am sorry that you feel having a go at me is needed, but I have only been an observer in the matter of bars in La Marina. Its not wish to make it personal

Commented Team ASL "A Spanish Life" in La Marina 2012-04-27 20:19:58 UTC

How is it that a few people think they know better than everybody else and have to get on their soap box's you bought your houses where they were if you bought them off plan it showed you where the shops and bar areas would be if it did'nt get on to the builders ect. If you bought your house when the areas had been built its your own fault live with it. Some bars and shops don't last long anyway I've lived here for 5yrs and loved every minute of it

Commented linda in La Marina 2012-04-27 21:31:08 UTC

When some people bought their houses there were no bars in Consum sqr. How do you propose they did their homework?

Commented Peter Horsfield about 10 hours ago

We bought our property off plan, we put our deposit down in November 2002, and chose our porperty where it is on faze 5 as we were told there were going to be local shops and bars etc (which is Consume Square) and everyone who has a property around this area should of been made aware (as we were) that the area was going to be up and running by 2006.

And, this is why we bought where we did, for those sad people who do not enjoy and night out, a meal with friends and family, a few drinks, you bought in the wrong area.

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2012-04-27 22:38:00 UTC

OK maybe some of the newcomers on the urb around the quad area's knew about the Consum shops.
But please remember the properties along Calle Del Parque are around 23 years old, and Massa were not allowed to build were the Consum bars are now situated.
Do your homework first, well I did, no commercial area planned for that area when I purchased my property, only open countryside, peace and quiet.
As for what bars don't have the correct licence, I think it was Nikki who said only 3 bars have the required licence for entertainment.

Commented Syd in Rentals in Spain 2012-04-28 10:00:22 UTC

OK maybe some of the newcomers on the urb around the quad area's knew about the Consum shops.
But please remember the properties along Calle Del Parque are around 23 years old, and Massa were not allowed to build were the Consum bars are now situated.
Do your homework first, well I did, no commercial area planned for that area when I purchased my property, only open countryside, peace and quiet.
As for what bars don't have the correct licence, I think it was Nikki who said only 3 bars have the required licence for entertainment.
Commented Syd about an hour ago Comment

So did you not know what was being built when they started to move plant etc onto the site, surely that was the time to object etc or before the bars etc opened or were you happy to use the facility that suited you at the time. How many of you watch illegal TV etc that deprives a legal business of income,come on lets sort this out and put an end to this once and for all, let and let live with some sort of entertainment etc and NAME the LEGAL ones instead of all this BORING BORING bleating

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2012-04-28 11:34:06 UTC

I read on here that it’s the residents fault for buying near a bar and that we should have done something earlier. Sorry but the council never told us about the bar area, a few local residents (we never had a letter as we live to far away) had a letter stating that a supermarket, shop and cafes were going to be built, no mention of 1, 2 or 3am disco type bars.
When we asked at San Fulgencio about the bulldozers, we were told town houses and a couple of shops!!!
Only this morning in the early hours the Police had to be called to the Irish bar, they turned up at 2.40, plus one of its neighbouring bars still had people in at 2.45am.
Phone the Police people say, people have been phoning the Police yet the next night the problem is still the same, the bar is not penalized or better still shut down, I doubt they even have to pay a fine.
People say stop complaining, go and talk to Jeff, well I have along with several of my neighbours did go and visit Jell and the Mayor, yet NOTHING permanent is done. We had a week or so of high Police activity, peace and quiet for a week or so, now back to status quo, screaming and shouting mixed with karaoke
I thought the idea of a late licence (early hours of the morning) was for the bar to be sound proofed and the noise kept inside behind the sound proofing, not sat outside screaming on the terrace.
It is absolutely disgusting when you walk around the Consum bars area first thing in the morning, all the broken glass and body fluids being cleaned up by council workers, I assume that we the rate payers are paying for this not the bar owners.
The problem is getting worse as virtually every shop has now been turned into a bar, if its’ a UK bar the insist on playing music or worse, so much so that the disturbance is now becoming every single night, if it's not one bar it's another that is determined to stop you getting a decent night’s sleep.
It’s been said before, if you want late night drinking, disco type entertainment, trashy rowdy bars broken glass mixed with live music then they should be away from people’s houses down by Lidl on a commercial area, not a residential one.
Maybe Black box noise limiters as installed in Torrevie & Alicante would help.

Commented Syd in Rentals in Spain 2012-04-28 14:17:53 UTC


If its true your talking about them bars and the police beig there at that time well I'm in agreement with you. The council at the moment are to me being a waste of time. It's all good the council promoting the good there doing but they need to start making a example now. The police are Spanish so the a bunch of bias fools and protect the Spanish bars , proberbly wouldn't suprise me if there being given free drink and so on

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-04-28 14:25:17 UTC

This is getting ridiculous! Since when has watching TV been illegal.
Telemicro were shut down but only because there was a huge discrepancy with their tax issues. Watching satellite tv is NOT illegal.

This is in reply to 2nd Casa

"How many of you watch illegal TV etc that deprives a legal business of income,"

Commented Peter Horsfield in La Marina 2012-04-28 14:37:12 UTC

2nd casa.

How you obtain you TV here is not illegal. As long as you are paying a fee. Here's why. In the UK a pub landlord was taken to court because she was using a international digital receiver to screen premiership football games. A big company to her to court and it was judged that it is not illegal to pick up a signal using a foreign provider. She won this case outright. So as for your illegal TV rant do your home work. Before you say well that's in the UK you will also remember the UK falls under European legislation and this was what the entire saga revolved around.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-04-28 14:50:03 UTC

Sorry Andi but EU legislation allows you to receive TV reception 'across borders' so you don't need to pay for TV signals. It is illegal to receive Sky programs as it states in their paperwork 'only UK and Ireland'.

Commented Peter Horsfield in La Marina 2012-04-28 14:55:51 UTC


Are you sure as she won her case in the high court. It was a very public high profile case

take a look at the link when you can Peter

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-04-28 15:14:41 UTC

Hi Andi, Yes that was a different case as it contained 'intellectual rights'. The EU approved a case of free exchange of info across borders which allows people to receive all free view satellites, otherwise all content would be scrambled necessitating you to subscribe

Commented Peter Horsfield in La Marina 2012-04-28 15:37:58 UTC

This is getting ridiculous! Since when has watching TV been illegal.
Telemicro were shut down but only because there was a huge discrepancy with their tax issues. Watching satellite tv is NOT illegal.

This is in reply to 2nd Casat is illegal to receive Sky programs as it states in their paperwork 'only UK and Ireland'.
Commented Peter Horsfield about an hour ago Com

That is what I meant viewing illegal TV

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2012-04-28 15:53:29 UTC

Totally agree with you Syd except rate paying, we as buseniss owners pay our rate via the rent we pay, however there seems to be a problem every Friday night, me & Jan are getting sick of it, Jeff please take note I know we have spoken resently, if somethings not done about it soon its going ruin the whole area for residents & business owners alike, Syd as for the neibouring bar yes it was our bar, my mother & father in law were celebrating there 50th wedding aniversary with us, there in there 70s dont think they made too much noise when they left, but if they did then I'm sorry, any Consolation they were also horrified about the situation of our neighbouring bar.

Commented Dell in La Marina 2012-04-28 18:20:01 UTC

So are you now saying that the bars are now illegal due to them showing 'pirated' broadcasts?
Well it makes a change from them being illegal for having no licence or too much noise.

Commented Peter Horsfield in La Marina 2012-04-28 20:04:19 UTC