To Alan I apologise

I am sorry if I offended you Alan I was wrong to put that on here, I should have said anybody could buy or rent a place near you (I like our banter) .To the anonymous comment I think you are a bit confused the person I believe is ex police is on the council. As I have said before I am of Spanish decent so I dont feel it is us who should go else where, as for La marina being a holiday resort it is unlike others by not being in walking distance of the beach with many hotels I think you will find Salou is the new Benidorm full of Brits causing trouble for the local police was on the news last week before you ask. You are offending lots locals with your comments as La marina is mostly made up of a lot of pensioners Spanish and English etc, who like to eat out at our local without having lots of noise from the bar cafe next door. I would think they would not like La marina to be the same as Benidorm or god forbid Ibiza or Salou.(Possible you have chosen the wrong place to live)And is this a site for all people to comment. back to work now.

Agree with you completely Skywalker. We decided to live on the urbanisation because it offers us just what we were looking for. Nothing ever stays the same but I hope La Marina will try to cater for the majority of us and not attempt to turn it into another Benidorm, Ibiza or Salou, after all, if that is what we wanted that is where we would have chosen to live.

Commented Carol G in La Marina 2012-04-13 12:17:46 UTC

Can I please ask you, is it only the Brit bars that cause you problems, or do the German bars etc also cause problems ?

Commented Golfer in La Marina 2012-04-13 12:36:49 UTC

We love it here, we have had our home here since 2004 and used it as a holiday home until we moved over here permanently last March.

This last year has been the best year of our lives, we couldn't of chosen a better place to enjoy our retirement and we have met so many lovely people.

We enjoy walking to dogs twice a week for S.A.T.'s and adopted our own dog from there last summer.

We have started a beginners cirroc - modern jive class and love it, we have great nights out and have enjoyed listening to great entertainment.

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2012-04-13 16:39:47 UTC