
Back now been reading comments glad to see that Jeff will be visiting the bars cafes to check if they conform to all the regs I did note that Jeff thinks that the noise limit is 90 dbl this is not the case it is 45 at night and 55 during the day. There was a comment from one bar owner stating that there was only 2 or 3 legal bars cafes that means a lot work Jeff and the police.Perhaps it would be done better by outside help with the right equipment for checking noise e.t.c In reply to the person who lives by domti supavalu area I dont think he would like me to buy that bar over there and stay open to 3.30 plus or move into empty house and do the same to you (this is somthing I could do) Do the areas that have communal pools have problems in the summertime like we do and what are the rules for those areas perhaps some bar cafe owners live by them .

Just what are you on about,where did you read that 45 decibels was the max.noise at night by law.where did you read about the person living near domti/supavalu,where did you read that a bar owner said only 2-3 bar cafes have licenses to operate.
As for moving next to the person who lives near Domti/supavalue,to get your own back by making plenty of noise for him,Do you realise just how silly that remark makes you look.I still believe that what you read is not what you reply to,but I could be wrong,so if you can tell me where you got your info from,I will willingly read it and if you are right and I am wrong,I will look a right idiot.But I am willing to take a chance

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-04-08 08:51:10 UTC