
Did you all enjoy the earthquake at 5.44am this morning. Epicentre was Murcia. If that was a 3.5 god knows what a 7.5 would fill like.

La Marina

yes I was woken up by the bed shaking a little and a noise like a big lorry going past the house.i knew it was an earthquake as we had quite a big one when we were living in Holland.That one was very scary.

Commented Rita in La Marina 2012-02-05 12:18:44 UTC

Sorry missed it altogether, but about 15 years ago we had an earthquake close where we were living in Holand. I think it was about 5.0 but can't be sure. It was about 02:00 and sounded like an underground train. It was also felt as far away as Brussels. My boss at the time, an American from California, had to admit it was quite strong. There was almost no damage except for a church steeple close to the epicentre that tilted and had to be brought down. Mind you didn't rate a mention by the BBC.

Commented jaytee in La Marina 2012-02-05 13:08:26 UTC

Yes Andie it woke me up. The pool pump had been running all night for some strange reason and making a very odd noise. I actually thought it was the pump!! Seems I was the only one in the house that it woke.

Commented Nikki in La Marina 2012-02-05 13:21:22 UTC

Ha ha, Nikki, I can relate to that....I woke up......David slept through !!!

Don't forget the English Plumber

Commented Maz in La Marina 2012-02-05 16:36:02 UTC

Wow and I was worried of a little bit of snow
here in london!
Was there any damage to any of the buildings on the Urb?
or anywhere else.

Up date found these Two web sites for info

Commented FOX160 in La Marina 2012-02-05 20:16:07 UTC

It woke me but the old fella slept through it.

Commented mazza in La Marina 2012-02-06 10:38:11 UTC

For those whom are interested
here is a google satellite map
Not the exact path but you can roughly work out the line of the Earthquake from the source to the end of the line which was La Marina Village and NOT the Urbanisation !,+Elche,+Spain&daddr=38.02+N,+0.74+W&hl=en&ll=38.082149,-0.642357&spn=0.12512,0.267105&sll=38.045658,-0.727158&sspn=0.125183,0.267105&geocode=FQUPRgIdPCb2_ynDVwieeLJjDTGwpkdSca8CCg%3BFaAjRAIdYLX0_w&oq=la+&mra=ls&t=h&z=12

Commented FOX160 in La Marina 2012-02-06 18:36:47 UTC