The Train in La Marina

Last summer myself and all my family including our 7 grandchildren enjoyed a few rides around the urb on the train and thought it was a fantastic idea, it was so well used as well.

The only problem was that initally no one knew anything about it and then it was a bit of a hit and miss as to whether it would come, but our family will be here with us again this summer and were really looking forward to using it again and I know thatg a bus would not be so enjoyable, so p l e a s e do not get rid of the train!!!!

Yes the Train was a brilliant idea !! If they were going to stop it I don't understand why they bothered to mark the roads where the train was going to stop - hence making less room to park your own car. It was all part of La Marina urb as everyone on the train waved and you waved back and the train driver hooted his horn ! - it was just Great - so those in charge PLEASE bring it back.....***BRING BACK OUR TRAIN***

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-06-25 07:35:06 UTC

I totally agree with you Linda, the train was a great idea and many other area´s have one. For people who dont have a car it made Iceland, Mercadona Lidl and all the smaller businesses in that area accesable. I understand that we cant have the train all year round as sadly there just aren´t enough people here to make use of it, but I would have thought during July and August it would be making enough money to pay for itself? Maybe the council could run a bus service during the winter and train in the summer..............Bring back the train.....Pleeessee

Commented Nikki in La Marina 2011-06-25 10:40:55 UTC

Yes Nikki, we were able to go down to Posh Pitza for an evening and over to the supervalue area of the urb, plus up to the top of the urb, so the family were able to see lots of different areas, without having the drive. PLEASE BRING BACK THE TRAIN xx

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-06-25 16:14:53 UTC

I completely agree with what everybody has said above. I have family coming over in a few months time and was looking forward to taking them on the train and showing them the different areas of the urbanisation. Who actually does have the last say on whether we do get our train back or not ??? If enough people complain, surely something can be done - I do hope so !

Commented QueenBee in La Marina 2011-06-25 21:32:16 UTC