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information for the FIESTAS of this year from Councillor Paulino

I would like to inform everybody that the fiestas of this year will take place on the 7th,8th and 9th of August ,in a few days we will let you know where they will be carried out ....we will also advertise the program with time in advance--we are looking forward to have a nice fiestas ------cheers Councillor Paulino

Lets hope its not on Consum carpark

Commented grhfost in La Marina 2015-06-03 17:37:18 UTC

It should be on Consum Square. The last few years have been excellent and brought people and money onto the urb. The area around Sierra Castilla is not suitable, there is not enough room, not enough bars therefore not enough toilets and other facilities and it will result in road closures, all in all too many health & safety issues and a disaster waiting to happen.

Commented andyb1966 in La Marina 2015-06-03 19:32:16 UTC

I agree with your comments but please just lower the volume of the music at around 2 am so we can try to sleep. If l wanted to listen to ******* music l would go to a disco not a car park. For that reason l hope it is somewhere else!!

Commented grhfost in La Marina 2015-06-03 19:57:54 UTC

That seems a fair enough cut off time to me.

Commented andyb1966 in La Marina 2015-06-03 20:37:13 UTC

Could not agree more. 2.00am is a more than fair compromise. Can Paulinho give us some assurances that the noise is not going to continue until 4 or 5am as has been the case in recent years.

Commented harrykarry0 in La Marina 2015-06-04 06:27:03 UTC

I agree 2am is a good time to finish the music
This hasn't been a good PR for the PP all this indishion . What I say is the fiesta has been successful for the last four years just follow the same plan. If it ain't broken don't try to fix it

Commented rose in La Marina 2015-06-04 08:07:35 UTC