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Local Council. Manifesto Day this Friday. What do you want to see in them

Well sometime on the 8th May The six parties involved in trying to get seats on the San Fulgencio and la Marina Urbs. will have their Manifesto's printed.
Of the six parties two are Spanish national Parties, two are Spanish Independents Parties (Both new to this area I believe), and two Local Independent Parties We really don't know what they want to do to us until Tomorrow, and worse than that we don't know which parts they promise us and which parts they have no intention of keeping.
I have mentioned many times, That if we have a vote we should use it ,and use it to our benefit, If we don't use it we will end up with more of the same, and personally I think we are entitled to a lot more than that, so lets make a few comments on some of the important things we think we need and some perhaps smaller but no lesser things we want to see done. Then over the next few days we can see which of the manifestos are nearest to our aims.
They may also make the victorious party, look up and see what things they have promised but had no intention of keeping, and suddenly just may pay attention to us.

La Marina

Just to start the ball rolling.
It would be nice in the main summer season to see the train back

Commented Ian in La Marina 2015-05-07 09:21:17 UTC

For starters, I would like to see an end to graffiti, It makes the place look like a ghetto. Of course the pavements are really dangerous in places and they all need sorting out as a matter of urgency, An end to dog crap everywhere, a few roads still need relaying. would love to see a school on the urb , more public transport that runs into the urb and not just on the fringes. A sorting out of the pub debate and whatever is agreed that agreement to be kept by all parties. The signposts on roads which seem to either not be easily seen or are completely ignored by drivers and cyclists. Well that is my starter, may add more later, Any other Ideas?

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-05-07 09:43:07 UTC

an end to dodgy deals, lol that worked last time didn't it

Commented Richie in La Marina 2015-05-07 09:57:27 UTC

Who ever gets in must must must make sure thet we are allowed to keep our mini town hall. Not back to the old days of going down to San Fulgencio village. Nor do we need to try and make do with the tiny building next to the mini town hall, for what it does that building is great but could not cope, if mini town hall was closed down. At least one of the candidates would like to close up the mini town hall, be aware of that. This is not hearsay heard them say it!!!!!

Commented Dreamer in La Marina 2015-05-07 10:22:09 UTC

Interestingly I was accosted by a fairly well spoken Chinese lad last week he seemed very nice and said he was with one of the new independent parties. Perhaps some of the Chinese think they could do a better job? Would be interesting.
I would ask for a better Bus Service and far more information from them of destinations and Fuller time tables, placed at a level where they can be read. Not all of us are 6.6 ft.Tall.

Commented Have A Nice Day in La Marina 2015-05-07 16:05:48 UTC

And 6.6 ft. is something. But what is it? An explanation for all of us who do not use ft.?
My opinion is that everyone should understand Spanish if they want to be elected. Chinese, British or any other immigrant living in San Fulgencio and who want to work for us to make this a "paradise" are welcome. If they are elected. But they must understand Spanish.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2015-05-07 16:41:16 UTC

It's a secret unit of measurement passed down from generations and related to MPH , pounds and ounces and stones. Still in use by USA as well as uk. Surely Europe would be better integrated if English was the standard language.

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2015-05-07 20:19:38 UTC

And obviously very secret. Nothing to share with us Europeans. Ft.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2015-05-07 20:36:31 UTC

ft. is a british way of swearing, it is really nasty and is used by the brits when they get psd off (another Brit swear word) with idiots who constantly use silly questions(especially as they know the answers) to try to ruin every thread on forums by drifting with ft. silly questions nuff said .

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-05-08 07:22:18 UTC

So Alan you get psd off if someone is asking what 6,6 ft. is. Or is it just because it was a question coming from me?
If you have read my comment it was also an answer to your question "What do you want to see in them". Not only a question about ft. I was not the first to write ft. in this thread.
My opinion is not the same as yours. At least I do not think it is. But just because it is coming from a man wearing a silly hat and a wooden leg and not from a yellow chicken or duck or whatever it is does not exclude me to express an opinion about the people I want to se in the next council.
And I do not think people are idiots and swear at them if they do not agree with me. Or if they do not know how much 6,6 ft is.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2015-05-08 08:00:14 UTC

O.K to help you in your voting. a piece on Spanish T.V will let you know that one of the new parties has denounced the San Ful council over alleged irregularities over the contract for the Oasis repairs. If you have seen it why not give us the benefit of your knowledge,if you havnt seen it, I gather you wont have much of an opinion. but at least it is almost back on thread

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-05-08 08:27:55 UTC

In my case Reindeer its a bit of both. If the Chinese can work out how to add both measurements on a tape measure.I'm confident you could get a grasp of it eventually.

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2015-05-08 08:29:03 UTC

Thank you chalkie in Quesada for you polite comment about me. Just to enlighten you in your lack of knowledge. You are to late in inventing tapes with meters and ft. 6.6 ft = 2.0117 meter. Something I didn't already know as Alan suggested. I had to look it up.

And Alan why should I give you information you already have? And why do you think I wont I have an opinion about alleged irregularities over the contract for the Oasis repairs of the bad roads/streets? I am living here and are going to vote for the best political party and candidates in my opinion. No matter what you think about things. That is what is called democracy.
Unfortunately many people do not vote. And that is not good. But that doesn,t stop them from complaining over the situation here in San Fulgencio.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2015-05-08 09:44:31 UTC

Just a couple of things, What is a meter,is it a European measurement or an Americanism.
Also the quote you attributed to me where is it? I have not told you how to vote, just a question that a lot of us may want or need the same things, or as Dreamer said, he didn't want to lose the mini town hall or the council offices, Which made me realize that I don't want to lose them either, so before you start your normal rants read what I have written correct me when I am wrong, but don't make up things.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-05-08 10:12:49 UTC

Thank you for your compliment although I have to confess not inventing the dual measure tape measure.However one of us needs to take ours back as i have 6ft 6ins = 1.981200m

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2015-05-08 10:14:41 UTC

Alan I am sorry if you did not understand the American spelling meter. Ok metre in English. Meter also in German, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish languages. So it is easy to spell it wrong. Sorry!
And I do not want to loose the small town halls either.

And chalkie in Quesada, 6ft 6ins = 6.5 ft = 1.981200m. Correct! But I wrote 6.6 ft. 6.6 ft = 2.011680 m. So no need to buy a new tape and no need to try to make fun of me.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2015-05-08 11:16:59 UTC

Reindeer, the term 6ft 6 is pretty well known to mean 6ft 6ins to those that actually use the measurement. I know it may seem confusing but I'm afraid thats what makes us different. As for the correct use of meter/metre I think we use the french way of spelling (you know,the ones that used the metric system).

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2015-05-08 15:54:09 UTC

Ok, 6.6 ft. is the same as 6 ft 6.
6.6 is the same as six and a half ft.
Not the same as 6.5 ft.
I will try to remember that peculiar way of counting.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2015-05-08 16:31:02 UTC

Nooooo. Stay metric and leave the imperial measurements to us. I couldn't cope explaining ounces, pounds and stones

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2015-05-08 18:34:34 UTC
6.6ft= 2.011680m
Not my fault if this calculation is wrong. Blame
And I know this has nothing to do with the coming election, but Alan, I must be allowed to coment the accusation that I do not know anything about British length-units. That is not true. I have been working with both length units. Metre and ft. So stop this impolite accusation.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2015-05-09 12:00:52 UTC

Yes... the manifestos are an important starting point... this link sets out an over-view of PIPN's (Partido Independiente Por las Nationalidades) Manifesto, the full version of which is now available in PIPN's office in Calle Madrid 107 (near The Grill House) and from various other locations around the Urbs. I declare an interest insomuch as I made the film - and did so solely because I am impressed with Jeff Wisniewski's heartfelt motivation to make our local government honest and fair to all communities in our municipality. Tom Whitmore

Commented tomjo3 in La Marina 2015-05-09 13:29:15 UTC

I'll leave it up to you Reindeer just don't do anything in the building trade. Feet and inches use the power of 12. That is why it's possible to have 6ft 10 and 6ft 11. Anyway the thread seems to be progressing and therefore can't be arsed continuing.

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2015-05-09 15:18:22 UTC

Dear chalkie in Quesada,
may I suggest you put on your glasses and read exactly what I have written.
I know you can write 6 ft. 6 or 6 ft. 11 and that one foot is 12 inches. But that is not what I wrote. I wrote 6.6 ft. Six point six ft. (for your bad eyes). That is not the same as 6 ft. 6. Six feet 6 inches.
But maybe you didn't learn to use decimals at school. And how did you manage to change from 240 pence till 100 for one pound? Or maybe you are to young to have experienced to use shilling and pence?
This is my last comment about this silly discussion with you! Try to learn to use decimals. It is not so difficult so I think you will learn. If you try!
Let us go on with political issues. That is more important.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2015-05-09 17:35:40 UTC

The revaluation of pence was done with smoke and mirrors and just happened. It was really a scam for foreigners who couldn't their heads around anything else but a decimal system. Well done on the poor eyesight though. It looks like my laser treatment and eye injections are not working

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2015-05-09 19:59:11 UTC