Have just seen on Facebook, That Impact Charity were last week visited by the Police after being Denounced by person or persons unknown.
They apparently will be told of the fate of them and the cats and kittens that have been in there care since being abandoned.
I have no great love of cats or kittens, But I have always admired those people who do charitable work for those less lucky than us.
I hope Impact get a good result, I wont say what kind of result I wish on the person or persons who put them in this position in the first place

La Marina

Alan got this on their Facebook page results of meeting at town hall I've copied and pasted I'm sure they wont mind
This morning we had our meeting with the local council official regarding the police complaint.
I would personally like to say thank you to Shelley & Barbara who came with me this morning to be witnesses to what happened.
I would personally like to say a sarcastic thank you to who ever the two people are that made the complaint to the local police. We will not ind out who they are unless we go to court.
The police report stated nothing but good things, how clean things were, the cats healthiness etc etc.
I took all vaccination books, all charity documentation but ultimately this does not matter.
I can't speak for other areas or towns but, if you have more than 5 pets per house hold then you are somewhat breaking the law.
As it stands, we can keep all the cats we have right now, none need to be PTS, we are not under any pressure to re-home or get rid of any.
We have been told we now have to apply for a zoological licence. This is impossible because we do not have land.
So the next step is to apply for what we call "Cat Hotel Holdings".
This has to be done via Department of Alicante government.
Once this is done I have no idea what happens after or how it will play out.
On a personal note, my name is Christine, I'm president of Impact Charity and I care for all the cats along with Shelley.
I'm 60 years old, and I'm pretty much near exhaustion with my daily routine. I'm up at 5am every morning, cleaning, feeding, disinfecting all the cat trays, areas.
In the past 3 years I've took in just under 300 cats and homed over 180. I've experienced great pleasure with my cats, and experienced great pain when I lose one at a young age or is to ill to be saved.
I've made mistakes, I've lost good friends when they advise me to stop taking in cats but I can't see a cat / kitten be left on the streets.
With no income from a charity shop at this moment (waiting to repoen) my personal pension is paying for lots of things for the cats.
I'm at the point now where what has to be said will be said, I don't wish to look out of my property and see other people from other charities trying to peer through my windows, or people run around town trying to find out what I'm doing etc etc.
instead of talking and spreading rumours and saying nasty things, come to me, please visit me for the information.
This is a life long commitment I am now in and there is no way I'm going to let 3 or 4 people ruin it and cause problems for my cats.
I've took in cats from many other charities and helped where I can. In the past 3 years I've said no 3 times to taking cats in. Just if you knew how heart breaking that is to say no.
Yes I've recommend other people to other charities just like many of you guys recommend us.
We are desperately needing to raise funds, this licence will cost money to obtain but we have to do it.
I'm asking you all for your support in any many ways.
PayPal donations. Cat food / litter donations and lots of clothes for us to sell when the shop opens.
If you can donate please leave a comment I will reply with the PayPal address.
I'm sorry this has had to be said, but these cats and kittens have now become part of my life and no one is going put there welfare in danger because they have a issue with me personally.
I want to say a big thank you to Shelley and Gary. You have been a great support over the past 6 months, along with Jim,Linda,Maureen,Sylvia,Eddie too.
I will now continue to keep trying to home the cats we have.
It has to be a policy of one in one out for the time being.
For anyone wishing to donate via PayPal it is:
[email protected]
Thank you
Christine Hoggett.

Commented Weejohnten in La Marina 2015-01-27 10:16:33 UTC

Thanks for the Info. weejohnten.
I really cannot believe that I am living near some right nasty B*****DS, Not only can they Denounce a Charity, for no reason other than hate of cats and people willing to help them, but they do not have the guts to come out into the open and say why they stoop to such low levels to do so. After the Angst they have caused Christine. The Police could not find a single thing wrong except they she loves cats, and someone is so jealous of the fact, that they report her to the police, using obvious false and malicious complaint. As far as I am concerned, this person or people who took out the complaint wasted police time and council money and are entitled to be outed by the Police if they havn't the guts to announce who they are and why they acted so badly.
As I have said before, I have no great love of cats, but am I P****D off with how some people have such hatred of people who do love them, You can bet your life I am.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-01-27 10:43:06 UTC