

We have had a completely different experience to yours, we have received nothing but impeccable service over the years we have used this garage. It is a shame that 'keyboard warriors' find it necessary to try and cause harm to fellow business owners. There are two sides to every story and it would be interesting g to hear what the garages' version of events are. I have noticed that you have had 'issues' with other businesses in the past, are you the common denominator?? Is it not that these rants are the result of your excessive drinking??

Commented jons8334 in La Marina 2014-08-30 16:16:07 UTC


Commented [email protected] in La Marina 2014-08-31 01:11:41 UTC

So you have been rumbled, It is well known you are a heavy drinker, you are always in a Bar in the Consume Area, why else would you be there unless you love a pint or two (LOL),I cannot think of any other reason ,Can you.?. (another LOL).
Jons, You def. aint a keyboard warrior, Despite claiming you have used this garage for years (if so it was in another place) and found the service impeccable, you have never got on this forum and stated your satisfaction with this garage, the normal thing would of been to praise a business when you are more than satisfied, but although you appear to of read this forum before (yes I believe jez did have a problem with a bar about a year ago, but that was a bit more personal) What I do find strange is you claim the Garage owner should be able to reply to the complaint, Perhaps he would of if you had given him time to, but you was on here having a go at Jez, perhaps it would of been better to of phoned the garage and told them about the complaint, Instead you actually joined the forum to have a pop at the person making the complaing, Now that seems weird to me, and doesn't help the Garage one iota. Perhaps the garage owner will reply tomorrow we will have to wait and see, who knows he may already of replied, but at this moment in time, I wouldn't be going to that garage, and thank you Jez for warning me

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-08-31 09:36:42 UTC


Commented [email protected] in La Marina 2014-09-01 06:37:46 UTC

I think your car was left outside with the roof down on Friday night as well,....me and my good lady were out and about early Saturday morning and you car was on the side road to La Marina services,...I'm only guessing that the white mx5 is yours,...as it was there with the roof down,.....lucky that the stereo is still in it,....or maybe it isn't !!!

Commented r_moreton in La Marina 2014-09-01 09:43:54 UTC


Commented [email protected] in La Marina 2014-09-01 12:06:17 UTC

Our Volvo stood outside for 11 weeks there waiting on guarantee work to be done by Amigo Cars, all the while they were deciding who was to pay! Eventually we took it home because it was left filthy night after night, as the new battery that was in it was flat, and the speedometer wire was loose and doesn't work for some unknown reason.....They are most likely the same kind of bandits just as their mate Chris Durring of Amigo cars. Keep well away from both!

Commented alison in La Marina 2014-09-01 12:55:13 UTC