
Have all the visitors to the new bar Posh bad hearing? Or why such a high volume of the music?

Can someone tell me where the new Posh bar is situated? Thanks

Commented Robert in La Marina 2014-05-03 14:37:24 UTC

Old "Euro Sport" close to the market place.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-05-03 14:47:48 UTC

Great band Shades of Grey playing tonight from 8.30pm come along and enjoy

Commented jackieb57 in La Marina 2014-05-03 15:25:22 UTC

Didn't see you there to support the launch otherwise you would have been aware that it was very easy to hold a conversation in quite normal tones.
Moaners like you are just what the Urb. doesn't need. Get a life!

Commented dynosore in San Fulgencio 2014-05-03 16:36:57 UTC

Didn't see you there to support the new project. If you had attended then you would have been very aware that conversations could be carried out in normal tones.
Moaners like you are not what the urb needs. Why don't you and your reindeer's go back to the wide open spaces of Lapland where you belong. I'm sure that you can find a pretty one to give you all the company you need on those long winter nights.

Commented dynosore in San Fulgencio 2014-05-03 16:52:51 UTC

dynosore, how can you know if I was there and attended or not? If conversations could be carried out in normal tones as you wrote you must have been there during the time the music was paused.
Maybe the silence of the homeland of the reindeer's could do you good? Try! Maybe, but only maybe, you will meet Santa Claus and his flying reindeers.
And to make you even more disappointed, since you consider me to be a moaner, I really wish the owners of this new place all the success in the world. It is something very good for the whole urbanisation.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-05-04 10:25:05 UTC

I am amazed, It seems that for the First time ever, Reindeer is moaning about someone or something. LOL

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-05-04 10:30:24 UTC

Alan, glad you noticed.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-05-04 11:31:57 UTC

I'm afraid it sounds as if dynosore is a true dinosaur who can do nothing but insult anyone who disagrees with him. It sounds like a typical "I'm all right Jack" attitude of someone who can happily leave all the noise behind when he leaves to go home, without a single thought for the people who can't walk away and leave it behind! He should be ashamed for his thoughtlessness!

Commented Casandra in La Marina 2014-05-04 12:58:32 UTC

It seems like you are a rare visitor to A Spanish Life, otherwise you would of noticed that Reindeer, loves to wind people up by taking the opposite view to the vast majority, It somehow gives them a kick, so at times it is nice to just give Him/Her a little bit of what He/She loves dishing out.
So perhaps you may have a gripe because you live near this new club, but by pretending you are upset for Reindeer, Forget it. By all means complain but be strong enough to do it for what you believe are the right reasons

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-05-04 13:38:47 UTC

Oh, believe me Alan, I have been observing this site for a long time. I'm just thoroughly sick of the insults and bad behavior by everyone.
My remark had nothing to do with reindeer.

Commented Casandra in La Marina 2014-05-04 13:58:05 UTC

Bit of a generalisation there Casandra....Some of us are quite nice

Commented marko in Quesada 2014-05-04 15:02:30 UTC

I agree with you Marko, not everyone who writes comments on this forum is guilty of insulting others or bad behavior to others.
In fact
I feel quite hurt by that remark and I bet you do as well Marko

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-05-04 15:18:55 UTC

Sorry Alan and Marko, you both know who that was aimed at. I know many nice people, and am pleased to report I don't personally know the nasties, but they are there!

Commented Casandra in La Marina 2014-05-04 15:23:53 UTC

Must admit Alan, I've been called a lot worse.... It seems the bar noise and charity criticism season is about to start... For those visitors to La Marina who just read this site, its not as bad as it sounds, just stay away from anyone wearing Reindeer horns and if you pass them, always stay on the left.....

Commented marko in Quesada 2014-05-04 15:37:48 UTC

Cassandra there were a lot of people enjoying themselves and we are talking about the afternoon not the wee small hours. Get a life and understand that not everyone is in hibernation.
You sound a right miserable so and so. Why don't you go and join Reindeerkeeper in Lapland?

Commented dynosore in San Fulgencio 2014-05-04 17:08:59 UTC

Point proven......nasty!

Commented Casandra in La Marina 2014-05-04 17:12:39 UTC

Everyone who doesn't agree with dinosaur should go to Lapland. If it's up to dinosaur. Lapland is a large area in northern Europe but is it large enough?
And all this just because some people, including me, prefer normal level of music being played. Music for people in the bar and not for the whole urbanasation.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-05-04 19:20:08 UTC

Well said reindeer!

Commented Casandra in La Marina 2014-05-04 19:35:00 UTC

Glad I don't live next door to you! You are not Happy.....Aha! You must be grumpy

Commented Anodomini in San Fulgencio 2014-05-05 20:29:36 UTC

If you can't take it back then don't give it out.

Commented Anodomini in San Fulgencio 2014-05-05 20:33:39 UTC