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Following our Presidents Assoc meeting yesterday with Deputy Mayor Jeff Wyzniewski, and Paulino, one of the questions raised was how the Padron campaign went. We were all surprised to hear that from a figure of 12,500 registered previously, the new figure is below 10,000. This drop will cost a loss in revenue from Central Government of around 500,000€. This could mean a loss in services on the Urb, including maybe losing a doctor, or nurses etc. People need to realise the importance of signing on the Padron. Our future services are at stake. I have heard people saying that they are nervous of signing on because of the possibility of being tracked by the government. Not true. As soon as you have an NIE number, the government know all about you.
If you have not signed on the Padron, please do so.

La Marina

There are too many people who officially don't live here but in reality do. The place there you ”resida habitualmente” you have to register for padron. That is the law.

Advertencia para los ENCSARP: De conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo 16.1, 2º párrafo, de la Ley
7/1985, de 2 de abril, Reguladora de las Bases de Régimen Local, la inscripción en el Padrón Municipal de los
extranjeros no comunitarios sin autorización de residencia permanente deberá ser objeto de renovación
periódica cada dos años. El transcurso del plazo señalado será causa para acordar la caducidad de la
inscripción, siempre que el interesado no hubiese procedido a tal renovación.

EU citizens must renew every 5 year

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-04-04 12:09:35 UTC

We are on the Padron, and have been for a number of years now.
However, if there is going to be cuts, please not a Doctor, they are busy enough as it is. Get rid of a couple of the Local Police. They always seem to be in groups of 3 or 4 and seem to be overstaffed, probably because of the lesser numbers of people?
In reality, the huge reduction must be because we all had to re-register on the Padron and I am sure there are hundreds of people not aware of this change in the law.

Commented Frizzy in La Marina 2014-04-04 12:27:42 UTC

Since when did we HAVE to re register on the Padron.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-04-04 14:06:58 UTC

I've just moved here from El Pinet. When I register on the Padron for Oasis do I have to go down to La Marina village to de-register there or will this happen automatically?

Commented Bob Smith in La Marina 2014-04-04 16:32:26 UTC

I am sure that when you register for a your Padron, San Fulgencio will arrange for your De regulation of your previous Padron for El Pinet.
It is in the interest of San Fulgencio to do so.
While on the subject, have you been told that you can get your new Padron from the satellite Town Hall just off the Strip, It is quicker and may be more convenient for you, Than going to the main Town Hall in San Fulgencio.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-04-04 17:04:09 UTC

Hi Alan.....thanks for that. Yes....I was aware of the little "town hall" office.

All the best


Commented Bob Smith in La Marina 2014-04-04 18:19:08 UTC

Alan, since when? See Artículo 54. Real Decreto 2612/1996, de 20 de diciembre, por el que se modifica el Reglamento de Población y Demarcación Territorial de las Entidades Locales aprobado por el Real Decreto 1690/1986, de 11 de julio.

1. Toda persona que viva en España está obligada a inscribirse en el padrón del municipio en el que resida habitualmente. Quien viva en varios municipios deberá inscribirse únicamente en el que habite durante más tiempo al año.

2. Los menores de edad no emancipados y los mayores incapacitados tendrán la misma vecindad que los padres que tengan su guarda o custodia o, en su defecto, de sus representantes legales, salvo autorización por escrito de éstos para residir en otro municipio. En todo caso, respecto a los mayores incapacitados se estará a lo dispuesto en la legislación civil.

3. La inscripción en el padrón municipal de personas que residiendo en el municipio carezcan de domicilio en el mismo sólo se podrá llevar a cabo después de haber puesto el hecho en conocimiento de los servicios sociales competentes en el ámbito geográfico donde esa persona resida.
Artículo 69.
3. La notificación a los vecinos del contenido de sus datos padronales se efectuará por el Ayuntamiento de manera que todo vecino tenga la oportunidad de conocer la información que le concierna al menos una vez cada cinco años.

artículo 16.1, 2º párrafo, de la Ley 7/1985
la inscripción en el Padrón Municipal de los
extranjeros no comunitarios sin autorización de residencia permanente deberá ser objeto de renovación
periódica cada dos años.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-04-04 19:50:56 UTC

I thought you had to renew your pardon once each year. But I was wrong apparently . So how did the drop in people regestrared occur .?

Commented SMUDGE in La Marina 2014-04-04 20:32:48 UTC

Apparently it has been for sometime now, but no one is clear how long your register last and after how many year you have to reregister.. Could someone please clear up this matter.

Commented SMUDGE in La Marina 2014-04-04 20:45:03 UTC

SMUDGE, read my 2 comments. There you can find how often you must renew your padron.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-04-04 21:08:45 UTC

Hi reindeer keeper. I have tried to read both your articles ,but I am none the wiser ,as not read or understand Spanish. Could you be so kind as to give me the finer details in English, when you have the time.

Commented SMUDGE in La Marina 2014-04-05 05:51:23 UTC

cada cinco años = every 5 year. EU-citizen
cinco = five
cada dos años = every 2 year. Non EU-citizen
dos = two
You could try to translate via Google if you have difficulty with the Spanish language.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-04-05 07:20:52 UTC

Hi Alan,
There were articles in the paper last year (I think about October), where it said the law had changed and everybody had to re-register regardless of how long you had been on. I also seem to remember hearing it on Bay Radio with the Roy Whitman Friday interview.
It was a definite change, as for a while you were allowed to register at the Town Hall, The Local Police, or where I went, the Local Tourist Information Centre up by the Doctors on the Urb.
They had special forms there.
I note Reindeerkeepers remarks, but I think central government might have altered that law.
If it wasn't for the fact that the TIC had special forms for the purpose, I would be questioning my memory!
I also seem to recall friends living down the bottom of the Urb being visited (along with their neighbours) by two Local Police for the purpose of registering.
Perhaps Tommy or Jeff might like to post more accurate information.

Commented Frizzy in La Marina 2014-04-05 08:45:53 UTC

People from EU-countries and also Spanish citizens must renew padrón every 5 year. People from non EU-countries must renew every 2 year if they do not have permanent residence "los extranjeros no comunitarios sin autorización de residencia permanente deberá ser objeto de renovación periódica cada dos años".
Not so difficult to understand!

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-04-05 09:37:07 UTC

Hello Reindeerkeeper,
I did not have any problem understanding your comments. I just thought that something different happened last September to move the Goalposts.
I have been trying to find the press articles without success but I have found Jeff W's BLOG and reproduce it below.
Although we live here and our five years in our current house is not up yet, I did go and re-register at the TIC.
Perhaps it was a bit of scaremongering, in which case it clearly did not work, but here is the BLOG which was reported on in the local papers.

martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013
San Fulgencio Needs You

The services in your Community are at risk

It is very important to confirm your intention to remain on the Padron

Bring your Passport or NIE number with you to one of the Municipal Offices at Calle Madrid no.5 or 7, the Office of Tourism, the Policia Local office on the Urbanisation or at the Plaza de La Constitution No.26, San Fulgencio.

Thank you for your cooperation

Why is it necessary to renew your padron? Central government is aware that many extranjeros have left Spain and have decided that if anyone has not renewed their Padron in the last two years, they will be removed from the list.
No Padron no vote. No Padron, less funding from Central Government, resulting in the degradation of Services, Policing, Education, Health Care and Wellfare. At present there are more than 4,500 persons registered in San Fulgencio, that fall into this category. If you are one of them, please come along and re-register. Now!

So you are probably correct!

Commented Frizzy in La Marina 2014-04-05 10:49:27 UTC

Frizzy I read your comments, and indeed a lot was said about two years being the maximum on your Padron before it was cancelled.
But, I have always queried if possible the legality of what my Council tell me. So checking with other Forums etc. in the Costas and could not find any other Town where this new rule was mentioned, Which is strange for something as important as this.
My own feeling is that this 'new ruling`' was meant to tell those who held no Padron and were Residents of San Fulgencio,to get a padron. Unfortunately it backfired as it mentioned Residents (which you have to live in Spain for 183 days of the year) which most of us who have lived here for many years will know, is not what all house owners or renters were told, When we first came here. We were told that as long as you owned or rented a property you had to be on the Padron, what we were told last year specifically mentioned Residents,which does not include Holiday Home Owners. So it may be that they are not registering as they are not residents. Then add on the large amount of people who returned to their home Country,and failed to de register from the Padron,and it will not be too hard to believe that the 20% of san Fulgencio have or will vanish off the Padron.
On saying that, I strongly believe that everyone entitled to get a padron, should in fact get one. It not only helps the Council get money from Central Government, but also allows you (the Residents) to be able to get some help if you need it.
As for getting Jeff to explain it to us, Will be like watching paint dry, He has said on many occasions that he will neither reply or read anything on this Forum. But if someone (I count myself out) would like to go to his offices and ask the questions and ask him to put a statement on his blog,
I am sure that he will oblige,Once on his blog it can be copied onto this Forum.
I notice someone actually gave the time constraints on having a Padron,But I believe he was reading a law that was passed over 20 years ago a may well of changed.
On saying that I read the Foreign Office of the United Kingdoms statement published 2013 and the time restraints were exactly the same as the ones printed in Spanish.
To answer one other query regarding Police visiting homes on Oasis to check Padrons The Foreign Office state that people may be asked about the Padron by Police or others,and the resident has to show them proof.
As usual only my opinion,

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-04-05 12:06:28 UTC

Thank you for that Alan.

Commented Frizzy in La Marina 2014-04-05 16:07:28 UTC

What documents do you have to take for the padron please, anybody help

Commented Don A in La Marina 2014-04-05 17:28:58 UTC


Commented Don A in La Marina 2014-04-05 17:31:12 UTC

I believe that you will need to take, Your Passport, your escitura (or rental agreement) you may also need your N I E so take it just in case.
You need to register every member of the Family living with you at your address.(so take all relevant documents for them as well)
Just present these at the desk, and hopefully you will be on your way out soon after. Don't forget this can all be done at the satellite Town Hall,as well as the Main Town Hall in San Fulgencio.
Hope this will get you sorted.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-04-05 18:18:17 UTC

Thanks for your help.

Commented Don A in La Marina 2014-04-05 22:15:23 UTC

Some people in san fulgencio towm hall should have treated people in la marina a bit better and not drove us away there would not be problems with the padron now.

Commented lyndamaysoussi in La Marina 2014-04-05 22:17:44 UTC

I can understand where you are coming from, The first time I went for my Padron, we had to go to San Fulgencio Town Hall. I was advised to take every bit of paperwork I had been given, and went prepared. What I was not prepared for was the attitude of the member of staff who was there to do a job, and given his attitude to the couple in front of me and then to me, he was not a happy bunny. Because I could not understand him or him understand me, I gave him all my paperwork, He then screamed something at me, threw my papers onto his desk,picked his coat up, pointed to another member of staff and left the building, Luckily the other member of staff was a lot more helpful and friendly, otherwise I would not of bothered getting my Padron

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-04-06 07:48:41 UTC

Although I said I wouldn't go to see Jeff, I thought it was important to get things in perspective, so I had a chat with him this morning. It appears that Central Government will, Take names off the Padron if, nothing shows that the people concerned cannot be proven to be in Spain in the previous two years,According to how I understand Jeff, One easy way is to check whose padron is more than two years old. This scheme will start in the near future, so San Fulgencio Council is being Pro-Active in trying to get their books straight, as soon as possible.
It is imperative in my mind, that everybody who should have a Padron actually has one, Using the figures that Tommy had (in the original comment) means that you spend around 20 minutes or so getting an up to date Padron, and San Fulgencio gets almost 200 euros from Central Government, this money is then spent by your local council, on local issues that are a benefit of Local people.
Put more easily you can go to the town hall put yourself your spouse and one other person on the Padron and it means 600 euros will be given to the Council, so your 20minutes, is so worthwhile to everyone in San Fulgencio
Only my opinion

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-04-07 13:45:33 UTC

Alan, a very good idea but you need to personally attend. I have tried to renew for my wife. I even brought her ​​ID. But no. You have to be there in person! I really hope more people will empadronarse!

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-04-07 14:49:42 UTC

Reindeer, You are right ,each person to be entered onto the padron has to go in person, I admit that I seemed to put it that only one person need attend, but half of the time I gave was the waiting time to be seen by the Office staff so if three people living at the same address and Related to each other, it would still be less than an hour on average between the going into the office and the coming out. Earning the Council over 600 Euros per hour, and wouldn't we all like to earn that sort of money. If that isn't enough money for you to give up your time, try this, It lasts for at least two years, so your time would actually give the Council 1200 Euros per hour. (Now that's not to be sneezed at)

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-04-07 15:42:52 UTC

Well, my son has to go to school and I'm not taking him out for the day just so that he can renew his name on the Padron. Likewise, my wife works and would lose money to attend so she'll wait until we must have an up to date Pardon.
As a result of the inflexibility of the Council, the town loses money. Still, it doesn't get spent on the Urb. so why should my family put themselves out for the benefit of others.

Commented David in La Marina 2014-04-07 16:15:04 UTC

Wow David, I hope you are one of the few, I don't see where you get the inflexible Council bit from, If only for the fact that each person has to be identified as bona fida, As for us not getting stuff in La Marina. Were you living here a few years ago with only two doctors on the Urb, opening the Clinic for short hours,no nurses no local ambulance,a couple of local Police working day time hours only. nobody from social services local, Just where do you think the extras come from? undoubtably the schools in San Fulgencio have also received things from Central Government via money paid by them to the Council via Padron money.
I wonder, If truth be known, that if Central Government paid you the cash personally, would you be so against spending an hour or two getting it

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-04-07 17:05:56 UTC

Alan, for us coming from a EU country it lasts for five years. Non Eu country citizens without permanent residencia it lasts for 2 years. That is the law.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-04-07 20:51:28 UTC

I have already written a comment stating the 5 years for us. What I was saying on my last comment, was what Jeff was explaining to me yesterday, and that was that in the near future Central Government are going to move the goalposts and look to save money themselves by using a two year rule in order to cut back on the money they pay local councils as per the padron rule.
I have no reason to believe Jeff is not telling the truth, and on that reasoning, I think everybody in San Fulgencio who can get a padron,does so.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-04-08 06:55:49 UTC

Jeff wrote martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013 "Central government is aware that many extranjeros have left Spain and have decided that if anyone has not renewed their Padron in the last two years, they will be removed from the list."
Jeff may be a very nice person, but it is obviously very difficult for him to see the difference between EU extranjeros and non-EU extranjeros.
As you and I know people from EU-countries must renew every 5 year. The same as people with Spanish nationality must do.
So I do not think Jeff is an expert in this matter.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-04-08 08:07:35 UTC

Reindeer, As anybody who has read some of my previous comments on this Forum, Will know that I am not a Jeff supporter.
I have read Jeff's blog from the start, and have my own opinion if I believe what is written, as I do with every comment on this Forum.
On the occasion of the Padron, I lean into Jeffs favour , purely because I feel that we as Residents have a lot to lose , if what he says is true. More to the point, I am sure some of us would of asked other Councillors the question of it being true. The fact that nobody has written on this Forum that what Jeff states is a mistake, I believe that all of the Council believe it is true. I just cannot believe that it is a conspiracy by this Council to keep some of its staff busy arranging new padrons.
That is the reason that I believe rules from Central Government will change, In the forseeable future.
If it is some sort of conspiracy then the Council are between a rock and a hard place, If only for the fact new elections are due next year, and the public will take a dim view of any Council that has taken us as idiots, and has allowed a lie or worse still their lack of knowledge,to let us waste valueable time getting unneeded Padron renewals

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-04-08 08:49:41 UTC

What will happen in the future nobody knows, so let's stick to the present rules. 5 years for Spanish people and immigrants from EU-countries and 2 years for non-EU immigrants who does not have permanent residencia. No matter what Jeff thinks.
Empadronarse! I fully agree with you! It is very important. Registration for the Padrón is very important for all of us living in San Fulgencio.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-04-08 10:04:48 UTC