Aloha bar and Restaurant raising for a good cause

Holly is a young girl aged 10 years old who suffers from a rare disease called chronic intestine pseudo obstruction. there is no cure. \she is treated in Great Ormond Street Hospital and everything is being done to give her the best quality of life they can. Hollys bowel has stopped working and she has to be fed directly through a tube into her jejunem (small bowel). She has bravely gone through loads of surgery. Im raising money to help give her the best in life I can by having my head shaved on the 26th of the month. I have raised quite a bit but if you can help please support us. As she is a friends daughter of Linda at Final Whistle you can donate there or at Aloha bar. more information is there for you to read and pictures of a brave little girl. Thank you for your support. Lets give her the best life we can. Jez Aloha Bar.