Bar Music

It seems that the bar music problem is back on again, On Sunday Cagneys were ordered to turn off the music, at the unbievably late time of 5 PM, How dare they have music at such a late hour, most people on La Marina are trying to get a good days sleep at that time.
So was Tommy told a pack of lies by the Council and the Police, or have they moved the goalposts, because that is what appears to of been happening.
Perhaps it is time for the general public to tell the Council, exactly what we think of their dictatorial shananigans, We need these public places open as much as the Councillors and police need their wages,
Must be time to show them we are not going to be pushed around by people who are generally nobodies but just love a bit of power

La Marina

Well it seems like things can be done on La Marina.
Kate from cagneys has been to see the Deputy Mayor at the police station (presumably Paulinho). She and her Spanish Landlord went to complain about live music being shut down down by the police last Sunday at the late hour of 5PM, following a supposed complaint by a nameless resident.
Unbelievably she was told the call was malicious and made by a Resident or Bar Owner with a grudge,
And it will not happen again.
Well Done Cagneys and your landlord for taking a stance against tyranny, Although if the police had gone by the correct procedures it shouldn't of happened last Sunday.
Kate got one advantage out of it and that was Paulinho phone number.
A thank you to Paulinho should also be given

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-02-06 12:49:53 UTC

I thought the esteemed Jeff was Deputy Mayor??

Commented david in La Marina 2014-02-06 18:03:38 UTC

I believe the Mayor has four or five Deputies.
I think it may have something to do with the wages a Deputy gets, most of this I believe is funded from Alicante,which means that directly we in San Fulgencio do not have to pay the wage top up out of the SUMA.
I also believe that although jeff had an office built for him (Don't forget the PP had to get him on there side ).Until recently Paulinho didn't even have a table and chair, He then threatened to resign, and suddenly he was found an office at the Police Station, where I believe he can now be found.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-02-06 18:15:48 UTC