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Last Tuesdays SAT'S Dinner and Dance

I have finally managed to upload the videos from the evening on to youtube They are as below. A must say a big thank you to the three Artistes who came along and performed free of charge. Nearly 150 people attended and the evening raised over €800.00.
Sat's Charity Night Intro the Facts From Eve + Benny A Rising Star
PAUL SCHRAGER SAT'S Dinner and Dance opening song Paul Schrager
Dave E MossThat's What they Say from his Buddy Holly tribute
Dave E Moss Singing Buddy Holly's golden Oldy Everyday plus Backing group
Dave E Moss it Doesent Matter Any More Charity Night La Marina
BennyBenny Sings Frank Sinatra
BENNY Singing That's a Moray
BENNY singing Cant Stop Loving You on the Sat's Charity night
If I have miss named any of the videos PLEASE get back to me I will quickly make the changes. From a personal point of view it felt strange comparing again. I haven't until that night touched a mike for over 20 years, but it was for a good cause and in strange way I enjoyed it.

La Marina

Thank you Ian for informing us about the fantastic fund raising achievements of SAT animal charity. Now perhaps they will stop turning away people that go to them asking for help with stray animals.

Commented Roger in La Marina 2013-07-07 19:30:27 UTC

With the best will in the world SAT animal rescue cannot take in animals if the have not got any room for them. The kennels are full up all the time. Only sunday morning someone dumped two small dogs outside the kennels at 5 0'clock. Would you like to see them have all the dogs who cannot find homes, put down, to make way for others. Would you like to go down there and choose which one's have to go. It is the people who have dogs, and let them have puppies, which they abandon, that you should be criticising, and people who have animals and then when they get problems or they cannot afford to feed them, dump them on the kennels doorstep. If you want to moan, why don't you speak to the people concerned, not put snide remarks on the forum.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2013-07-08 08:55:08 UTC

I like I expect lots of others watched quite a few of those videos. What I found so interesting in one of them the lady from sats giving out a few facts and figures, for instance that they had rescued so far over 7,000 animals and that they are still rescuing over 20 a month. But the most startling was the size of the vets bill each month a mear 5,000 euros. Is it any wonder that these fund raising nights are on regularly.

Commented Alice in Rentals in Spain 2013-07-08 11:08:00 UTC

I thought the comment was that they re-homed about 20 dogs a month. I do not think people realise Alice how many man hours goes into the kennels to keep these dogs fed, clean and healthy. They are very grateful for any help they can get with Dog Walking. But it is a fact that most of the dogs we walk are so very eager to get back to the kennels where they feel safe. Dogs are very intellligent animals and they soon realise where they are well looked after. The hard part is leaving them there because a lot of them tear at your heart stings.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2013-07-08 11:56:54 UTC

Yes volunteer dog walkers are always wanted, either on a morning 9am - 11am or afternoon 3pm - 5pm, we walk on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon.

We also fund raise for SAT's, so if anyone would like to come to the next event we have 14 tickets left for a BBQ @ Rojos, in Consume Square, La Marina Urb on Wednesday, 10th July 7.30pm for 8pm.

10 euros a ticket for a fantastic BBQ and we have a great raffle with brilliant raffle prizes inc. x 2 free haircuts, free manicure, free sunday roast for 2 people, vodka, brandy, wine and many more.

Plus a fun picture quiz and play your cards right.

For tickets you can email me [email protected] or call into Rojos

Many thanks

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2013-07-08 20:06:43 UTC

Roger I do not know what your problem is but as a worker for S.A.T.S I find your comments very distasteful there are lots of people who work very hard to help the animals and with the best will in the world there are only so many that can be looked after properly given the space available if you have a genuine solution to help more dogs why not come to the shop and enlighten us instead of making remarks......

Commented Trevor Wheatley in La Marina 2013-07-09 14:03:54 UTC

Well said Trevor, I abhor people who have a lot to say about things they know nothing about. People are all to ready to criticise others when all they are doing is trying to ease the problems of all these abandoned dogs. But i will continue to give my support to SAT and ignore ignorant people with nothing better to do than gossip about others.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2013-07-09 17:09:32 UTC

Caroline, over the years I have seen stray dogs and cats on the streets and on some occasions rescued a few to save them from apparent danger. I have called SAT kennels on a number of occasions, usually having to leave a message because the phone is rarely answered, I have received a call from them later in the day, sometimes the next day, with the same response, we are full and cannot take in any more!

Can someone from SAT please answer the question why after all the years of successful fund raising they have not opened a second kennels, why they only seem to take in dogs and puppy's that are left at the gates of the kennels, and why do they have a very large transit van driving around that does not stop to help a stray animal in distress or an appeal from someone with a rescued dog?

Commented Sue in La Marina 2013-07-10 08:36:14 UTC

Sue I suspect you are with one of the other animal charities on La Marina. If you are so interested in SAT policy then why don't you ask them yourself not ask these questions on a forum. Yes I can possibly answer your questions but it is not my place to do so. If I want to know something I ask the people concerned and I have always had straight forward answers.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2013-07-10 09:00:51 UTC

Why not put down any dog which has been looked after for more than ten days. This can be adjusted either up or down according to resources available at the time. This will alleviate the need to spend money building more kennels.
Any funds left over could then be donated to a worthwhile charity which looks after children and orphans and people, who through no fault of their own, have been thrown on the scrapheap of life.

Commented Peter Horsfield in La Marina 2013-07-10 15:15:37 UTC

I hope you are jesting Peter,Personally anything I give to Charity goes to the human kind, Elche childrens home,feed the needy, caritas. But no way on earth would I pass a death sentence on an animal purely for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or being unlucky enough to of been owned by a person, who couldn't give two monkeys about anything other than themselves.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-07-10 15:32:02 UTC

Peter I was going to say something but, quite frankly, words fail me.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2013-07-10 16:25:08 UTC

Caroline, is that a promise?

Instead of having doggie pictures, can we have photos of abandoned children or orphans? They look so much better than dogs.

Commented Peter Horsfield in La Marina 2013-07-10 16:29:12 UTC

Peter - you are seriously not right in the head - how about we put you down

Commented Souxie in La Marina 2013-07-10 18:05:18 UTC

Peter, tut tut, would you have SAT break the law. If you knew what you were talking about, you would know that the law regarding stray dogs is that they cannot be put down until they have been in a kennels unclaimed for at least 20 days. I am not saying this is SAT policy, because it is not, I am just pointing out that you are suggesting they break the law.

Commented violet in San Fulgencio 2013-07-20 19:49:39 UTC

Violet, obviously you do not know the law. As cerecos policy is to put any animal to sleep after 14 days, not 20.
In fact there was a big big issue other week I Facebook about a dog that was picked up here on La Marina and PTS with in a day, now no one ca decide or tell the truth if the poor thing baked in cerecos van because of the heat or they killed it at the pound. 14 days not 20.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2013-07-20 19:55:45 UTC

Strange Andi I got this information straight from the "Horse's mouth". But, I will not argue with you as you are obviously always right and I have more important things to do with my time. Have a nice day.

Commented violet in San Fulgencio 2013-07-21 05:06:05 UTC

So, no problem, extend the time to either 14 or 20 days. The sentiment remains the same. The money could then be spent on re-homing kids and families.
Afternoon Andi!

Commented Peter Horsfield in La Marina 2013-07-21 12:39:55 UTC

I'm afraid I have to side with Peter on this one.

Commented Weejohnten in La Marina 2013-07-21 14:00:23 UTC

It may be more productive if the people dumping these animals and their offspring, all immediate blood relatives (people not animals) were sent to Cereco and "destroyed" in 14 or 20 days (whichever is correct depending on policy). Then the animal welfare problem would decrease dramatically as there would be no human idiots left who were incapable of comprehending what a lifelong commitment to an animal requires.

Simple really, idiot=abuse=need for charity. Simply "put down" the idiots=no abuse=no need for charity thus use funds for normal social matters.

Commented zenophant in La Marina 2013-07-21 14:09:19 UTC

Sue, The transit van you mention does not belong to SAT but is privately owned by a caring German gentleman, in order to publicise the charity he has had the van sign written with SAT's logo. This man also drives to Germany (where there is a shortage of stray dogs, because the populace are responsible and neuter their pets) in said van 4 to 6 times a year in order to re-home many of the needy dogs that SAT helps. I am sure they rightly pay his expences but as far as I know he does not get paid either for the van or his time hence being a Charity.

Commented zenophant in La Marina 2013-07-21 14:29:30 UTC

Peter and Weejohnten if i choose to support animals then that is my perogative. I do not wish to raise money for the needy. Times were hard when I was young, during the war. My father was never the same man after being buried alive when the tank he was a gunner on, was blown up. My mother went out to work doing washing, ironing and cleaning all hours of the day and night to make sure we had food on the table. We were brought up to think that if you need things you work for them. There were no hand- outs in those days. It was what was known as getting some backbone. We were also brought up to respect dumb animals. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. If you want to support the needy then do so, just don't try telling other people what to do with their money.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2013-07-21 15:43:36 UTC

Hey is this the same man who got upset about my joke remark about a certain red tv, you donate to who you want to donate to and I will do the same....... I find your remarks sickening and am just glad that many people do not think like you do....

Commented Trevor Wheatley in La Marina 2013-07-21 20:31:59 UTC

I think all the different animal charity workers need to be sent to africa and explain to a two year old child why its more important to neuter a cat/dog for €80 or re-home in Germany, rather than give them some food

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-07-22 15:21:19 UTC

If the government decided to castrate these fathers and sterilise the mothers then perhaps i might consider putting some money their way. The monies raised by the animal charities in Spain go straight to the welfare of the animals. If I sponsered a child for £2.00 a month how much would get to that child, about 1 penny I suspect. I have already been down that road. When I lived in England I sponsered a girl in Bulgaria for £15.00 a month. When I started paying the money I was told i could go to Bulgaria if I so wished and meet the girl and her family. At a later date I tried to set this up and every obstacle was put in my way to stop us going. Consequently we stopped sponsering this child. So forgive me if I am cynical where my money would be going. Also if the british government can spend all this money interfering in other countries then they can afford to give foreign aid.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2013-07-22 15:51:06 UTC

Thanks Ian, great job

Commented goonerpeter in La Marina 2013-07-22 16:42:44 UTC

see my earlier posting on how to solve the problem. does not matter which continent they are on......

Commented zenophant in La Marina 2013-07-22 17:14:03 UTC

Pick a dog or pick a kid, that's all I'm asking.

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-07-22 19:54:25 UTC

Dogs for me 100%.Marco

Commented zenophant in La Marina 2013-07-22 20:09:32 UTC

People can choose whether to have offspring, animals can't.
Dogs 100%.

Commented Squash in San Fulgencio 2013-07-23 00:38:01 UTC

A few years ago I donated some money to a charity in Ethiopia, one week later there was an article in a daily newspaper about the Ethiopian Government ordering £250,000 worth of Scotch whiskey, that was the last time I donated anything to an african country,they may have little but what they have got they do not manage.

Commented Trevor Wheatley in La Marina 2013-07-23 14:12:29 UTC

Trevor, I see a comparison here, the Ethiopan Government favoured scotch whisky over the welfare of children, the San Fungencio Government favours Rock concerts for the pleasure of a minority of people, over animal welfare laws.
Last week my friends dog escaped and ended up at the police station in La Marina urbanisation. The police called the company contracted by the local council to collect stray animals, Cereco in Crevillente. The Cereco van arrived and collected their dog. The Cereco vans do not have air conditioning, it was eight hours later, after calling at many other locations in different towns to collect stray animals, that the van arrived at theIr animal collection centre in Crevillente. My friends dog was dead on arrival (probably others too that were in this van). No water or food provided whilst it was in the van. My friend is totally devastated and they have denounced Cereco. The council is aware of the incident but has refused to comment. 

Commented Don in La Marina 2013-07-23 16:11:51 UTC

I am really sorry to hear about your friends dog, things like this should not be allowed to happen and if the dog was mine I would be pounding at the councils door demanding something was done about it, this is totally unacceptable and the council should hang their heads in shame not only about this but also about the rock concert. Have they no brains.

Commented Trevor Wheatley in La Marina 2013-07-23 20:23:52 UTC

I do not know if you were here at the time but after the last elections in May/June 2011 the new councillors decided to totally demolish a perfectly organised and functional animal welfare and rescue system supported by many volunteers and run by Council and K9 together.

Under the old system a lost dog would have been taken to the police station, instantly recognised by its "San Fulgencio Tag" from which the police could immediately have contacted the owner and the dog returned to them. No that is to easy, we just transport them to Crevillente nowadays.

The rescue ambulance was de-commissioned and is currently used by council workers regularly seen either leaning on their shovels or erecting stages and seating for one of Jeff's smaller rock concerts outside of Spanish bars on the strip.

What a waste do you not think?

Whilst the Cereco incident, I believe is rare even though the company has a terrible track record, The Council refusing to answer questions views is not at all rare,

Jeff, by his own admission , does not get informed on any matters, ignores any points referred to him and the other bunch of comedians located in Town Hall in Fulgencio do not care two stuffs about you, me, animals or anything else other than Jeff's vote which comes at a cost to us, the electorate, of about €35,000 per annum not to mention Jeff's 5 or 6 helpers who also need to be salaried to keep Jeff happy and thus get his deciding vote.

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2013-07-24 06:22:48 UTC