Noisy Bars have started again

I thought that the Police had cracked down on noisy bars, well the Zodiac bar had karoakie on with the doors wide open, no idea how many decibels or whatever they are, suffice to say it was loud enough to hear when driving by with the car windows up
So much for the clamp down.
Can I ask if anyone can post a link for Jeffs web site ?

La Marina


You can post on his blog but you need to understand basic Spanish. The message is then screened by Jeff himself and he decides to post it or not. My advice is get a google email account and use the google account to post on his blog it's the simple way of doing it.
Would it not be better to go see him.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-04-26 12:47:33 UTC

If it was so annoying did you bother to see the owners o9f Zodiacs to ask them to close the doors.I doubt it because apparently you was driving past it in a car.If you cant stop the car and pop in,I somehow cant see you putting yourself out to visit Jeff
This story has surely been done to deaf

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-04-26 14:49:36 UTC

Ohhhh I think it most certainly has Alan!!

Commented Nikki in La Marina 2012-04-26 15:04:00 UTC

I do not think jeff has a web site, he does have a blogg though.
As for the noise, yes it was VERY loud, best bet, go and talk to the Police chief in San Fulgencio.
I think a few of the bars tried to keep their head down as they know they do not have the correct licences etc, however one or two bars could not care less, its a shame, could be a case of couple of bad apples will spoil the lot.

Commented Peter in La Marina 2012-04-26 15:27:05 UTC

Peter, councillor Jeff does have a web site here:

This site has not been updated since the elections last year! There is a notice on there about a new web site but where is it?
Alan, what do you think of this one?

Commented Sandra in La Marina 2012-04-26 16:13:47 UTC


you just made yourself look really stupid when it comes to asking Alan about things previously said on this forum, this man knows what his talking about. I can answer this you said wheres his other site you know dam well he has a blog as you stated i cant leave comments on it and i unserstand spanish. You must be someone else because you really aint who you say you are

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-04-26 18:22:24 UTC

Are you just another moaning minnie heard the noise but cant be bothered to do anything about it, let us not get back in to this again Im sure we have all heard enough on this subject,put up or shut up.

Commented Trevor Wheatley in La Marina 2012-04-26 18:39:04 UTC

Samantha,I am sure there is another web-site although i must admit it may not be of much use,I may be able to explain more early next week.
I really believe that you couldnt give two monkeys about the noise coming from these bars,but you have latched on to what you believe was an important issue,due to the amount of comments made,mostly by names that have never written on this forum before the latest round of noise,and almost all of them have not written since.I think you mentioned last week about a web site that gave more information than Jeffs one does.It was at thispoint that I thought you was an anti jeff campaigner,the noisy bar bit was brought in for use to get people to read,because if you had come in with comments for your true feelings,you would of got no interest at all.So become true to your allegiance to another party,and stick to your principles.make comments on what you really believe.
As for the comments on La marina info.they have made five comments in nearly seven months,jeffs blog has made eight this month alone.
I really mean the noise thing has been done to deaf.even I am fed up with answering inane points.If you wish to stick up for the previous council or even particular members of it, do it openly.If nothing else it may make you feel better

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-04-26 19:43:13 UTC

Hey Alan
This is an open forum and people should be allowed to make a comment without it getting nasty. Your post to Samantha, judging by the tone of your post I guess you know her and don’t get on with her to well. All Samantha did was comment on the noise one bar was making when she drove past, what’s wrong with that…..NOTHING. As for stopping and going in by herself, forget it, I do not think many ladies would go in a bar by themselves especially at night to make a complaint.
Regard Noisy bars, we were told on the forum and by Jeff and others that all the illegal bars were going to be visited and action taken, I myself even said well done to Jeff as initially there was some improvement around the Consum area, however some of the bars have started doing as they please with no respect for their neighbours. As for phoning the Police, why, reading on here the Police have been phoned, however nothing is done, the Police and the Council know there is a problem, it’s about time they acted and enforced the law. No Licence, no music etc.
At the end of the day it’s the bars that are in the wrong breaking the law not the local residents.

Commented Syd in Rentals in Spain 2012-04-27 07:13:51 UTC

If you read something nasty,in my comment,then you did not read it in the manner it was written.I hope Samantha does read it how it was written.
In previous comments on this forum,she has her anti bar noise bit but invariably puts in her anti jeff bit,What I said was for her to do a comment on her anti jeff feelings,without using the anti bar noise bit as an excuse.She has on several occasions asked about wtiting to jeff and always gets a reply saying it is easier to pop in and see him,because at least she would get an answer that way,but it would not suit her because it would perhaps stop her hijacking,what could of been a sensible debate,instead of an attack on a councillor.
I cannot see why that would upset her and hopefully she will write a comment regarding her thoughts on the shortcomings of our local councillor,The chances are that I would agree with her.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-04-27 08:29:03 UTC

Is being" done to deaf" supposed to be a joke Alan? or a spelling mistake, either way its good.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2012-04-27 09:39:54 UTC

Sorry but I agree with Syd. Action must be seen to have been taken if there is a problem. I have not commented on the noise issue before but obviously some people do have a problem with it.

Commented Peter Horsfield in La Marina 2012-04-27 12:02:19 UTC

Hi Eve,
You spotted the word deaf,and yes it was a pun,as it seemed appropriate to the noise from bars comments,But surprised you didnt notice the same word in my original comment,just after Andis

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-04-27 12:10:12 UTC

When this years annual discussion about noisy bars started,I spoke to quite a few people about the problem,The vast majority were of the opinion that music in bars should cease between 11.30 pm and midnight,which to me seemed fairly reasonable.Then someone commented (cant remember for sure who,but may of been Eve)that surely the music could start at 8pm and run through till 11pm,this seemed to me a great idea,but not one other person mentioned it.I think it is not the perfect answer,but gives some satisfaction to all sides.Using this idea the chairs outside the bars could be put away at about 11.30pm and then enforce the door closing by midnight.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-04-27 12:33:40 UTC

Just my Opinion

As the urb is a Residential area, it has to many Bars! The noise must be a pain for a lot of people.
And yes ALL bars that want to have music SHOULD have a proper LICENCE...just saying!

Commented Poppy in La Marina 2012-04-27 13:57:53 UTC

So the question is there seems to be a lot more people coming forward now regarding the noise and the bars, if this is the case why aren't the council and police stopping the music/entertainers/kareokes the fact is they can't because of money coming in. We all know it's illegal to be playing any type of live music in a bar unless you apply to the town hall for a temp music licence (which I've done in the past).
We have to stop moaning at the bars and there owners now. The police aren't enforcing the law and the council are dodging this.
If you stop the music in bars la marina will die for good if you let them continue them more problems

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-04-27 14:03:33 UTC

I agree with some of what Alan has said, music up until a reasonable hour is OK, however bear in mind people do have to get up in the morning and go to work etc.
I also think that in order to have music in a bar then the legal requirements MUST be adhered to. Jeff did state on his blog
“The Policia Local, will be visiting the bars in the Municipality to ensure that they are adhering to their Licences etc etc etc.
If this means physical alterations to the premises then so be it, remember the units at the Consum area were intended to be shops and cafes, they were not built for Disco type rowdy bars.
Come on Bar owners, you know what you should be doing and what is required, so please do it and keep the noise inside behind double doors etc., do it legally and you will not be getting grief from the families that live local to you.

Commented Syd in Rentals in Spain 2012-04-27 14:21:12 UTC

One rule for one and not the other ...ALL bars that have music SHOULD have one!

Commented Poppy in La Marina 2012-04-27 14:41:55 UTC

The thing about noise Sid,is will upset someone at sometime,should we be quiet in the daytime,some people work either at night or very late evenings,you can please all of the people some of the time but you cannot please all the people all the time,you need to find a mid way between the warring factions so that in the end neither is pleased or displeased,that is why i mentioned the 11.00pm music cessation as a fair time,others may think it is too early ,or even to late.
The other point is the licensing,as far as I am aware the police have been going around bars etc. and checking licenses,the fact that no bar or restaurant appears to have been closed,perhaps the answer is that the police believe that no laws local or national have been broken,so why are people harping on about licenses,or do they believe that the police are allowing laws to be broken,but why would they do that,That is why I say if you know for sure that laws are being broken (and you can proove it)then take your proof to the relevant authority,if. you cant or wont do that,then surely it must be time to change the subject.
P.S. sid although I mentioned you by name at the beginning of this comment,I have not intended the rest of it to mean you personally,but to all the people who keep harping on about licenses

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-04-27 15:43:30 UTC

Yes Alan is was me who suggested 8 p.m.- 11.00 p.m. for music in the bars. The only problem I can see with that is that some bars would adhere to this and others would not. This would then give an unfair advantage to those who stayed open as people would probably go from one to the other. To me , if the powers that be used common sense and allowed licences up, say, 11.00 p.m. and fined those breaking the law, then surely all this hassle would be avoided and everybody would be reasonably happy.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2012-04-27 16:28:04 UTC

Glad I got the right person,I normally run back through the previous comments to check,but didnt have time this time.
If done properly,it would not cause a problem,the people on the terrace,would have a period to go inside the bar,the seats would be collected up as Jeff wanted,the doors to the bar could then be closed,and the bar owners could carry on with business to punters inside the dors would only open for people going home,and the only noise would be peoples voices and hopefully laughter.
as every bar would be in the same position a quick tour of the vicinity by the police would soon find any wrongdoers.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-04-27 16:48:00 UTC

What about when some one wants to go outside for a fag!

This is a problem caused by the new no-smoking laws that everyone seems to forget about!

Doors are left open so they can hear what's going on.

Commented Peter Horsfield in La Marina 2012-04-27 17:11:45 UTC

Why not vote with your feet? The bars may be happy for the holiday trade in the summer but its the locals that will make or break them in the winter. Only support the ones that stick to the rules, they will soon get the message.

Its only an idea !!!!

Commented Tina in La Marina 2012-04-27 17:20:23 UTC