For Sale

Pine oval extending dining table with 6 matching chairs extends up to max of 136cm 120€
2 pine sideboards both 3 doors with 3 drawers 60€ each
All items in good condition
Contact 634347788 if interested

La Marina


Hi ,is there any chemists open on urb or guadamar today, thanks

La Marina

Dog injections.

Do you as resident have your dogs vaccinated against sandfly, with the
Leishmaniasis jab.
Only asking as bringing my dog out next year, he's had the obvious rabbis jab, but does he need the sandfly jab?

Many thanks

i am pretty sure the good mossie/flea collars protect dogs from the dreaded sandfly aswell as ticks we use the more expensive grey chunky ones, for six years my dog runs loose in the sand dunes and he hasnt had any trouble.......but sods law i shouldnt have said that!!!

Commented exsas in La Marina 2015-11-28 12:28:48 UTC

Thank you, a collars better then an injection I'll get one

Commented foordfoordy in La Marina 2015-12-08 14:22:58 UTC

beware the sticky sweet possession caterpillars in the pine trees, several dogs have choked over the years around La Marina/beaches , you will see them in cobwebs in the trees wintertime , good luck

Commented goonerpeter in La Marina 2015-12-11 21:57:00 UTC

Well you never know, if you get caught as a landlord its a big fine, you wont be smoking in our bar, just the fact I think its a disgusting habit and why should other people have to breath your smoke?

Commented [email protected] in La Marina 2015-12-17 08:40:45 UTC


Why not join with friends and neighbours at Hope Christian Fellowship's annual carol service which is to be held on Sunday 20th December at 7.00 pm. Stay and enjoy a hot drink with mince pies after the service. The church is located directly opposite the entrance to the market square (near to the Posh Club.)

There will also be a short service at 11.00 am on Christmas morning.

Charity Event

At Aloha bar we are raising money for a hospice who are totally self funded. They looked after a customers little boy who sadly lost his life age 7. you can drop in a donation or sponsor me for another head shave on the 13th of January. Ronnie solo will be playing on the night and some of the money from meals will go to the cause. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT

Halogen Oven

Not sure if item sales are allowed on here but here goes....
FOR SALE - Halogen Oven with lots of accessories and instruction book. Used only once still boxed.
25 Euros.
La Marina Urb. Tel: 966 796 842 Mob: 699 297 066

La Marina

Water Bills

Just bought a place on Marina del Mar 1. Can anyone tell me when we pay our quarterly water charge, please , and the name of the water company. Ta ! Rob Hughes

The name is HiDRAQUA (small i)
address is Ayuntamiento De San Fulgencio
Servicio Municipal De Agua Potable
C/Lepanto, 3 A
03177 San Fulgencio

Tel 900210100

Hope this helps.

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2015-12-04 13:30:47 UTC

Thanks , it does !!
Rob H

Commented robinh123 in La Marina 2015-12-04 16:04:59 UTC

Race night at Aloha

Join us at Aloha bar on Friday the 11th December in aid of SATS Animal charity. Racing for prizes from 7.30pm. Meals available so please book, DONT MISS THE FUN.

Ronnie solo

Live music 60s 70s and 80s, at Aloha Bar Consum on the 9th December (Wednesday} from 4.30pm till 7.30pm. Meal deals available or just come have a drink and listen.


ALL the bars in Cumsum square will once again this year be collecting gifts for needy children and the childrens home. Please wrap the gift and mark as boy or girl and a rough age. Please leave them under any tree outside a bar or drop them in. Last two years have been a fab results so please help. Gifts don't need to be new but in good condition. Many thanks Jez at Aloha but thanks from all the bars in Consum square

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