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Water Bills and Oasis.

Please note that if you wish to read my comments on either of the above, please go to and then go to Blog Jeff Wiszniewski for more info.

Jeff the water bill was cheaper than our summer water bill so I don't really see who is moaning
Let me rephrase that. That come out wrong. All the people moaning about water hikes need to realise your not going to get a 80 pound water bill for 3 months in the UK. Unless your running a bar or some sorts. Homes arent going to notice this at all.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-03-02 11:37:12 UTC

Took your advice Jeff,and read your Blog,unfortunately it doesnt tell me much.
Oasis first,Everything i have read in the past,was about who was going to pay to bring this area up to scratch,I have not heard that the problem was how are the residents going to also say that a grant will be given,once the necessary work is completed,albeit A 12month maximum time to complete this works,is also written in.Just how much will they be given and by whom,as all I hear is that San Fulgencio,Alicante, and Valencia are all skint,and cannot pay the bills they have.
As for the water bills,my water bill is slightly higher than the bill I paid a year earlier,but let us not forget the increase was solely an increase in tax for the local council,The water price increase is still to come,as it undoubtably will sometime this year.
The original outcry of a much bigger increase,was caused by a forum,(not this one)what originally stated increases of 33% and 60% increases,but didnt say it was only on local taxes,and not on the total bill.So I dont think you have much to gloat about,especially about the Oasis situation

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-03-02 14:29:52 UTC

Totally agree with Alans comments. I live on Oasis, and know no more than I did b4 this meeting, After the Ayuntamiento Carried out the works and left us in this disgraceful state, Drains, Roads and Pavements. They should come and correct their cock up, and PAY for it all.

Commented Bryan in La Marina 2012-03-02 18:18:35 UTC

Sorry Jeff but you have forgotten to give any
information regarding the water bills in your link

Commented FOX160 in La Marina 2012-03-02 22:44:21 UTC