Sponsored Healthy Eating Plan

I have been approached by a few people who would like to be healthier in the New Year, so i wondered what people thought about is doing a "Sponsors Healthy Eating Plan" - to raise money for SAT.

Registration would be 5 euros each and then people can ask a few friends to sponsor them.

We would then meet up one afternoon a week, to get weighed, offer each other advice and support and to swap good ideas. It will run for 8 weeks and hopefully we will aim for us all to lose a stone in weight.

To make it viable we would need at least 10 people to register, so let me know if you are interested by replying on here, or emailing me: [email protected]

Well after only one day I have four people interested in joining our healthy eating plan and raising money for S.A.T. so if you or any of your friends at interested, please get in touch.

Our weekly meeting will take place in La Marina Urb - further details to follow

[email protected]

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2013-12-06 16:49:45 UTC

I have now received replies from 7 people wishing to take part in our sponsored healthy eating plan in the New Year, so just 3 more people would definitely make it viable for us to meet up once a week and also raise funds for S.A.T. Animal Sanctuary at the same time.

So if you are interested, or know someone who would like to join is then please let me know on here or email me [email protected]

p.s. I will be in the UK from the 16th Dec - 12th Jan

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2013-12-10 10:02:09 UTC

We now have 8 people wishing to take part in our sponsored healthy eating plan in the New Year, so we will definately go ahead with it.

If will take place at ALOHAS, Consum Square, La Marina Urb on a Wednesday afternoon @ 3pm.

The first meeting a registration will be on Wednesday, 22nd January 2014.

ALOHAS does now have a form if anyone wants to register in advance.

So come along and join us, share your ideas and get support to lose a stone in weight and raise money for S.A.T.

Linda x

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2013-12-11 10:24:56 UTC

Lets Get Ready to Rumble lol, - eat up all those Christmas Chocolates and munchies and come and join us for our first Sponsored Weigh In on Wednesday. 22nd January at The Aloha Bar, Consume Square, La Marina Urb at 3pm.

Just 5 euros to register and then no weekly fee, just get some of your friends and family to sponsor you.

Please pop-in to the Aloha Bar before hand if possible to register in advance, so that I get enough paper-work printed, you can email me if you wish [email protected]

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2014-01-02 15:07:28 UTC

Wow, numbers are growing, think we may have 14 people now so I am really pleased, if you would like to take part, let me know on [email protected], or pop into Aloha bar and register.

Linda x

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2014-01-02 19:59:11 UTC

I am back folk, after spending 3 1/2 weeks with our amazing family in the UK, we are pleased to be back to the sunshine and blue sky today.

Thank you to everyone who has been into the Aloha Bar, in Consum Square and registered, after all my over indulgence at Christmas and New Year, I cannot wait to get started lol.

I will also be looking for people to sponsor me and my friends please, anything from 1 euros would be wonderful.

It is not to late to register in you wish to come and join us on Wednesday, 22nd January @ 3pm in the Aloha Bar, the more the merrier and the more money will be raised for S.A.T.

Cheers and Happy New Year to Everyone
Linda x

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2014-01-12 21:48:38 UTC

Looking forward to meeting everyone this afternoon, ready to start our Healthy Eating Plan and raise money for S.A.Ts to, al the Aloha Bar, Consum Square, La Marina Urb - 3pm.


Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2014-01-22 12:02:46 UTC

Gosh I can't believe that we are on our final week of our Healthy Eating Group and I am really pleased to say it has gone very well and because of this the group want to do it all over again starting next Wednesday, 26th March.

We meet at the Aloha Restaurant/Bar in Consum Square each week, get weighed and share good healthy eating ideas and everyone is more than welcome to join us.

There is a 5 euro registration charge but then there is no weekly fee, we just have a 1 euro raffle each week where everyone brings a piece of fruit or something healthy.

If you are interested in joining us, please pop in and give Aloha your details, or email me [email protected] or just turn up at pm next Wednesday.

Many thanks

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2014-03-19 11:23:59 UTC