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non smoking

Yes you are right Carol if smoking was banned on terraces you could enjoy it smoke free,but only if it were a take away as that would put the last nail in many a bars coffin.!!!!

Utter rubbish just no proof in that one bit what so ever!!
Thats what pubs and smokers said in London
and so far away from the truth.

Its about you time you narrow minded foolish
smoking people wake up and think what
ones stupid habit is not only doing to you
but also to others.

Be great to relax and enjoy a good meal
without breathing in the ashtray even better
for the kids

Commented FOX160 in La Marina 2012-01-05 20:33:29 UTC

Well said Grant - completely agree with everything you say. When we are contemplating where to sit outside in the Summer we try to completely get away from sitting in the middle of rows of tables. We go right to the end as far away from people (in case they light up) as possible. THEN, you have to think about which way the wind is blowing - will it change direction half way through the evening. It's still a nightmare and very stressful.

Commented Carol in La Marina 2012-01-05 21:58:40 UTC

Got to disagree about the pubs in London still apparently flourishing despite the no smoking laws,just dont know which publication s you read,but the ones i see tell me the licensed victuallers association claim thousands of pubs throughout the country have closed in latter years,and they put that down to mainly but not wholly on the non smoking laws,and i donr¡t see london as being the exception.
p.s Have just checked regarding closures,although I cannot find records for only London,I have found records for the U.K.and the immediate years before non smoking pubs around 200 a year closed since then 1500 a year have closed per year or simply speaking over 700% more per year

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-01-06 08:55:53 UTC

non smoking
if you want non smoking bars and terraces why dont you lot buy one and see how long it takes you to go broke stop being so self centerd you are not the only people who have rights

Commented sallyannwheatley in La Marina 2012-01-06 09:00:05 UTC

Grant ,Sounds like all smokers should be hung drawn and quartered,perhaps a bit strong,but your opinion and you are entitled to have one.But have the the same opinion fo car drivers,surely petrol has carcinogenic properties the exhaust smell,and even worse the exhaust comes out from the bottom of cars so the first people to get the fumes are children walking along the road or being wheeled in buggies,surely you must have some thoughts on what to do with people who drive,purely for convenience and not necessity.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-01-06 09:44:33 UTC

And what about the smoke that comes out of factories that make the goods we use every day, the list could go on and on. There is a bit of a difference between car smoke and that made from cigarettes, I do not see many people putting their mouths over the end of an exhaust pipe and sucking in the poison to their lungs, no this would be regarded as STUPID would it not?

Need I say more

Commented Dave Long in Rojales 2012-01-06 09:52:09 UTC

Dave I was making a point about smoking near where people are eating and spoiling meals for other people.The point about car exhaust was they would have the same affect to people eating on terracing where cars were passing by,they produce toxins which are in the exhaust of them cars.I dont remember siding with smokers at any time,in fact i was going further by saying that car drivers should also be aware of the dangers and annoyance they may cause to other people.I also thought that grant was perhaps a little OTT on his opinion of smokers,but added then as I do with you we are all entitled to our opinions.
As for the factories,well i wont start on that just yet.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-01-06 10:37:12 UTC

I understand Alan my reply was more about opening up a topic and trying to point out that smoking was something that was not needed in our lives. I know the response from smokers is always they are free to do what they want and that they should be allowed to smoke. But should they be allowed to kill others? If I decided to shoot someone tomorrow because its my right then I would be punished for it.

Its time for smokers to grow up because its a bit of a silly thing to do.

Commented Dave Long in Rojales 2012-01-06 10:54:01 UTC