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Why has La Marina dissappeared from the drop down list?

Thought it was just me and was going mad. So pleased I am not the only one. Perhaps it's because we are such trouble makers and the powers that be have cut us off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Commented Have A Nice Day in La Marina 2013-05-31 10:16:52 UTC

Don't give me ideas, its now listed as Urb La Marina

Commented Team ASL "A Spanish Life" in La Marina 2013-05-31 12:19:42 UTC

If you can find La Marina in the drop down menu then you are better at this than I am.
I am totally uninterested in the goings on in Quesada or Torrevieja!
Please get the La Marina site up and running again!
Most people that I recognise in here are now "name in Spain" whereas they have been "name in La Marina"

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2013-05-31 18:01:13 UTC

As you say I must be better at this than you, so as per my last comment La Marina is now listed under Urb La Marina its in the drop down list.

Commented Team ASL "A Spanish Life" in La Marina 2013-05-31 18:04:56 UTC

Apologies! I was looking for La Marina, however, I see that Urb. La Marina is listed.
Nevertheless all of the history has dissappeared from the Urb. La Marina site and most of the entries are from "name" at Spain or "name" at Quesada. Is that how it is supposed to be nowadays?

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2013-06-01 06:49:41 UTC

I do not know why you have to be so big headed Steve. Not everyone is an expert on the computer and we are not expected to know when you decide to change something. SO, it's quite a sensible question from friendlyviking. Personally I thought it was ok listed under La Marina - after all that's what people would look for. They wouldn't think to have to look for urb in front of it. Well that's my opinion anyway. Have a good day everyone

Commented QueenBee in La Marina 2013-06-01 06:50:10 UTC

My comment as to "yes I must be better at this than you" was in answer to ( if you can find it then you must be better at this than I am ) so how is that big headed if I was able to find it.

As for the change in the area name on each post nothing has changed except that a post or comment has URB in front of it.

The reason for the change is so that people can find the area correctly Google have it listed as URB and not just La Marina

Commented Team ASL "A Spanish Life" in La Marina 2013-06-01 07:01:47 UTC

I can see that you are irritated but I must ask is Google responsible for the loss of all the historical postings on the La Marina or Urb. La Marina sights and if so what are they doing about getting them back on The URB LA MARINA site?

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2013-06-01 18:08:23 UTC

I am not sure what is missing, there are thousands of post on the La Marina website going back 2 years.
If you follow this like to the La Marina forum you will see they are all there

Commented Team ASL "A Spanish Life" in La Marina 2013-06-01 18:16:17 UTC

Back by popular demand LA MARINA and not URB

Commented Team ASL "A Spanish Life" in La Marina 2013-06-01 18:41:58 UTC

You could put it as " Marina - Oasis" or San Fulgencio, as that is what it is correctly. La marina is a village a couple of km´s from the Urbanization that falls under the control of Elche.

Commented zenophant in La Marina 2013-06-02 09:09:56 UTC